I blink. My mouth agape unable, to believe what is happening. All I see is the stuff of nightmares. A stranger is holding a gun to my wife. I can't tell who they are, or even their gender, but this doesn't ease my fear. The gunman witnesses that I am finally awake and in a calm manor, demands my money. I look between him and my wife and beg him to leave her alone and I'll give him anything he asks for. He pushes his gun closer to her face causing her to cry louder. He smiles and proceeds to tell me to get my money. I grimace, on the verge of tears. I nod my head telling him about a small safe on the floor with my end table. He tells me to get down and open it or he'll shoot her. I nod and proceed with my task. He hears some clanking, clicking noise and I hurry to tell him that it was just the safe. The next couple of minutes happened in the blink of an eye. Some noise come from outside causing his attention to draw to the window. This causes me to stand up and shoot him with the gun I had been intending to mask as a safe. After being hit in the chest, he begins to fall, but not before trying to ruin my life. He squeezes his trigger and my vison goes a dark red. Sitting in the hospital, I couldn't help but think about how I was now a killer. This, however, was not the biggest issue at the moment. A doctor comes out asking for me and I rush to him. "How is she?" I demand of him while trying to not make a scene. Luckily, he then tells me about how the bullet missed anything vital and they were able to get it. I was then allowed to see my wife. I rush to her side, trying not to cry too much. She touches my cheek, smiles, and asks how I am doing. I proceed to unload on her. Not only am I now technically a killer, I was grateful for her safety. I fall to my knees in prayer not paying attention to anything else. I finish and open my eyes to a confusing sight. I am in my room. I shift and notice my wife next to me. I can't help but think "Did I dream all of that? What is going on?". Just to make sure and 'knock on wood', I go check if my doors are locked. I discover they are not and angerly, I lock them and go to my security camera monitor to check. I discover a strange figure on my porch inspecting my door. I immediately call 911 and within minutes they come screeching in. Tackling the man and arresting him, they start explaining everything to me. They are even going to station an officer here for the night to make sure he doesn't have any help. Thanking him, and calming down my wife, I drop to my knees and pray more than I ever had before. I thank him for showing me the threat and helping me to overcome it. Then a wave of peace overcomes me causing me to finally fall asleep holding my wife.
The lord is amazing. Sometimes you need to simply open your eyes to what he is trying to show you.