[Nessa P.O.V.]
I woke up this morning to my alarm clock, still feeling tired."Maybe it's because I was hanging out with Denard..." I say, as I get up out of my bed. As I was about to get some clothes to take a bath, someone rings my door bell. I walked over to the door, not quite sure who it could be. When I looked through the peep hole, Sonia was standing on the other side. I opened the door for her and step to the side so that she could come in."Hey Sonia, fancy seeing you this early," "Hey Nessa! I just came to stop by and hang out since you have nothing to do today," she says with a smile on her face."Well, I see no problem with it. Hey, do you want me to pour you out some tea?" "Yes, please," Sonia answers, while walking towards the couch near the coat rack to sit down. I went into the kitchen, poured both of us a glass of ice tea And returned to the living room to join Sonia. However, as I was handing her the glass, something felt... Off about her smile.Alas I ignore it and sit down in the other couch."So... Who's the lucky guy?," I was so surprised that she said that, I started to choke on my tea."W-what the HELL?!?! Where did that come from all of a sudden?" She then points at me, who is currently wearing a blue and yellow. Denard's blue and yellow coat. "Before you start making any weird theories, that is just the coat of a FRIEND who let me use it because he messed up my jacket. NOTHING MORE." She then gives me this shitty grin, then shrugs it off. "Hey, I won't judge you for having a man over, just tell me about him. I'm pretty sure you can tell me A LOT about him," she says as she makes very suggestive hand signs."Screw you," I say as I hurl my couch pillow at her, hitting her right in the face."pft-HAHAHA!!! I'm just messing with you Nessa, unless..." I glare at her before she could say anything, effectively dropping the topic. "So, what else did you want to talk about?" she moves the pillow off of her face"You know, it's just fun to hang out with my bestie. Plus we both know that you like our little conversations. Ow...," she says as she rubs her nose." I cant say that I don't miss having these moments. "How about we just have one day to ourselves? I don't have anything to do today." Sonia face lit up like a light bulb as she rushed over to hug me"Oh, that's a great idea!! We are going to have so much fun!!!" "H-hurray..." I say, trying to get out of her clutches. This is going to be an eventful day...
[Denard's P.O.V.]
I woke up this morning sneezing like crazy."I must be popular for someone to spend this much time talking about me," I say to myself, as I get ready for the day. As I eat my grilled cheese sandwich, I think about what happened yesterday, and a flush of heat ran across my face. I try to grab my jacket of the racket, only for my hand to come back empty."Nessa must still have it," I said to myself. Again those thoughts came rushing in as I hopped onto my bike and decided to do some last minute training.As I rode on down to the nearest field of tall grass, I felt the strong but calming winds as I rode down hill. Once I get into an area with a lot of wild pokemon, I let out my pokemon. I threw my pokeballs, and out came my Dracozolt, my gallvantula, my high key Toxicity and last but certainly not least, my Zeraora."YAWN!!!" Zeraora looks at me with tired but confused eyes." Alright guys, today we will be putting in that work so that we are prepared to face tessa tomorrow. So let's get ready for our shocking performance!" All of my pokemon let out a little battle cry before we head on down to our first opponent...
[A few hours later...]
"Dracozolt, use iron tail!!!", I yell as Dracozolt hits the blazeiken with a mighty blow to the side, knocking him out cold. I breath a heavy sigh, as I given in to exhaustion and found right on my butt. "It's Getting dark...", I say to myself, as I look up at the sky."Dracozolt, return," I say, as I put him back in the pokeball and get ready to go home. I did some physical training of my own, so my ass felt sore as fuck I rode back up the hill to my house. I got to the door, opened it, and sat on the couch because I was to lazy to walk to my room just yet. I check on my poke-dex, and sure enough, everyone leveled up. As I got ready to go to bed, I wondered to myself..."how DOES the poke-dex determine how to gauge the level of a pokemon?," then before I knew it, lights out...
The next day, I was kinda nervous. I left my house and got on my bike to ride to the Turffield gym. Once I got there, the security guards kindly showed me to the waiting room. As I was thinking of cool ways to throw my pokeball, the door to my room opened."Nessa? What are you doing here?," She looked around the room for a moment, then handed me my blue and yellow jacket."Here is the jacket you let me borrow, and I'm sorry for not returning it earlier,"She then says while bowing her head a little."H-hey, no need for that. After all, it WAS my fault that you had to use my jacket in the first place." She smiles and turns to leave. "Well, I hope that you win this, that way we can talk as fellow gym leaders." After she said that, she left the room. Soon after that a worker came a told me that it's time to go. I got up and follwed himto the hall that lead to the stadium."Show time," I said to myself as I run out into the arena. on the other side blowing kisses to the stands is Tessa. I hear alot of people cheer her name, heck some people made banners to hold up. But it didn't matter, because she was still gonna catch this work."Hello poke-fans, and welcome to the pokemon gym leader crown tundra competition. In this amazing first round, needing no real introduction, the electric goddess herself, it's TESSA!!!" The crowd erupted into cheer, chanting her name as she waves to the crowd."And her opponent, having no known big acheivements, the under dog himself, IIITTT'SSS Denard!!! Now the rules are simple, it's a 3 on 3 battle with only the strongest coming out on top."We got to the middle of the stage, and she smiled at me."Why don't you just throw the match? After all, we all know that I shall walk out victorious," she said with a bluntly cocky smile."Heh, you'll be lucky if you beat even one of my pokemon." She then glares at me, but decides to say nothing and just walk to her side of the ring. I did the same, and we both got our pokeballs ready. She throws her pokeball and out comes a Jolteon. I throw my pokeball and out comes Galvantula." Jolteon, use volt tackle!!," She says, as her jolteon then immediately charges at Galvantula, body pulsing with electricity as it comes closer."Dodge!," I tell Galvantula, as he darts to his right, just barely getting out of the way of the attack."Galvantula,jump and use electro-web!" Galvatula jumps up really high, and shoot out a web. Jolteon tries to evade it, but the web was spread to wide. The moment Jolteon's body touched the web, a stream of electricity went down it, shocking Jolteon."Jolteon,use volt-tackle before he hits the ground!" Jolteon gets up, eyes filled with anger as he uses volt tackle on Galvantula before he hit the ground."Galvantula!" I yell, as He goes tumbling a little before stopping near my feat. "Keep up the heat with electroball!!!", She says, as Jolteon opens his mouth where a ball of electricity is building up. "Galvantula, get up and use quick attack!!!" Galvantula gets up and starts darting towards Jolteon with lighting speed in a zig-zag pattern. Jolteon strugles to get a read on Galvantula's movements."Wait."Tessa says to Jolteon in a calm voice. Jolteon obeys, and stays still with the electro ball still in its mouth. when Galvantula got right in front of Jolteon, Tessa smiled , but I was already ahead of her."Electro web," I said, and Galvantula shot his web, shutting Jolteon's mouth just before he was able to fire his electro ball. There was big explosion which kicked up a lot of dust. Since I couldn't see if my plan worked or not, all I could do was hope that Gallvantula was alright. As the dust settled, I see Gallvantula just barely standing and right in front of him is Jolteon, who seems to have passed out. "Jolteon return..." Tessa says, with a bit of irritation in her voice. "Don't you dare think that it's over just yet! Go Emolga!" She trows her pokeball and Emolga emerges, doing a cute pose. The crowd does a unanimous "Aww..." I already know that Galvantula is hurt, so the only thing that I can do is setup the playing field for the other pokemon. "Galvantula, use electro web!!" Galvantula fires an electro web, only to miss Emolga as it takes to the skies."Emolga, use electro ball!!!", Tessa orders as Emolga shoots a ball of electricity from above, almost hitting Galvantula on his back." Galvantula, use electro-web on rapid fire". With a weak stance, Galvantula Shot a volley of electro webs at Emolga. Of course, Emolga dodge each and every one."Now, use electro-ball!!!" Emolga charges up and electro ball and drops it right on Galvantulas back, knocking him out."Return", I say as Gallvantula is called back to me. I look at Tessa, who is now smirking and think to myself,"Maybe this wont be so easy after all..."
To be continued....
Hey guys, sorry that it took me SO GOD DAMN LONG to write. I'm not going to give you any excuses, but I will have to let you know that issues are going to be shorter form now on. So don't worry, the next issue WILL come soon.