"My name is Denard", I said to Leon, the current champion of the Galar region. His red cape flowed through the wind along with his purple long hair. With one fluid motion, Leon faced his left side while kneeling his left leg and extending his right. then, he stuck his arm up while in the pose and said,"As the champion of this region, I, Leon, shall defeat you like a champion should ." I smiled at his statement, as we both stepped to our own sides of the ring. However, before we could even throw our Pokeballs..."Ring...Ring." And just like that, I was awake, laying in my bed."Man, I HATE it when alarm clocks do that,"I said, with some irritation in my voice. Hi, my name is Denard and, unlike everyone else i know, my dream is to become the very first electric type gym leader in all of Galar. I know, I know....You probably think that endeavor is boring.But hear me out. I only am doing this so that I can become champion, without having to go through the trouble of collecting all of those ANNOYING badges.I mean COME ON, am I the only on that noticed that gym leaders get to challenge the champion for his spot, with none of the badges?!?!Plus, they are just TOO COOL!! Anyway, as I was sprinting towards the Turffield gym, a commercial came on one of those big screens, it showed all of the gym leaders and their feats of greatness for all to see. When Leon showed up on the screen, he look to the camera and said,"If you think you got what it takes to join our ranks, then prove it in the way a champion should," he then turns his back to the camera and says"we'll be waiting" as a silhouette of the other pokemon gym leaders gather around him. I smirk as I look at the commercial. I then hold my fist towards the screen and say,"just you wait, Leon. I'm going to be the one everyone looks up to," I then realized that I totally forgot that I was suppose to go to try outs. "Crap," I thought, as I ran all the way to the gym, hoping and praying that i made it there before role call.
[time skip with Denard running with a worried expression on his face]
"Alright, I will now begin the role call," Minister Rose said as I burst through the door. It was kinda embarrassing seeing everyone's eyes on me as I join the crowd. "alright," Mr.Rose said, as he returned to calling role. "'Bout time you show up," someone says right next to me. I look to she my friend Daniel with his signature black head band with red ends. "Look's to me like you put more gel than usual in your hair," I said while's pointing at his pointy hair. "Whatever, Tarzan," he said while pointing at my Locks. (some people call them Dread Locks, but that was put in place to insult those that had the hair style.) I snickered, then look forward as Mr.rose as he called my uniform number."Number 369?". I answered, and he said, "Yep, that's everyone. Now, as you can see, they're are 10 post in front of me," he said while pointing at the post in front of him. "Please stand in a single file line in front of the Pokemon type that you would like to be the gym leader." Almost immediately after he said that, people started to walk towards the post of the pokemon type that they would like to become a gym leader for. "Wish me luck," Daniel says as he walks towards the post marked "steel." I smile, as I walk towards the post marked "electric". 4 other candidates followed behind me and lined up. I looked to my left to the other post to see that the one marked "Normal" was all but baron. But then..."And now, Time for you to meet the people who may become your partners." Right after he says that, out of the opening out on the very far end of the gym, all of the current gym leaders come out. Of course, Raihan's at the front, followed by the other gym leaders. My eyes instinctively become pinned on Nessa, the water type gym leader. "wow," I think to myself while looking at her. I mean whats not to love? The way she caries herself. That beautiful blue and black hair. And those cyan colored eyes that are looking right at me...."crap" I think to myself, as I try to play it off as if I was looking at all of the trainers( which, in my defense, I WAS before she came out so...)"Yo, what-is-up my fellow trainers," Raihan says, while his signature Rotom phone records him. "Heh, their day is finally looking bright, at least now that i've join the stage" Gordie, the rock type gym leader states as he pushes up his shades. Raihan and Gordie give each other glares before walking on the podium with Chairman Rose. " Now, if you would please look at the big screen for a moment," He says as a tournament board is showcased featuring Me,Daniel, and the other participants name. The list is shown as followed
Denard, type:electric
Tessa, type:electric
Ver, type: electric
Cole, type:bug
sting, Type:poison
Trish, Type:psychic
Greta, Type:ground
Winston, Type:flying
Cooper, Type:steel
Kara, Type:psychic
Bronete, Type:electric
Klaude, Type:electric
Rylie, Type:psychic
Louie, Type:bug
Shieldon, Type:poison
Daniel, Type:steel
"Only two of you shall be able to own a gym in the Crown Tundra, question is, who's it gonna be?" As I look at that board, a sense of confidence washed over me."I'll win this, become a famous gym leader and then," I think to my self as I look at my closed fist."I'll beat Leon, and let every one know that I'm the best there is."
To be continued