"She's about to be your step sister, Alex. You can't be that stupid yo." Jay exclaimed. "Not for eight months." I argued. "Your sick." Jay laughed. "It's not like she's blood or anything. I think I'm attracted to her." I sighed. "You think she'll feel the same?" Jay questioned me. I shrugged and went back to the cheeseburger I was eating.
It was Monday and we were all back at school. Carl and Greg went to help Aubrey get her books and locker information for the school year.
Jay was right about me possibly starting to like Aubrey. We were living in the same household and how would my father react to this? Michelle would probably leave and take Aubrey with her back to Vermont. Maybe I should just try to stay away from Aubrey.
"Hey, I got you some Watermelon sour patches since you really liked mine last night." Aubrey laughed, handing me a small Baggie filled with candy. She was referring to when we were watching a movie yesterday in the entertainment room and everything I had, she wanted and everything she had, I wanted. It was actually funny. We ended up trading snacks.
"Oh wow. You didn't have to buy these." I replied, opening up the bag and taking a piece of candy out. "It's cool. It was only three dollars." She shrugged. Aubrey actually looked really pretty today. She wore a pink and grey striped skater dress, white converse, and carried a black shimmering backpack. She had her hair up in a ponytail with pearls in her ear.
"My dad wants me to go to the grocery store after school to pick up food for the house. You coming?" I asked her. Aubrey nodded.
I say in my last period class thinking about Aubrey. What if she really was super straight? She did come from a catholic school.. What if she was already with someone? A boyfriend? She probably loved him if she did have one.
After school, I waited for Aubrey outside her math class. A few girls winked and licked their lips at me but I payed them no mind. I was waiting for Aubrey.
"Everything in California is so glossy and clean." Aubrey said in awe, sticking her head out of the window as I drove to the market. "You've only seen this side of California. There are some not so clean parts around." I commented. "Oh, whatever. I highly doubt it but okay." She huffed, plopping down in the seat.
My father never brought processed foods so we always went to the farmers market. He would usually get a few fruits and a bunch of vegetables. With those, he'd buy turkey legs and organic steak. As well as gallons of water and bread thins. At first, I couldn't take the idea of literally eating raw food but as I grew up, my body and tongue developed a tolerance for it. It wasn't too bad anymore.
"Your father must really be a health navigator." Aubrey stated, examine everything I placed inside the cart. "Trust me, he is." I responded, lugging the cart to another aisle. "You always do the food shopping?" She questioned me. "No. The maid usually does it." I scoffed.
Aubrey and I spent the rest of the food shopping talking about school and her life in Vermont.
Apparently, Aubrey had nothing but white friends and some meat head of a boyfriend named Mike. He played lacrosse and they were absolutely in love. Great. My ears closed after she released that part about her life.
By the time we got back home it was almost seven. Before we went home, I bought us vanilla ice cream cones with sprinkles since it was hot out and two hours grocery shopping can have a toll on you.
As I pulled into the garage, my father and Michelle sat on a lounge chairs in the front yard sipping what I guessed what was piña coladas.
Once they heard me kill the engine, they hopped out of their seats and quickly ran over to the car. My father was the first to speak. "I am starving. Where have you been? It doesn't take five hours to get a few groceries." He exclaimed. "I took Aubrey with me. We got ice cream after. Relax, dad." I tried to calm him down. My father took a deep breath and released it. He took a look at Aubry and nodded in understandment.
"I'm glad your here now. Michelle is going to cook so go clean yourself up." He stated, turning on his heels and making his way inside the house.
Once my father left, Michelle burst into laughter. "Your father is hilarious when he's hungry." She said through giggles. "I know. It's like he can't think. Sometimes I think he should just eat a snicker and relax." I replied, laughing. Aubrey grinned and reached into the car to get her backpack. "What are you making?" I questioned Michelle as I helped her carry the bags inside. "Grilled chicken tacos. Aubrey loves it and I know she's having a hard time adjusting to not being home." She said lowly. "Really?" I questioned. It didn't seem like it. "Yes. If there's one thing I did learn and master from watching her actions, she hides her feelings very well." Michelle replied.
Maybe Aubrey felt something for me too. From what Michelle told me, Aubrey could definitely possibly be with a girl. And I was going to be her first.
After dinner, I sat in my room thinking about my first girlfriend and how I broke her heart. It was in eighth ninth grade and we were together for a year. But after a while, I got bored. We always went to the movies, chilled in my room, and just pecked each other's lips. No making out, nothing was ever spontaneous. So, I cheated on her with her best friend- the girl I should have been with from the beginning. She had way more experience with girls and I learned a lot from her.
I knew how to treat Aubrey. I just had to get her to warm up to me.