(Daniel's p.o.v.) (21 yrs old)
The airplane lands and we've just gotten off. "First destination Toronto," I say. We head to baggage claim to gather our belongings and when we finally have everything we head to the condo. It's now eight in the morning. We get settled in and Daniel goes somewhere in the house. For now, I want to enjoy the time we have together so I ask "Do you want to go ice skating?" finding Ava in the bedroom putting stuff up. "Sure." She replied in an eager tone of voice.
It's now nighttime. We've just finished eating and she asks "Can we go now?" her eyes sparkle in the dim-lit room. "Yea, sure if you want to," I reply and, in an instant, she's up rushing around the apartment to get stuff ready. "What's all this about." She stopped dead center of the room, turned towards me, and said "I mean we are going ice skating right?" "Yea but what's the rush? We've got all night." I reply going over to her snaking an arm around her waist pulling her close. I studied her face and for a moment her expression changed from happy to flustered. "What?" I ask "N-Nothing." She replied. "And you're sure it's nothing," I say looking deeper into her eyes. "Yea." She says avoiding my gaze. I ask again and grab her side slightly to try and make her talk. She doesn't budge so I kiss her. I feel she's taken by surprise but responds within an instant. The kiss intensifies. She breaks away after a moment and says "All right, We need to go before we don't go anywhere tonight." "Then let's go," I say grabbing her hand smiling turning, and heading for the door dragging her behind me.
(Ava's p.o.v.)
We arrive at the skating rink and there are people, families, and little kids on the rink already. Heading over to check out the skates we give the people the sizes they hand the skates to us we put them on and head out on the ice.
Daniel grabs my hand and we start skating 2-3 minutes into it I somehow manage to fall, but before I hit the ice you grab me and pull me upright. We continue skating and I've managed to fall at least 3 to 5 times.
(Daniel's p.o.v.)
Ava's gone ahead and I'm staring at her from a distance zoning out for a bit.
-You make a spectacle of yourself, don't you. You mean the world to me. I love everything about you and all the problems. All good, all bad, every flaw that you see it's all perfect in my eyes. I wonder what it'd be like future wise? I'd do the best I could to make you the happiest person on earth, even if you smile constantly and it's something that I look forward to seeing. If I could spend the rest of my life with someone I'd want it to be you, I love you in every way you make me feel alive. Bringing me so much happiness when I need it most.- I laugh to myself slightly. I want to spend the rest of my life with you if it's the last thing I do.
She turns on the ice slightly and is now facing me. She's captivating, her eyes glistening in the lighting overhead. She starts heading in my direction and I make a straight line for her. We stop in front of each other and she has the biggest smile plastered on her face. "Why are you always so happy??" I ask her. "Because I'm spending time with you and you make me happier than any person on this planet." She says, her smile growing a bit bigger. We continue to skate for a good 20-30 minutes and then decide to head back because we got tired. Heading back to the condo she opens the door and I pick her up by the waist, throw her over my shoulder and in the middle of that she's protesting saying "Noooo! Where are you taking me! Let me gooooo!" but I ignore her and rush over to the couch lightly throwing her onto it. "What was that for?" She asks. "Your mine for tonight," I say going closer to her kissing her lips and leaving a trail behind her neck. Her breathing changes and it's now heavy sighs. I look into her eyes and she is beautiful. I continue to trail kisses downward, I go back up and kiss her lips, her breath continuing to increase and I start to pull at the bottom of her shirt.