"Hey. I know it's been a while, but how're you doing? I'm just curious. Ok, well, have a great day" I say via a message on social media to about 23 people. With no immediate replies I decide to continue on with my day. Luckily, after only four days’ time, I received something. Sadly, only one person had responded, but it was someone that I had more in common with than others. "I am fine, just busy and tired with college. It's surprising that you are reaching out suddenly but whatever. How're you doing?" Is what this lady was saying to cause my smile. I shouted out in joy before replying "I am still alive so I guess you could say that I'm ok. I know it is surprising, but I desperately needed a friend. I am currently overseas in the middle of the war and I am only allowed so much free time. So, to make things better, I reached out to you. I hope this doesn't scare you off.". It doesn't scare her off, and in fact, we end up talking a lot more than intended. She ends up missing some classes, and in return I miss some chances to sleep. I make fun of her by calling her a lazy misfit for missing class, but I can't help but feel joy at the chance of talking to her. We were thrown for a loop a month or two after reconnecting. In the middle of a video chat of this website, I was attacked. This caused me to cut the video but not quick enough. On her end, she heard some alarms, some commotion, and then an explosion before losing the feed. Two days pass with her waiting impatiently and checking often to see if I was around to talk. Finally, I was able to pop back on and ease her fear. "Sorry, between the MRE (meal ready to eat) causing me to explode, and the contractors not wanting to work quickly (you Know how lazy they are), I didn't have access to this wireless talking technology." This, although pained from worry, causes her to giggle. It warmed my heart in these needed times to hear her giggle. After about six months, I finally am headed home. After about a month of trying to adjust, and thankfully still talking, we decide to get together for lunch someday. This lunch was by-far one of the best ones I could have. It’s easy for me to say, and given what she stuck through, it was love at first sight. After doing this several times, I am able to convince her to meet my family and I felt it went great. Shortly after returning home and readjusting, I hurt everyone by leaving again but for Afghanistan. This deployment, with contact with her, went surprisingly well. Even my stay in a hospital for my lungs (a whole another story), was easier. After making it home and going through my readjustment, we end up doing our lunches again. After a couple of months of meeting up and hanging out, I finally break down and make the commitment. After a movie, and then a dinner together, I stopped her in the parking lot. Looking deep into her beautiful eyes, I unloaded my heart to her, asking her to be my love. She responded with, "what took you so long?". Four years go by with dealing with this type of comeback to my comments. We eventually move in together and even move across the country together. She stuck by me in times we thought I'd die and in turn, I gave her my soul. I asked her to marry me and shortly after she proved her loyalty till death due us part, we finally tied the knot. Quite the knot too considering how our relationship was. I constantly made jokes about how everything was her fault (because I did everything for her) or about how war, or almost dying, was easier than being married to her. She would always make people giggle in public by telling them that they were not prepared for me, or to tell me to be nice in front of everyone causing me to shut up. She was the peanut butter to my jelly and we made the best sandwich.
This is based loosely on the real story of how God put the most wonderful woman in my pathway. While smiling from reading this, make sure to give thanks for what he has given you and for what he plans next.