Warning- This part does contain strong content. . .
(Both P.O.V.)
We get back to the condo safely and put our stuff away. I take my coat off and I lay sprawled out on the couch for a minute and I say "I'm going to need a shower after being out there all day. I smell like the wilderness." I say grabbing a change of clothes before I do. I head for the bathroom and Daniel comes trailing behind me, I turn around and say "What?" I follow his gaze towards the bathroom and I'm waiting for a response but get none so I say "Oh, hell no. Not right now." I say turning and heading for the door in a hurry. I get inside and close the door behind me locking it before he reaches the door.
As soon as he reaches the door, he had a little thing to unlock the door from the outside and he managed to get in the bathroom and he says, "Why not you know it'll be fun, and you know having a hot shower together will benefit us both to be calm and just have a fun time in there for us." he replies. I turn around shocked but calm and say, "Fine just this once, But! You have to convince me that you will keep me calm while being naked around you inside the shower... deal?", I asked. I look down hesitating, "I guess but I'm not promising anything." I replied.
Ava thinks to herself (We count to three and get it together naked.) Daniel asked, "You ready for our first shower together, now that we know how our bodies fully met for the first time?" Ava replied, "Of course not but since I trust you, you make me feel safe in here being nude around you and now that I have fully seen you like this I'm starting to want to... I say hesitating. "Do this is something that craves you to be here with me," Ava says to Daniel touching his chest.
After two minutes of just showering together Daniel's eyes start to shine bright as he looks at Ava and hugs her tight saying, "You know I love you and I'd do anything you ask." Ava answers, "I know, which is why I'm going to let this happen, but think of it like your early Christmas present, ok?" Daniel looks at Ava confused and asks, "What the hell are you meaning when you say Christmas present?... You are making me nervous...." Ava said, "It's what you wanted to do but you have been anxious about how I would feel about it. I think this is the right moment, For your Christmas present I want to give you my virginity now that we've been together all this time since we were young." Daniel asks, "Are you sure about this..?" Daniel asks worriedly about Ava's "Christmas present". Ava replies calmly, "You know I've been thinking about this since we've been around each other, I got used to you being here as my lover and best friend. So what I am saying is yes I'm sure." When Ava finished her explanation and reasoning I was a bit surprised by the comment but got a bit happy I don't know why. Ava gets closer to me and I was going to start to be back to normal. As soon as she is going to reach down there, while I was starting to get hard there and she was surprised by that, she looked up with a smile and said, "This better be worth it luv," Ava said. While she was having her time getting used to it and trying to play with it she decided to turn backward and said, "Do it luv, before I change my mind". Daniel replies, "As you wish my heart will remain yours, but if it hurts while doing this tell me, that way I can be cautious about it..." [As Daniel slides in for anal he feels weird about doing it because is his first time and there is pressure on both of them.]
A/N: Hellooo how are you? I hope you are enjoying this book so far, I'll keep updating as I am able to, this book is still in the process of being written so bear with us and keep in mind the updates will come but with school and everything work also comes first. I hope you all like it so far we've worked really hard on it. Please feel free to leave any comments either in the inline comments or down below and if you liked it vote as well.