Did you ever get lost?
haha, yes actually. I went hiking with family and friends and it was amazing...
except for when i got lost and then I broke down in the middle of the forest and cried out for help for twenty minutes.
anyways we went hiking and considering i'm rather in shape i was able to keep up with the front of the group- so anyways i'm keeping up and on the way up it was rather easy. I'm sweating horribly but i am terribly happy and honestly i feel so in shape.
ON the way down it's when it all... went downhill. haha (badum psst)
so we're going down and the other guys are RUNNING down the hill and I've decided that I mam not going to run because i don't trust myself. so i'm eventually by myself descending down the ill- and I lose track of the trail. so i went off the trail (bc the trail is NOT MARKED WELL) and well after about five minutes, i realize.
I'm lost as fuck. My throat burns and my eyes are starting to tear up and I finally call out- voice cracking as I nearly burst into tears. after about screaming out names and for help and nearly getting lost even further my mom finally calls out and oh damn i am so relieved I let out a sob of relief (i had actually been crying this whole time) and i race towards my moms voice.
I still remember running into three spiderwebs at the time. *silent screaming*