Chapter 6
I sat for a moment, waiting, watching. She did not turn down the alley I had nor had she walked past with the crowd. 'She must be hiding right around the corner in case i might lead her into a trap, she's quite clever.' I thought. I saw her eye peek around the corner to check where I was. She stepped out into the middle of the alleyway and started to slowly walk down it. She was wearing a camo hoodie and cargo pants with black tennis shoes on.
"You can come out now. I'm not here to hurt you." She called out. Of course I didn't, seeing as I couldn't trust her yet. I grabbed my Desert Eagle out of its holster and held it at ready. Once she was close enough I leapt out and put my gun to her temple.
"Make a move, I dare you." I whispered to her.
"Oh please, I know you wouldn't kill me. If you did you would suffer eternally." She said with confidence.
"Try me", I said,"after all, I would die taking out another person, which would make someone else's life easier. Who are you?"
"I'm number 37. Please, just hear me out." She said. She had a British accent.
"Fine, say what you will. I may listen, but I won't put away my gun." I replied.
"I want to form an alliance", she told me,"the demon said that we couldn't attack the other people in the game. He never said we couldn't attack people outside of the game. There are people in this that would kidnap your family and force you to kill another of the chanced, that's what we're calling ourselves, so that they can take out two of us at once. Trust me, I've already seen it happen. Plus I know if we ever get stuck in a fight together that I'll have someone who can fight on par with me."
"Sounds like a plan.", I said putting away my gun,"especially since it means I don't have to fight you. You're the most brutal person I've ever met."
"I might be more brutal, but you're a better fighter than me."
"In what way am I a better fighter than you?" I asked.
"I watched you before the fight started. You assessed your opponent and his weapon in five seconds, then you just relaxed and waited for the timer to hit zero. I had no clue how to deal with my opponent. I only knew that he used a sword. All I could do was knock his sword away when he swung at me. I had no idea how he would swing or what he was going to do before he did it. I was so angry that he tried to kill me, despite knowing what I was getting into, that I decided to torture him." She explained to me.
"You know, you may have been able to check him easier if you weren't so busy watching me." I told her.
"Yeah but it's harder than you would think. After all, your composure changed several times in ten seconds. You went from serious to ready to observant to confident to relaxed in ten seconds. It was quite amazing." She complimented.
"So, number 37, can I go to work now?" I asked.
"Oh right, sorry, carry on then, see you tonight." She said as she turned around and walked off.
"Yeah, see ya." I said. 'What an interesting woman.' I thought.
"Oh, I almost forgot!" She yelled as she ran back. As she reached me she held out her hand for me to take. As I did so, our grasped hands started glowing.
"Choose a symbol to represent our alliance", she told me,"make it something that demonstrates power on both ends of the deal." Once I chose, our hands stopped glowing to reveal a Celtic symbol etched into both of our hands (check the new cover picture).
"Good choice." She said as she walked off again.
"See ya around." I said as I rejoined the crowed on the street.