(Daniel P.O.V)
While I pretend to sleep, I just felt bad for her. After all she's gone through, I can see this as my past. The only difference is that with my side, my aunt was the one who had to take care of me at a young age, around 16 years of age, and my mom always had to work when I was a kid so it was tough with her being the provider and just being a bit heartfelt with not being able to see my mom around me seeing me while growing up until she did after she quit on her job when I was about 7. After a while, she finally was able to be around me way more after she was cleaning houses and she'd take me with her, and I would just enjoy being around my mother and our time together and her finally having time to go to my club and field events at school. Watching Ava cry like that reminded me of those times that were just on mind right now, and being in her kind of position is similar to mine, I felt like I have to be here and take her in my wings to just keep her safe from having to feel thrown off to nowhere. I'm just going to prevent that for as long as she's here by my side.
(Ava's P.O.V.)
We were kept away from it but when we were younger and still lived with my grandparents I remembered my mom would always be yelling at them constantly. When it was both my mom and my aunt living at the house there would be even more problems. I... I never understood why they'd be so mad at each other. Sister to sister they just never found a way to handle things to where they could get along. Either one was jealous of the other or something but I still to this day never understood why they both just didn't get along. It was just "I never did anything to her." or "I don't know why she hates me so much I spend so much time loving her and she just doesn't care. Which is fine I'll still love her because she's my sister." My mom would say. Times were harder then than they are now because I've learned to deal with the things that have happened, in one way or another.
The next day I woke up to see Daniel, he was sound asleep but his face seemed a bit worried. I touch his cheek slightly and the worried look fades and his expression goes back to normal. I get up carefully not to wake him and head to the bathroom to brush my teeth, wash my face, and do my hair.
Daniel came into the bathroom wrapping his arms around me and I'm trying to brush my teeth when he says "Why'd you have to get up." a bit groggy. I turn around with the toothbrush in my mouth and say "Because today's a new day and we've got stuff to do." mumbling over the toothpaste that's still in my mouth. "Could you repeat that? I don't think I heard you over all of that toothpaste in your mouth." He replies. I spit the toothpaste out and rinse my mouth before saying "You heard me, now let's get a move on the daylight's burning and the day isn't going to make itself." I start walking away to get my clothes for today when he lifts me up from behind and the next thing I know I'm being dragged back to the bed. "I have to get ready for today, whatever we're doing," I say, protesting while being put back on the bed. "That can wait, I've got something planned more so for tonight than during the day." He says with a smirk. "Now you've got me thinking, What the hell is happening tonight?" I ask curiously. "You'll just have to wait and find out." He says pulling me under the covers.
A/N: Hello I'm so sorry for the late update I hope your day or week has been well. I hope your holiday was good happy late thanksgiving! See you in the next part!!