After the big announcement, we were all told that the tournament will happen in three days. "May you shine brightly for all to see" Chairman Rose states, before allowing us to leave. However, as I was leaving, I felt someone tap me I look behind me to see a girl with white hair and a blue-and-yellow colored head band standing there with a smile."Hey, your Denard right?" she asked while looking me up and down. "yeah," I said and her smile widened."Perfect!!! My name is Tessa, but you can call me Tes." "Tessa..."I say, as I then remember that she shall be my first opponent in this tournament." Oooh, yeah I knew that I heard that name from somewhere. So, whats up?" " I'm just here to say good luck during our match,"She says as she puts her hand on my chest, leans in close and whispers to me" 'cause you are going to need it." with that, she turned to walk away before turning back around and winking at me. As she walks away, I think to myself," Huh?!?" But before I could process if she was flirting with me or threatening me, Daniel starts to walk towards me."Hey, what the hell are you just standing here for?" he asked, probably because he didn't see the conversation me and Tessa had. " Nothing much, just talked to this girl named Tessa. you know, the girl that I will be fighting? I think that she was trying to threaten me." I said, as I nonchalantly put my hands behind my head." O.K. then, Say...Do you want to train together?" "Huh? But aren't we supposed to fight each other in the tournament?" I said."Bro, relax. Chairman rose said that he is only giving TWO gyms. Plus, the board put my name last, so I'm guessing that whoever makes it to the semi-finals gets a gym. Which means...." he says as he looks at me with anticipation." That we can train together and trade strategies without worrying about going against each other." "EXACTLY!" he says, While looking at me with an intense look( no not in a threatening way, but a more overly excited way). "Alright then, but lets go to a park to practice." Daniel smiled and said "Thank you man.You wont Regret this!" It was still early at this time, so we started to see a lot of early joggers out. " But first, bring out that Zeraora of your's. It needs some fresh air." I agreed and released him out of his pokeball. "*YAWN* hm..." Zeraora then punched me in the head."OWW!!! What the hell was that for !?!" I say while rubbing my head." ZERA, ZERAORA-ORA!!!" he yelled as he pointed at the big clock in front of the community center. "Alright, alright, i'm sorry okay? I had no idea that the announcement would take that long. But... I got you a fish sandwich, so please forgive me." He reluctantly grabs the sandwich and happily gets into his stance."Alright we're ready!" " great! Now behold my Metagross!!" he says as he hurls his pokeball into the air. Emerging from inside of the pokeball was his Metagross, letting out a loud roar( to be honest, it just sounds like it's roasting.) "Come on then!!!" I yell, as we begin our battle. "METAL CLAW!!!" Daniel yelled, as Metagross charged straight for us. "Dogde and use thunder punch!!!" I yell, as Zeraora dodges the attack and uses a thunder punch that connects with the top of Metagrosses head."Metagross, use pound!!!" Daniel shouts, as Metagross turns his body at a 90 degree angle and spins as he charges straight for Zeraora, hitting him with enough force to knock him down on his butt."How do you like them apples, BOY!!!" I grin in a pretty cocky way as I say"Static shock." Before Daniel could react, Zeraora clung onto Metagross and did one of the biggest shocks that he could muster. Because of that, a lot of dirt was kicked up.When the dust settled, Zeraora was still standing, but Metagross feinted."Return Metagross..."Daniel said, with a defeated tone."Hey, how about we keep going, huh? I got nowhere special to go. Daniel smiled."I like the sound of that. Plus, I just caught a Haxorus yesterday, so BRING IT ON!!!" he says as he thorws his pokeball, releasing a huge Haxorus with it's signature tusk signing in the sun light. Both Haxorus and Zeraora run at each other, Zeraora charging up a thunder punch, and Haxorus building up energy for a dragon rage.
[Time skip with Denard sleeping in a tree branch.]
(Nessa P.O.V.)
"*sigh*, this day was pretty stressful." I say to myself as I begin to walk home. Just Then,"Ring,Ring...Ring,Ring" *Sigh* It better not be those people from the photo shoot or I swear i'm gonna-" I say to myself, preparing for the worse.Turns out only good things awaited me on the other end of the phone."Hello? Nessa is that you?" "Hello Sonia, fancy hearing from you. How have you been?" I say with a sigh of relief."Oh thank the heavens that you answered! I was,like, this close to killing your agent." she says in a pouting tone of voice. "Well, I was going home to rest after this VERY eventful day." she giggled a little and said "Well, I'm all ears so please, tell me about your day." I sighed, but told her anyway" So, you know how chairman rose is having that tournament? Well he decided that it would be a good idea to call us over to the Turffield gym, to let us meet the candidates for the 2 gyms in the crown tundra." "Was it that bad? I mean, did you meet anyone mean? If so, then I can beat them up for you!" She says with a surprising amount of excitement" No, no, it's not that. It's just that I want to be notified when you want me to come in BEFORE the event, not at the last second" Before I could hear Sonia's response, someone bumped into me causing me to fall on my butt."Oh, I am so sorry, I wasn't paying attention and I-" The man started to say as he extended his hand out to me."Thank you, but you really should be more-" I say as I look up to see a man in the electric type outfit. I look up to see his face to see a dark skin male with brown eyes and locks with a rusian hat on his head that matches his outfit. The same one from the tournament announcement. "YOU!?!" I say as he helps me up. I try to dust myself off, only to notice that my jacket now had some mud on it." Great...Now my jacket is messed up" I say with a sigh. "Hey, listen, um... How about I make it up to you in the form of cake? I heard that a place down the street had the best cakes in all of Galar." I think about it for a moment, because I wanted to try some of those pastries anyway, so no harm no foul." Fine, i'll come along." Plus, I might be able to pick at his brain a little.
(Denard P.O.V.)
As we were walking towards the restaurant, I couldn't help but feel like Nessa was staring at me. However, I didn't turn around to make sure.I opened the door for her, and sure enough, she WAS staring at me. Though she did say "thank you" when she walked through the door, so she must not be mad about it( At least, not from the looks of it.) As we went to the counter, the employee behind the counter tried to hide the fact that he was on his phone."H-Hello, and welcome to Dianna's bakery, how may I help-" He then stops abruptly, almost as if he just saw a ghost."NO WAY!! Are you Nessa, THE Nessa?!?! I'm one of your biggest fans!!" He says, completely forgetting that we are still customers. " ehem." He then snaps out of his funk and gets back to treating us like customers."Anyway, what can I get for you?"."You go first." I say, though I already know what I want. Nessa, on the other hand, took a second before she choose the "Blueberry Splash" cake. I choose the "Lemon Strike" cake. "Let me walk you home, since it's pretty dark outside." I say this with the thought that we were going to go to our homes after this. Instead, she pointed to a table and said"Actually, I wanted to talk to you while's we are here." I really wanted to leave, but since she only wanted to talk, I guess I could talk for a few more minutes. So we went to the empty table. As we sat down, she put her hands near there face,( you know, in the way police officers in movies do during an integration.) and asked,"Why do you want to become a gym leader? Why not become a Pokemon trainer and travel the world?" Honestly, I was prepared for this question."I want to become a gym leader because it looks cool." She stares at me with a blank expression, not really sure what to make of my answer at first.She then says,"But WHY do you think that it looks cool." she says, obviously thinking that I was trying to be a smart ass."I said how I feel. I always thought that it would be more interesting to become a gym leader than some random trainer." I said,"I mean,think about it. Why go across the world to search for something that I can call my own, when all I could possibly ask for is right here." After I stopped talking, Nessa looked at me with a surprised expression. " Hmm...I guess you mean it then."she says as she takes a bite out of her cake."This id really good!!!' she says, making a cute expression." So, why did you become a gym leader,"I say, hopefully trying to continue talking." I became a gym leader because I grew up with water Pokemon my whole life. So when an opportunity to become a water-type gym leader came, I took it. That is also how I met my best friend Sonia." She then looked up to the sky, probably reminiscing about that day. "You and Sonia must be really good friends." She looks at me and smiles. I take a bite out of my cake"Man this is good!!!" We talk a little bit more before finishing our cake and preparing to leave. as I look out the window, I notice how dark it has gotten."Hey Nessa, how about I walk you home? It's pretty dark outside." She smiles at me and nods. As we were walking to her house, I started to notice how nice she looked. She was wearing a big black cap with a dark blue shoulder-less long sleeve shirt. She had on a pair of white jeans jeans and black knee high boots. I also noticed that, because of my clumsy ass, she now has to carry her jacket and she looked cold. So, I gave her my big blue and yellow coat to wear." T-thank you." She says, as she gives me a big smile that just made my day.After awhile, we finally got to her Apartment complex. I was kinda surprised until I remembered that all of the gym leaders would have to stay in somewhere similar so that they will already be here when the tournament starts. "The other gym leaders and myself all stay in this apartment complex owned by chairman Rose, sothe other gym leaders live here too,"She says, probably because she read my expression. After walking her to her room door, we both said our good byes and parted ways . Then, as Iwas leaving the complex,a sudden realization came to me. "Wait...Would that be considered a date?" After letting those words fall out of my mouth, my face felt hot as I shook the thought out of my mind. I then ran home as fast as I could, not looking back.
[Nessa P.O.V.]
After Denard left, I entered my house, barely took off my shoes and fell on the bed. I Then tried to take off my jacket..."Wait, my jacket?" I say as I look at the coat that I am wearing and, sure enough, it was Denard's blue and yellow coat."Crap! Maybe he's already noticed and has turned around to come get it?" I walk over to the door and look through the peep hole and of course, he was already gone."Well, I guess i'm just going to have to give it back to him the next time I see him,"I say as I walk back to bed and go to sleep."Oh well, it's pretty cold anyway," I say as I slowly fall asleep.
To be continued...