The Potter house was empty. No one stirred except, giving the house an ominous feel. You would think no was home, it was so quiet...except for a sound coming from up the stairs.
Loud sobs could be heard from Sirius Potter's bedroom.
The short redhead had been waiting by his window all day, waiting. Waiting for his long awaited letter to come. He felt he could run to London and back when he heard pecking on the glass.
The eleven year old beamed, opening the window pane and taking two letters from the grey owl. He thanked it before it flew away.
He ripped open the letter with the Hogwarts seal on the back. Sirius grinned wildly as he read the letter. He would finally be going to Hogwarts. After eleven years of waiting, he would finally be going to the best school in the world just like his...
"NO!" Sirius shrieked. His grin faded quickly from his face and tears started to trickle down his cheeks. One moment everything was going his way and then the next...
He punched the side of his bed over and over. His fiery anger was slowly replaced by more tears and his punching soon came to a stop. His fell to the floor before letting out a guttural scream.
This couldn't be happening...on the best day of his life.
This had to be joke.
This had to be a sick joke that Ginny and Molly conjured up.
They would come to the door any moment now. "It's a joke, Sirius!" They would say. "It's all a prank!" They would say. Sirius would get angry at them, but never for long. He would laugh alongside the two.
The twins would get tea and biscuits and Sirius would tell them he had gotten his letter. They would slap him on the back, congratulating him. They would sneak him out to Diagon Alley and he would get his own pet owl and his own wand and everything he had ever dreamed of.
He would go to Hogwarts and get sorted into Gryffindor. Oh his parents would be so proud of him to be in Gryffindor. They would send him a long letter of congratulations and even buy him his own broom.
He would make lots of friends and get Outstandings in all his classes.
Sirius closed the piece of paper in his fist before blinking away his tears so he could read the second letter once more.
Dear Mr. Potter,
It is with a heavy heart that I must inform you that your father, Finn Regulus Potter, passed away at 8:00 this morning. Your mother accompanied him to St. Mungo's after an attack at Gringott's bank, but he soon after died from injuries. You will be transferred to your Aunt and Uncle's house, Cedric and Aurora Bell, while your mother attends her needed meetings at the ministry.
-Minister of Magic, Kingsley Shacklebolt
He let out another scream and threw the paper onto the floor, running downstairs. He turned the corner just as someone had walked out of the fireplace.
"IT'S NOT TRUE!" he screamed, leaping onto whoever had just arrived. "TELL ME IT ISN'T TRUE! TELL ME! TELL ME! TELL ME!"
"Sirius, calm down," a stern voice told him. It was his Aunt Aurora.
The red-headed boy let go of her and in a blind rage, threw a punch at her arm. She flicked her wand and Sirius's body went stiff. "No need for any of that, dear."
Tears streaked his cheeks as he fell stiffly onto the couch behind him. Aurora flicked her wand again, relieving the prettifying curse she had cast.
"It's not true. It's a joke, right?" He whispered, looking up at the raven-haired woman in front of him. His green eyes glistened sadly and his chest heaved with cries wanting to escape from his mouth.
Aurora turned around, hiding her pained expression. "I'm afraid not, dear." She held out her hand without turning. "Come, we must go."
He hesitated, not wanting to leave in case his father walked through the door. In case he came home, wondering why no one was there. In case he was alive...
Sirius clasped his sweaty hand in his Aunt's and they flooed out of the house, arriving at Grimmauld Place soon after. Sirius patted down his clothes, stepping out of the fireplace. Two sets of arms embraced him tightly.
"We're so sorry, Sirius," Ginny whispered.
"I wish we could help," Molly murmured into his ear. Sirius allowed himself a small smile as he gently pushed the pair of black-haired twins off him.
"Are you okay?" They asked simultaneously.
"I' fine as I can be," he answered.
Two pairs of blue eyes stared at him, as if searching for a lie, before turning with one last glance and heading into the kitchen. Hushed voices could be heard from where the twins disappeared.
Seeing other people was the last thing the messy-haired boy wanted, so he walked up the creaking stairs. Ignoring the covered frame of Old Mrs. Black, Sirius walked into the empty room he usually stayed in.
He closed the door behind him and flopped onto the bed, tears welcoming him once more. He jumped onto the bed, burying his face in the blankets.
After several heartbeats, the elven-year-old-boy lifted his head, rubbing his eyes once more. He slid off the bed and onto the hardwood floor. When he was little he would always look at the various boxes underneath the bed and their contents. He wasn't sure who the previous owner was since the writing on the boxes was faded, but he liked to look in them non-the-less.
Sirius hoped that doing this would help keep his mind off the subject. The small boy pressed his body to the floor and grabbed the first box he saw. It seemed to be one he hadn't opened before since the sticking charm hadn't been broke yet. He unfolded the lid and peered into it.
He sighed. Just clothes. Old t-shirts. He lifted one of them out of the box. It had a worn print on the front reading "Led Zeppelin" on the front. He arched a brow before taking out more of them. They all had weird logos on them.
After he had taken out all of the shirts, he spotted a picture at the bottom. He picked it up, studying it. It had four teenagers, maybe sixteen or seventeen, arms around each other and big grins on their faces.
As the picture moved, the tallest one would almost trip over as the shorter one next to him caught him by the hand and then they would all laugh. Sirius smiled at the photo, turning it around in his hands. On the back it had a faded out date and big letters spelling out something he couldn't make out.
Sirius set down the picture on his desk. He picked up one of the shirts over his own. It was way to big for his thin frame, but it put a smile on his face, almost letting himself forget about his father.
A/N: Crying? Oh no, I'm not crying. My eyes are just sweating from their sick workout. Anyways I'm hope you guys liked this chapter. Sirius is my favorite so far and I can't wait to develop his character.
Anywaaays I'm definitely not crying while listening to the Gravity Falls soundtrack. Mhmm, definitely not. Oh? No one asked me? Good. Y'all have a great rest of your day...or if it's in the middle of the night...then get some damn sleep (jk, sleep is for the weak) Love y'all! <3
-Hugs and butterfly kisses, Lord of Potatoes
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