I havent written an uodate in a while... smooth Crimson.
Anyways. I guess I will talk about anything right now.
Actually the past week I will talk about. Because why not?
so last monday the week started off well honestly. It was a blue day which is all my electives. (Theater. Art. Music.) And tuesday was fine as well. It was a red day tho- but I seem to be liking my red days more and more.
Anyways. Wednesday I was okay. Some small mood shifts here and there but nothing too serious.
Wednesday night tho. I felt like absolute shit. Like it wasnt worth going to school or talking to anyone. Thursday I avoided everyone. Including my bf and damn did I not feel great for that but I knew any interactions with anyone during that time and I would juat snap.
I still felt the same way friday and again I avoided everyone I could outside of class. In class I had to suck it up and go.
The one person I kept constant- like throughout class and when I was hiding during lunch- besides my bff jellyfish- was hailey.
Damn. I love her. I really do. In a platonic way of course. She is amazing and funny and I really love talking with her bc it is so freaking easy. Especially when we do phone calls bc lets be honest i hate phone calls bc they r awkward and I cant talk over them apparently. But I love her voice so much.
Im so glad we r gonna be room mates when I get back to the states and go to college. I cant wait.