Things you've done that you previously thought you could never do.
Ha! Isn't that a lot of things! I guess I'll start with the biggest ones, the ones that impact my life THE MOST as of right now.
I can write!! I mean, I've been writing ever since fifth grade (but it was fifth grade writing you know? It's the I-look-back-now-and-cringe-horribly writing...) and it has improved a crap ton, thankfully.
I still remember the first piece of work I've ever written. It was a short wanna be fanfiction that had a ton of grammar mistakes and didn't make sense. That was two years ago. I went back a few months ago and looked it over, and completely did a re-vamp!
Next year I'm going to do another re-vamp, and I'll keep doing that until I can't. If I reach that point, then that means I'm either getting worse or I've reached the best of my abilities.
It's odd, ya know? I mean, I'm going to keep going back and re-vamping that chapter, and I sadly don't even have the original ;u; but that's okay. Anyways, back on track. I'm going to keep going back and making it better and better and only with that work because that was the first work I've written for my own satisfaction. So that I could feel better. SO that I could say "I wrote that!" And be happy about it. Essays don't count, and works I've written can count but eh, normally I censor them or write them in a roundabout way so I don't actually reveal what I wanted to write about, but I got to write about it :P
The second thing that I can do now that I couldn't do before: Play violin!!
I've been playing for several years now and I have to say, I AM good. (it seems to be the things I enjoy doing or can do I tend to be really good at it. I haven't been acting for long, but I am good at that) I enjoy playing violin like crazy. It's a personal outlet and helps relieve stress and anxiety (so does writing) and not to mention, I make modern songs sound good!! I can also play a bunch of classical music too, don't worry. But I really enjoy playing violin because usually when I play it's how I interpret the song. Every note I play I've gone over and decided whether or not I approve of it, not to mention if it's correct or not.
I've recently dabbled into improvising (when my music teacher first introduced it to me my god no I absolutely refused to improvise so my teacher eventually gave up on me.) Then one day I offered to improvise and she really enjoyed that I took a creative risk, and so do I. I still get wicked nervous and everything, but you know, it's okay. If you mess up while improvising, no one can know unless you show it, right? :D
I am also very good at acting (I think). Once I connect with the character I make it MINE. As in "this is how I interpret the character and this is how I will portray it" sort of thing. In theater class we're devising our own play, and the group I'm working with is very interesting. We're showing two forms of addiction, and I am playing the physical addiction. The addiction I struggle with is Heroine. The other person who has an addiction is more of a physiological addiction really. He portrays a stalker, so more of a love addiction.
But yea!!! That's a lot about more, and I should post tomorrow (most likely a yayay my grades r good or fuck im dead )