My day was ruined. Due to the simple fact that I had gotten turned down. Never ever in my life had a girl denied me. Not even straight girls passed me up. Did I not look good enough today? Hell, I looked good everyday. What was wrong with this Aubrey chick?
My mind contemplated trying harder. She probably had someone already. Probably some meat head boyfriend who consumed her time. Even if she did, I had come to the conclusion that I was going to take her away from whoever she was with.
When schooled ended, I decided to stay longer and shoot hoops with my homies in the gym. No one ever really stayed late so the gym was almost always open and had a rack full of basketballs for us to use.
"Alex got denied?" Greg questioned with his eyebrows raised. "Yup. Flat out cancelled. She asked for her number and ole girl was like "straight."" Jay said in a girly voice, mimicking this afternoons latest events. "Yo, whatever. I'll get her." I smacked my lips, shooting a three. "Yeah okay. You might actually fail at this one." Carl said, laughing.
I arrived home three hours later to find a bunch of suitcases in the foyer and my father nowhere in sight. The maid informed me that he went out with his fiancé and they would be back later. I watched her drag a few of the bags upstairs as I followed behind her and made my way to my room.
The only thing I wanted to do was take a nice warm shower and hop in bed for a nap. Stripping out of my clothes and wrapping a towel around my body, I jogged to the bathroom and hopped in the shower.
After changing into a pair of basketball shorts and a wife beater, I went back to the bathroom is rinse my face. "What the?" I asked myself, examining a bunch of feminine products that now sat nicely on the bathroom counter.
My eyes traveled to the other side of the bathroom. Which was the door that led to the guest room. Had my soon to be step sister moved in? Time to find out.
I jiggled the door knob and pulled the door open. Imagine my shocked face when I realized it was the same girl that I tried to get with from school. "You can't be serious." She scoffed, looking up from the book she was reading. "Oh this is surely serious. Your mom is Michelle?" I questioned, rolling my eyes. "Yeah. What about her?" She asked, with an attitude. "Nothing. Welcome to my humble abode." I said sarcastically.
After slamming the bathroom doors shut, and locking mine, I pulled out my cellphone to text my homies and let them know what was going on. Not wanting to think much about the news I had just became aware of, I shut my phone off and for under my covers to take a nap.
A knocking on my door woke me up from my nap. I had been sleep for three hours because it was now eight. I'm guessing it was time for dinner.
"Alexis, come downstairs to the dining room. I want you to meet Michelle and her daughter." My father said behind the door. "Coming." I yelled, climbing out of my bed. I pulled my hair up into a ponytail and slid my feet into my Adidas slipper. I was so not feeling this.
At the table was a large chicken and a bowl full of salad. Because my father had an appearance to keep up, we never had any foods containing fat, carbs, or sugar. We always drank protein shakes and water. Nothing else.
"So, Aubrey. How was your first day? You get around okay?" My father asked Michelle's daughter. "Yeah, it was cool I guess." She replied with a soft voice, pushing a piece of chicken around on her plate. "Great. Did you happen to see Alexis at all? She's should have a few classes with you." My father said, pointing in my direction. "No, I didn't actually. I kind of kept to myself today." She answered, sweetly.
"I'm actually very happy to be here. Aubrey and I have never really had a family of our own." Michelle giggled. "We're happy to have you here, baby." My father smiled, bring her hand to his face to kiss it. This woman actually wasn't too bad. She was very pretty, but didn't really resemble Aubrey that much. Maybe the same hair and eyes but that was it. Aubrey must have look a lot like her father.
An hour and a half later, the fun was over. Michelle and my father put the left overs into containers and left Aubrey and I alone to do the dishes.
My father had told me to show Aubrey around this weekend and honestly, I kind of didn't want to. She was off limits and it didn't really interest me to have her around. But because I'd have to learn to live with her eventually, I figured "why not?"
"I really hope your not weirded out or anything." I attempted to spark a conversation. Aubrey turned around and laughed. "What?" She questioned me, confused. "About what happened at lunch earlier. Thanks for not saying anything at the table." I replied. Aubrey shrugged and flashed a smile. "It's cool."
"My friends and I are going to the mall and to get breakfast tomorrow morning. You should come." I suggested. "Do I have a choice?" She joked. "Eh. Yeah, not really." I laughed. "I'll go but I have to tell you, I'm really not a morning person." She stated. "Me either but it will be fun. I promise. The breakfast place we go to on Saturdays has the best waffles. You'll definitely want to be there to try it. And we're going to the mall. You don't like new clothes?" I questioned her. "I do, I do." She thought out loud. "Good. So stop complaining and be ready by nine."
We put the rest of the dishes in the dishwasher and called it a night.