Chapter 5
*flash* The room exploded into a vibrant green color and, just as I had anticipated, my opponent charged me in an attempt to end it in one shot. I stood just as I had before, with my hands in my pockets, unmoving. I let him get close enough to me that he threw his punch right at me. As he did I dodged to my left leaving my right arm by his chest. I moved my right arm like I was flexing and caught his wrist on my forearm. He had excellent form, if not for on very minor mistake. His arm was straight out, and that was all I needed to defeat him. I brought my left forearm to his straightened elbow. I pulled my right forearm closer to me as I pushed out with the left.
*snap* His right forearm flew back at an unnatural angle as I broke his arm. He screamed loudly as I released him. In a fit of anger, he threw a left hook at me very clumsily. I easily dodged it and elbowed him directly in the ribs. I felt one of his rib crush under the force of my hit. He screamed again, but this time as he did, I grabbed his head and pulled it down very quickly. His nose and several of his teeth broke as I connected them to the knee I pulled up, which knocked him out. I won. I looked out at the other matches, because the walls of the arena were transparent. As I watched other people battle it out I became intrigued by one match. A woman with sandy colored hair tied back in a ponytail had already defeated her opponent by trapping him by the arm on the floor however, unlike me, she appeared to have no intention of ending it quickly. She appeared to be breaking each of his fingers very slowly. She was torturing the man before she killed him. Then, without warning, she stomped on his throat, killing him. As she turned around she looked directly at me and we had a stare off, neither of us breaking the serious look we had. She had beautiful forest green eyes and was overall quite attractive. I didn't even realize every match had ended until I was teleported back to the hall I was in before. I looked down and saw that my number was still 128 but the number if people in the room was significantly smaller.
"Congratulations, you have won the first round, do not think highly of yourself for there are still six more rounds to get through. You shall all return in one week to face off against a new competitor. Are there any questions?" I thought for a moment before putting my hand up.
"Yes, number 128" he called.
"What happens if you lose?" I asked
"If you lose, you shall be teleported back to the place you agreed to the deal and will be forced to commit suicide again." A collective gasp resonated through the crowd followed by murmuring.
"And exactly why did you not think to tell us?" I asked.
"None of you ever thought to ask, and did you honestly think I would let you stay alive once you lost, after all, there must be a winner, and everyone would be a winner if they were given a new chance at life." He replied.
"Fine, it's not exactly like I can back out, even if I wanted to." I replied.
"Good, now I will see you all next week. Have a good week!" He exclaimed. My body started glowing blue again as did The Silent City. I looked over to see the the woman from before staring at me again, and somehow felt that she would find me before the week was out. As I reappeared at the top of the building I felt the rush leave me again. I sighed and looked down one last time at the people living out their normal lives, and began my long trek down the stairs of the building.
~The Next Morning~
As I walked to work, like I did every morning, I passed the building I had been standing on and memories of a body laying on a taxi cab and my fight the night before rushed back into my head. Not to mention a very peculiar and sadistic sandy haired woman. He could tell that she was going to find him but that was the last thing he wanted and he would be sure to take steps to prevent it. As he walked into his workplace he was greeted as usual by his coworkers.
"Hey, Randall. I thought we were going to meet up at the bar last night, man. Where were you?" His best friend Jeff asked. I decided to throw several puns in my response.
"My entertainment fell through the roof, so I was left to ponder on the secrets of the universe." I replied
"Ok... I don't know what that means but, ok." He said confused.
"Just go with it." I said.
"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your pondering then." He said and walked off.
It continued like this for the rest of the week until the day came when I had to go back. It was a warm morning but I wore my brown leather coat anyway. While walking I got the feeling someone was following me. I decided to check but knew I couldn't just look behind me. I stopped by a bus stop and looked at the glass, pretending that I was checking out my appearance. While pretending I glanced at the crowd behind me and almost paled at what I saw. About 20 yards behind me was a woman with sandy hair, a ponytail, and forest green eyes. I made sure not to react. I continued walking eventually taking a wrong turn on purpose to see if she would follow me. I figured she would but wouldn't hurt me considering the rules but I could never be too sure. Just in case I was ready to pull out my Desert Eagle, after all there's no such thing as too careful.