Kat302Please respect copyright.PENANAcSSVCrim7k
Date Unknown
My eyes strain to find something familiar, but all I see is blackness. Just nothingness everywhere. I can't remember it ever being so dark.
It's playing tricks on my eyes, making me see things that aren't there, like an oasis in a desert. Except my eyes are conjuring up everyday items that they should be seeing, like walls and ceilings. Then they vanish and I'm left alone with absolutely nothing.
Where am I?
Am I dead?
Well, this seems a little too dark to be Heaven, maybe Dad was right and I went to Hell.
Hell smells a lot like a musty old basement. I try to ignore the smell of blood, but it's difficult. Is it mine? Did someone die here?
Well, maybe it is Hell.
I get the feeling that I'm being watched, but that seems impossible given the current light situation. Maybe it's the Devil.
I wonder if Satan can see in the dark? Was that mentioned in the Bible somewhere? I feel like that should have been covered in at least one Sunday School class.
I'm surrounded by silence. If someone is here, they aren't making a sound. It certainly feels like I am all alone, though. That thought is both comforting and terrifying.
What happened? How did I get here? I remember telling Vanessa about the note. And Ben showing up, even though I wasn't supposed to see him.
Oh god. Did they get him too? Please let him be okay.
Ouch. Why does my head hurt so much? I try to reach up and feel it, but I can't.
Why can't I move? Oh no, am I paralyzed? What can I do if I can't walk? How will I ever be able to escape? Will I ever see Ben again? Or my sister?
What if I don't get out? 302Please respect copyright.PENANABtzZ55v8Lw
What if I die here?
I hear a groan next to me and nearly jump out of my skin.
Something clanging keeps me from fleeing. Are those chains?
Why am I chained up? Oh god, I really am going to die. There's no way out of this. Someone wants me dead.
Well, on the plus side, at least I know I'm not paralyzed, so if given the chance, I am capable of fleeing. Although the odds of that chance are greatly reduced by these incredibly uncomfortable chains.
Everything hurts. How long was I sleeping on this concrete floor? How long have I been here?
Okay, I need to focus. Any clues could help. I need to figure out where I am. That's what they always do in movies, right? Figure out where they are and then how to get out comes easily.
Okay, focus. One step at a time.
My ears are in high alert, listening for any little sound as my eyes strain for any sign of light, but I'm left with nothing but the sound of my own breathing.
It's like the room is sealed off from everything. There are no sounds from the road, no appliances or heating running, not even a clock ticking.
I can faintly hear something that I can't quite make out. It sounds like someone is breathing softly but it's strange, not quite right. I'm guessing it's whatever groaned earlier, but what on earth are they doing?
Are they in pain? Could they be dying next to me without even knowing I'm here?
"Hello?" I keep my voice as soft as possible, afraid I could very well be speaking to my captor.
Oh crap. What if it's a zombie? I can't fight it off while I'm chained up.
I hear a gasp and a sniffle. "Who's there?" Sniffle, sniffle.
Zombies don't talk, do they?
Well, I know they definitely don't cry, which I'm pretty sure I just heard them doing. I wonder how long they've been here.
"Uh... I'm Kat? Who are you?" It can't be my captor then, can it? Wouldn't they know my name? Or maybe they grabbed me randomly?
Oh crap. Is this going to be like Saw? Are we going to be put through crazy tests and find out in the end the killer was laying in the room with us the whole time?
Oh God, I really hope it's not that.
"You have got to be shitting me." Why does that voice sound familiar? I can't quite place it. It's slightly annoying and grating on my nerves for some reason. Who could it be?
"I am not shitting you." I scoff, it seems like they know who I am. "Why, who are you?"
"What? You really don't know?" She genuinely sounds offended and I feel a little guilty for not knowing. Just a little.
I can't be expected to recognize everyone just by the sound of their voice. They obviously didn't recognize me by mine. Even close friends would struggle with this, right?
Oh no. Could it be one of my friends? This really better not be some freaky Saw crap, because there's no way I'm killing them. I'll just have to die.
"No. How can I tell from just a disembodied voice in the dark?" I'm starting to feel agitated, but I'm not sure why.
Her only response is silence. Real mature.
I know they probably wouldn't tell me, but I decide to try anyway. "Did you kidnap me?"
She laughs, but it's dry and scratchy. I feel like I should offer her water, but I don't have any and I might be more likely to throw it in her face before this is all over. "Oh god, I wish this was me. No, I'm trapped here, just like you, idiot. You really think if I orchestrated all this, I'd be laying on the concrete with you?"
Maybe she has a point though... but for all I know, she's laying on a bed, only pretending to rattle chains. How would I know in this darkness?
"Okay, then who are you?" Wait. Why does she wish it was her? Should I be offended?
"I think it would be more fun if you guess." Is she serious right now?
"Just tell me." I hope my voice shows that I am really not in the mood for these childish games.
"Oh come on." She whines. "I've been here for what feels like weeks. I am insanely bored."
I don't have the patience for the guessing game. I need real answers. "Well, whoever you are, do you know where we are?"
"Not a clue." She sounds nonchalant, but I can still hear her sniffling from crying earlier. I know this is getting to her, whoever she is.
I sigh. "Okay, fine. I give up. Who are you?"
"Sam, you idiot." I don't know any Sam's. How could I be expected to recognize someone I don't know?
"Sam, who?" I'm at a total loss.
"Ugh! Fine." She huffs. "Ben sometimes calls me Samantha. Better?"
"Wait... what?" My brain is reeling. I was not expecting it to be her, but suddenly it all makes sense. I knew I recognized her voice. "Why are you here?"
"Oh gee. I haven't asked that question before. Man, I wish I had thought of it. So glad you're here now." I hear her chains rattling which I assume means she's trying to flail her arms around dramatically, but failing.
"Okay, one, that attitude is not helping." I count with my fingers, even though I know she can't see them. "And two, you've talked to whoever is keeping us?"
"Not exactly." I hear her chains shifting around, but she doesn't elaborate any further.
"What do you mean? How do you not exactly speak to someone?" I struggle to hide my annoyance. Out of everyone in the world, why did it have to be her?
"I meant what I said. Now leave me alone, I'm going back to my favorite pastime. Thinking of ways to murder you." Well, I guess I know how she would handle a "Saw" situation.
This is so not how I saw my reunion with Ben going. I imagined a bit more kissing, a little less chains and absolutely 100% no Samantha's.
Oh, and no looming death.