"I write this to remind you of one key fact. Our lord rebuked the storm. He calmed it stopping the flooding and he will do the same for the storm you are experiencing. I know your potato brain doesn't remember much so I’m am leaving this, so it has the reminder. You remember being scared of rain because you were afraid you were going to flood again? You remember how the storm just suddenly stopped? Keep in mind, he has pulled you through your housing situation. He has found you a new house close to his own and has watched over your process. He has been with you through everything and will continue. You know, I know. You remember the dark time that you refer to as the job that must not be mentioned? You remember how you almost sinned and even did so in front of your wife. Well what did he do? Do you remember the all-consuming peace he gave you from that, and the learning experience? I don't know what you are going through right now but just keep the faith. Our father has brought you through the hell-storm of life and he will continue to do so. You were told you were technically dead several times and were broken so much that people don't even understand how you're alive. He used and awful lot of duct tape and super glue to keep you going, so you think he is going to let you go now? Just remember all that you've come through thanks to his influence and know that you will continue to push forward. The hulk has nothing on you. Joshua just be strong to inspire others. Be strong, if not for yourself than for your wife. His strength will help you. Just trust him cause even now, I write this letter with tears in my eyes. That’s why the paper is wet. I may have tears, but I know he will boot my butt forward, so I am able to continue even now.". I go to continue to read but it trails off like something happened. The strangest thing was that it was dated and signed by me. Two years ago, as a 'Disciple Dablage' which is an easy way to know it was really me. I just don't remember writing it but even as I consider this, I think of the words. I instantly turn to prayer and a ridiculously strong peace overcomes me. I didn't think I’d be able to be at peace during the death of my friend, but I was. Old Joshua really had a good point. Trust in my God was my strength and was all I needed. I jump up in a hero pose, scaring my wife, and proclaim "I am the new hulk".