Sorry for the late publish. School/life has been a little difficult lately. Enjoy 'An Injury'.
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Year 2113. Destination: Training Arena, Fort Combat.
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Kyra panted as she ran. She had to get away from the enemy. She dodged besides walls and over obstructions. She hid around the corner, panting and gasping. She looked around. She had to defeat the enemy team somehow. She looked around quickly. There wasn't much time left. Aha! The rock wall! Kyra thought, triumphantly.
She looked around to see if the coast was clear, then straight out ran. Hiro was running too, at the corner of her vision. But she had no time to talk. Kyra nearly smacked into the rock wall then started climbing it as quickly as she could. Every muscle in her body screamed and ached but she ignored it. She made it up on the top- but realized an enemy could easily climb up to get her.
Hiro could help with this. "Hiro! Help!" Kyra called as she pointed to the rock wall beneath her.
"Tuck and roll! It's easy!" He yelled back.
Kyra felt a bit dizzy. Tuck and roll. It was kinda high; especially someone who only practiced a few times. Technically, it was only about nine feet high. But it was high enough for her. She took a deep breath and jumped over. She tried to remember her training as well as she could, but her mind was barely functioning. In a flash, she was about to do the roll on the ground.
Hiro shouted, "Kyra, wait! Look out!"
Kyra snapped from her concentration as a ray from the stun gun stabbed her. Panic wove through her. She was still in the middle of a roll! She braced herself for any impact and pain that came with the fall.
Time seemed to slow. She looked to the right to see Cammi standing, wide eyed, and mouth yelling something. Echo stood behind her, horror in her eyes, her gun dropping slowly to the ground. Then the world sped up. Impact came as quickly as it left.
Kyra crashed down on her head, pain searing through her neck and shoulders. She heard her friends scream once more and everything went blank.
Kyra groaned in pain. Her friends sitting beside her perked up. They all started talking at once.
"We thought you would die!" cried Echo.
Cammi added in, "The nurse told us you nearly snapped your neck but-"
" But luckily, you didn't land the right way for it to break." Hiro finished.
Kyra, still a little fuzzy, mumbled. "Wait, wher-where am I? And what exactly did I do?"
The doctor, who just walked into the room, explained, "You were trying to tuck and roll when one of your friends stunned you, causing you to land on your neck. Then you had a small concussion."
Kyra turned to look at her, but winced in pain. She tried to rub her neck, but got into even more pain. Her left shoulder hurt like someone stabbed a knife into it. "What exactly did I do?" She moaned.
The doctor spoke again, "You wrenched both your shoulder and your neck, dislocated a bone, had a concussion, and nearly died. You were lucky to use the nine foot wall. Any higher, and you would've been killed."
"I knew that nine was a lucky number."
Everyone laughed at that. Kyra laughed along, not sure what the joke was. After they all finished laughing, the doctor- also known as Dr Smith- excused herself to get some pills for Kyra.
Hiro started up the conversation again. "I'm glad you'll be alright."
"The healing will take a few weeks though." Cammi sighed. "You'll have to wait a while before training again."
Echo did a playful mock glare. "And NO more flips!"
Dr Smith returned. "Here are some painkillers. Take this once a day, only when you sleep. Do not move your neck or left shoulder. And return to me if anything feels off." And with that, she nodded. "Now go."
Kyra's friends helped her get off the cot. She wobbled a little, still dizzy. They went outside of the medical cabin, walking all around Kyra to make sure she didn't fall. They were about halfway to Kyra's tent when they heard someone behind them.
"Well, well, well. If it isn't Miss Fatty and her boyfriend. A voice sneered.
The team stopped and looked behind them. Even Kyra dared to turn her head slightly. But they all already knew who it was. Arrow and his cronies.
"Sup, Arrow." Kyra tried to look cool and intimidating, but kinda failed with her friends supporting her.
Hiro sighed. "What do you want, Arrow?"
"What do you think? Why are y'all helping fatty?"
This time, Cammi spoke up. "Kyra nearly died, you nosy twit. What do your cronies think about that?"
Fire flared up in Arrow's eyes. He stood stiff and looked Cammi right in her eye. "I dare you to say that again."
Cammi let go of Kyra. She stood level, her fists balled up. "I said, Kyra nearly died; you nosy TWIT."
At this point, everyone was in tension. Hiro let go of Kyra too, ready to separate if needed. Echo was staring at Cammi to Arrow, but still held Kyra up. All of Arrow's gang were quivering a bit, ready to beat up someone when they got the okay.
Arrow muttered angrily. "Why, you little-" He started slacking towards poor Cammi, who only wanted to stick up for her friend. Luckily, she didn't seem too scared.
"Oh, Arrow," She taunted. "do you remember what rank I am?"
Arrow stopped in his tracks. He seemed to shrink. "What?"
Cammi continued. "I'm a Corporal, remember? That means I outrank you, Private." She smirked.
Kyra could've swore she saw smoke coming out of Arrow's nostrils. "I'm a Private First Class, Corporal!" He nodded towards Kyra. "She's just a Private."
Cammi scoffed. "Tomato, tamato. You still have Private in your name. Now back off before you get stripped of your rank completely."
Arrow averted his eyes to the ground, rage still smoldering in them. "Come on, guys. We've got better things to do." He gave one last death stare to all of Kyra's friends; including Kyra herself. She watched Arrow and his bully-friends jog away. She sighed. Definitely not gonna be the last time.
Cammi relaxed after Arrow was long gone. "Kyra, you okay?"
"Yeah. Remind me to never make you mad." Kyra chuckled. Everyone joined her.
She plopped on her hard bed, wincing at her shoulder. The encounter with Arrow had made her forget the pain. Cammi and Echo walked up to her.
Cammi spoke, "Echo will stay here with you for now. She'll call for help if anything."
"Umm, actually I think I'll be just fine myself.. But thanks for the offer." Kyra forced a crooked smile. She had other things to think about. Like the mysterious journal.
Cammi eyed her. "Okay, but we'll be checking on you. Don't do anything that includes your arms." They walked out of the sleeping quarters, leaving Kyra alone. As soon as Kyra knew they were gone, she quickly scooped up the journal that was hidden under her pillow. She was careful not to do any damage to her neck and shoulder. A few weeks ago, she discovered this weird diary, with her name, in her handwriting, in it. She already wrote a few entries inside, not sure what else to do.
Kyra took out a pencil, opened the journal, and started writing.
Entry #4
Wrenched my shoulder today while training. Doctor said it'll a few weeks to heal. For a few days, I'm confined to the tent. I can't do anything more than carry my food tray. I wonder what Cook served up tonight. It's always something new and it's not like the books at all. No slop or mysterious meat, but fresh vegetables and delicious meat and fish. Always finds a way to surprise me.
I wonder a lot about the necklace I put on. The glow has faded a lot but the glimmer is still there. It's been a month in camp and I still don't know how I got there. So, I just play along with the 'game'. The boy who delivered it was strange too. Same boy from camp, I'm sure. If my theories are right, they must have a connection. Maybe Hiro knows what happened to me. I don't know if I could ask him the seemingly stupid question..
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