"Here I am. Facing a dragon while trying not to soil myself, again. How could I be so reckless, as to do this for a woman. This woman probably does not even know I exist apart from saving her life. I really hope the rest of the party got themselves and her to safety, so my death is not in vain. I do not know why this giant lizard has not killed me yet, hell, I do not know why I am still having a stand-off with it. Only yesterday, I was a simple drunk at the local tavern that would gamble to get by. I am good enough with my hands to get me this far at least but was it worth it. Princess Colleen, oh how could you be taken like that. And I would have eaten you up, let alone a giant monster. Was it as captivated by your beauty as I was? I wish we could have at least got to know each other so then I would have a reason to be madly in-love with you. Seriously, why hasn't this thing killed me yet? I was able to survive hordes or other monsters and beasts to save her, just to be alone in a standoff. I wish I could at least have kissed her farewell. That would have made my death so worth it." I say before I am interrupted. " But how did you survive? Did you ever get to see your princess again? " Zachary asks bouncing from his pillow in excitement. As I lay him back down to bed, I continue with "well my good boy, if you would calm your britches and shut your trap, I'd finish my story. So, where was I. Ah, yes, prying my ravaged body from the claw of the now dead dragon. Calm down you heathen, I do not quite remember how it went down. I simply remember us both lunging at each other. I remember the feeling of my sword plunging into its throat as a burning tooth scraped along my shoulder. I was beat and torn but I could swear the thing had a smile as it huffed out a little ball of fire. It is almost as if it had abducted princess Colleen just for the purpose of being killed. Maybe it did not enjoy its mundane long life. On my way out, I noticed a big beer keg in the corner of the hall we had fought in and that is how I had come to name the great beast, Brewski the Savage. I have no idea if that is why your dad named your fluff-ball slobber monster that, or if there is another reason. After a couple days journey in agony, I finally made it back to our village of Nutbush. I was immediately welcomed with open arms and escorted to a healer. It was not until the next day that I was visited by an angel. She quickly pushed me back to laying down when I tried to get up to greet her. The glowing dove even made the effort to make me comfortable. My heart was practically bursting at the chance to have a good conversation with the princess. After exchanging the normal pleasantries, we dove into our separate stories. I, and how I fought my way through heaps of random beasts and eventually came toe to toe with the savage, and her and how she was just a fair maiden on her way to a special watering hole for some personal time when said savage attacked her caravan before flying off with her. It was not until the midnight bell told that we realized how long we had been talking. Before she excused herself, she looked me square in my good eye and told me of her appreciation. This same routine happened for the next week or so before I broke down and told her she no longer had to meet with me like this. The deed was done, and I have accepted things as they are. I was simply happy to be a friend if possible. She looked me in one eye, then the other. On account of the damage they took, she fought between which one to look into. After making her decision, she grabs my head, pulls me close and kisses me as passionately as possible. After giving me a second to breathe, she smirks and asks me who the damsel is now. She lets me go, bows and tells me, ‘have a good night princess' before turning to leave. I decided to return the favor. It was daylight again the next day before we stopped kissing. Stop being sick. All we did was kiss and cuddle. And, like out of a fairytale, we were married two weeks later. It was the happiest five years of my lifetime. I had inherited land and a fortune, not to mention the love of my dream girl. Then one day, I discovered the savage beast had returned. He returned in a different form this time. On my way in from doing some volunteer work for the locals, my lovely wife told me the dire news. I almost broke down and started crying right then but she is like a brick fort with her strength. She lifted my head and said, yes, I am pregnant, but you have fought a lizard and won. You are a Princess that can handle this. This statement whipped away all fear and doubt and made me smile at the thought of being a father. The next 25 years were a literal hell. Having a son was by far, worse than fighting a dragon. Especially when he eventually found love of his own and puts another danger in my path. That, my boy, is why your ferocious grandma has the say in everything these days. I may have slain a dragon, but he was a newt compared to her. Now get to bed before she comes to put you out. " I say patting him on the head, tucking him in, and turning off the light. I walk out and pause outside the door. I shake my head and mutter quietly to myself, "sorry my boy, but I lied. She is no princess, and more of a bear. She scares me something fierce." I shake my head again dismissing Everything before going to my room. I quickly bow upon entry before asking for permission to lay my head to rest. She giggles waving her hand in a gesture as to say yes. "Yes, my boo bear, it is done. The boy is asleep and his fear of you and dragons is fresh. There should be no concern with how to dress for Halloween now my love. Goodnight princess. Oh, and be ready for some fierce cuddling. I may have made a promise saying that is what we do. "