"Well, hurry up and throw out my next victim,"Tessa says as she impatiently taps her foot on the ground. I hesitate fora minute, before trowing out my second pokemon. Out of the pokeball emerges Toxicity. "Emolga, use aerial ace!", Tessa says as Emolga takes to the sky. "Toxicity, use poison needle!!!"Toxicity looks up at Emolga and shots a storm of poison needles at it. Emolga tries to dodge them, only to fly into only to get stuck down."Emolga!!",Tessa calls out of concern as Emolga falls out of the sky. Emolga hits the ground before rolling a couple feet. Emolga then stands up, but apears to be holding it's left arm and is swaying."It's poisoned," I think to myself as Tessa begins her counter attack."Emolga use attract." Emolga gets into a timid pose as she flutter her eyes at Toxicity. Toxicity seems to hessitate for a moment before shaking his head.I then hear a big chant for Emolga and Tessa echoing through the stadium. Tessa smiles as she looks to me with a new found determination."Guess we can't let these people down, huh Emolga?," she says as Emolga nods it's head in agreement."Alright Emolga, use hidden power!!", she says to Emolga. Emolga then shoots out a blade of energy with it's hands. "Dodge it," I say to Toxicity. Toxicity moves to the side, only to still get grazed by the shot."Damn it," I said to myself," We just can't risk being hit by one of those."But before I can order a counter attack," Emolga, use Hidden power on rapid fire!!!" Emolga then shot out a barrage of energy slashes. "Run!," I say to toxicity, as he is then forced to run around the stadium in an atempt to dodge this deadly volley."Emolga, use attract," Tessa says, as Emolga stops her volley for a moment, only to wink at Toxicity and blow a air kiss at him. Toxicity stops dead in his track before covering his face, probably to hide his embarrassment. "This is a fight, so there is no time to be embarrassed", I call out to toxicity, hoping that he will snap out of it. "Now Emolga, use hidden power!!" Before Toxicity could move out of the way, the energy slash hit him square in his chest. He was sent sliding back a few feet before stopping. "Let's keep up the momentum Emolga! Use hidden power!!!" Emolga then shot another barrage of energy slashes at us."This is getting annoying,"I said to myself, as Toxicity was again forced to run and dodge all of her attacks. However, I knew that she couldn't use that move forever, And just as I thought, Emolga ran out of juice."Now's our chance! Toxicity use poison needle!!!" Toxicity then stop running away from Emolga, and instead started to charge at her, shooting a storm of poison needles along the way. Emolga wasn't able to dodge it, resulting in her taking the damage directly."Emolga, counter it with aerial ace!!!,"Tessa said.Through the smoke Emolga charged at Toxicity with a speed not to be reckoned with.Toxicity got hit in the stomach nockin the air outta him. During this, I remembered the webs that Galvantula set up in the round previously. I then look around for one still intact and, to my luck, there was one near the south west corner of the stadium. "Toxicity," I call,trying to get his attention. He looks at me, and I use my eyes to inform him about my plans( Basically I just looked at the web then back a couple times before he nodded.)"Toxicity, use thunder bolt!!!," Toxicity then shoots out a volt of electricity out at Emolga. Emolga jumps put of the way, but Toxicity does not let up. He keeps pouring out electricity from his body, and each and every time Emolga dodges. Of course, this was all acording to plan, since unknown to Tessa, we were luring Emolga to a trap. "Now, Toxicity use volt tackle!!!,"I yell. Toxicity then charges Emolga who, due to the poison needle from earlier, is unable to get out of the way of the attack.Emolga is then sent directly into the web, trapping Emolga. Emolga squirm's and wriggles, trying it's best to get out of the webs, but we don't let it."Toxicity, use electroball!!!,"I yelled, as Tessa was only able to watch in disbelief, as Toxicity prepared an electro ball. "Emolga, use attract!!," Tessa yelled in desperation. Emolga used attract, but all it did was irritate Toxicity. Toxicity then hit Emolga with a critical hitting electro-ball, causing a bid explosion that kicked up a lot of dirt."Emolga!!!,"Tessa screamed, as she rushed over to see what had happened to Emolga. And there, in the middle of a small creator left in the ground lies Emolga, unconscious.Tessa rushes to Emolga ands holds her close."You did great,"Tessa says, as she puts Emolga back in it's pokeball. I honestly felt bad for her for a moment, but I couldn't let that stop me from winning. She then returned to her spot and threw her last pokeball."I'm gonna win, NO MATTER WHAT!!!!," she screamed, as her Electivire pop out, looking like it just wants to beat the everlasting SHIT outta me. "Toxicity, use poison needle," I said, trying my best to get an advantage from the jump. "Electivire, use volt tackle," Tessa said. And just like that, Electivire rushed over to Toxicity before he could even shoot his poison needles, and hit him with the meanest lariat that i've ever seen. It hit Toxicity so hard, that he has sent flying across the stadium."Toxicity!!," I called, but I received no answer. I rushed over to see if Toxicity was alright, but when I finally got to his side, he slammed to the back wall SO hard that he got stuck on it. But that didn't matter, because whether or not he was stuck wouldn't change the fact that he had already fainted.I put Toxicity back in his pokeball. As I walk back to my spot, I feel as if time has slowed down. I lookup at Tessa and her fearsome Electivire, pondering who in my team should take on this behemoth of a pokemon."You know, this battle had some hic-ups in the beginning, mostly because I underestimated you," Tessa says,"But this little cat and mouse game is over." Then, almost as if the thought was whispered into my brain, I knew what pokemon I should choose. "Come on out, Dracozolt!!" I threw my pokeball and out emerged Dracozolt."Dragozolt use stomping tantrum!!!," I said. Dracozolt then started to stomp his feet on the ground over and over, causing a huge rupture under Electivire. Electivire took some damage fromt he attack."Electivire, use thunder punch." Electivire then leaped up high into the air, probably to get more momentum for the attack. "Dracozolt, counter with Breaking swipe,"I tell Dracozolt. He then prepares his tail by charging it with energy. When Electivire got close enough, he swung with all of his might. The collision of the two caused a big explosion, kicking up a lot of dirt and debris. I had to cover up my face so that I didn't get hit in my face. A few seconds later, both Electivire and Dracozolt jump out of the pillar of dust. The dust then settles to show a huge creator. Both Dracozolt and Electivire seem to have been damaged in that clash, however, thanks to Dracozolt's ability, volt absorb, he was able to heal a little of the damage that he had received."Electivire, use giga impact and finish this!!,"Tessa exclaimed. Electivire then began to charge at Dracozolt with break-neck speed."Dracozolt, use Drgaon pulse," Dragozolt then shoots a beam of energy right into Electivire's face, pushing him back and doing some big damage."Now Dracozolt, use bolt beak!!" Dracozolt then leaps at Electivire, spinning in the air to make a drill surrounded by electricity. It rammed into Electivire, slamming him into the back wall."Electivire," Tessa yelled. She then looks at her wrist and nods her head. "This can't be good," I thought to myself. She then calls back Electivire to it's pokeball. The ball then becomes about as big as a beach ball. She winks at me before she hurls it into the air. And out of the pokeball emerged Electivire, but he was taller then a skyscraper."This is bad," I think to myself,"I don't have enough Dynamax energy to transform.""Electivire, use max lighting!!" Electivire then letsout a huge wave of electricity."At leas this will help us out as well," I said with a sigh of relief."Don't think that that's it. in the next turn I will defeat you," Tessa declared. I then look at my wrist to see that i'm now all charged up."There wont be a next turn," I say to Tessa as I call Dracozolt to his pokeball. The pokeball then gets really big. I adjust my hat before throwing it to the sky."Oh no," I hear Tessa say as a now dynamaxed Dracozolt emerges."Now Dracozolt, use Dragon Pulse!!!" Draco zolt then charges up a beamof energy before letting it lose on Electivire causing a huge explosion."Electivire,"Tessa cries, as Electivire falls to the ground, but not before returning to normal size. And just like that it was over. "Amazing," The announcer exclaims,"This was a great first battle to this AMAZING tournament. Let us give it up for the winner of this battle, Denard!!!" The crowd then burst into cheers and praise, but I didn't care about any of that. I walked over to Tessa, who looked like she was trying to hold back tears."If your hear to gloat, just get it over with." I sigh, as I reach out my hand to help her up."Hey, cheer up, in the end I think that you were able to win the crowds favor more than me. So get up and give the people what they want to see." She looks at me, surprised at what I said."Heh, I guess even I can lose from time to time," She says as she wipes her face and begins to wave to the crowd with me."Man, if this was just the first match, then I just CAN'T WAIT to see what else is in store," the announcer proclaims, his excitement obvious to anyone who listened. I then look at the crowd before finding Nessa amongst them.She was sitting in what appeared to be reserved seats that held the gymleaders. "I kept my word,"I think to myself, as I hold up a peace sign in her direction. She simply nods at me as I am escorted off of the stage."Maybe I should go to the bleachers to watch the other matches," I say to myself before I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Tessa, with a less mischievous expression then last time." Hey, you might have won this time," She says,"But next time,I'll be the one coming out on top." I smirk at her comment."I'll be waiting," I respond as I return to my waiting room."You know what," I think to myself," I WILL go see the other fights."
to be continued...