Year 2113. Destination: Fort Combat.
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"Umm.." Kyra was still in shock. And feeling a little nauseous. Her head spun around as she tried to process all of this. This can't be real, right? She wondered. She blinked real hard, trying to snap out the scene. Was it some kind of bad dream?
Stay calm, she told herself. Kyra started scanning anything and everything around her. She looked down at herself and realized something else had changed too. Her comfort clothing was replaced by the army clothing worn by the men and women. Of course, she still had her messy short, black hair, and chubby body. And she hadn't seemed to go through time either. She was still her young self.
She felt a cold hard metal against her breast and realized she still wore the sterling silver rifle. She fumbled around with the clasp but it was still jammed. She heard some footsteps behind her but her attention was focused with the necklace.
All of a sudden, someone punched her square in the back and Kyra fell flat on the ground again. She heard snickers and laughs as she tried to get up, but a foot was firmly planted on her.
A voice spoke. "Well, well. Look at that, boys. Another newbie! Haven't had one in a while."
Another one rasped "Wow. The army is so hopeless that they chose a chubby girl to join the team."
"You might as well let her go. We're her guides, not her intimidators." A soft voice spoke.
The first boy scoffed. "Since when did you find your voice, Hiro?"
Hiro sounded more stern this time. "Since I outrank you."
"By TWO ranks, Sergeant!"
The second boy chimed in. "Arrow, just do what he says. We don't want him demoting us, do you?" He sounded nervous.
Arrow let out an exasperated sigh. "Fine. But that doesn't mean you're better than us, Hiro."
Arrow finally took his foot off of Kyra's back, who was still in a bit of shock. She dragged herself to her feet, rubbing her now-sore back. She turned around to find seven boys standing in front of her.
Hiro spoke first. "Hi. You must be Private Kyra. Nice to meet you. I'm supposed to show you around Fort Combat." He stretched out his hand but Kyra just stared at him. He seemed too familiar. He had tan skin, dark brown hair, and icy blue eyes with a bit of sparkle. A shy, proud smile escaped his lips as he said this.
Eventually, Kyra shook his hand. "Hi.."
"My name is Sergeant Hiro North, and all these nitwits are called Arrow, Spark, Jack, Carter, Sam, and Vincent."
Each person nodded to the sound of their name. Kyra studied each person carefully, to remember them for later. Arrow was a red-head. He had grey eyes and pale skin. He had the same uniform as everyone else and the same badge as all his cronies. Only Hiro had a different rank.
Spark was a blonde. He had grey-blue eyes and sort of tan skin. When Kyra looked at his hands, he quickly hid them. But she saw the big scar anyways. He looked timid and nervous. The kind of guy who's scared to do anything without his buddies but bullies others when they got his back.
Jack was no doubt a mischievous character. His hair was also frosty blonde and shaggy. A small, almost unnoticeable, scar nicked one eyebrow, slicing it in half. He had the same eyes as Hiro and wore a sly grin on his face. He was very pale, as if he hadn't seen the sun in a while.
Carter was emerald-eyed and wore glasses. His hair was light sandy brown and had an under-cut. He carried a satchel under one arm, which Kyra assumed, held books.
Sam had grey eyes, tan skin, and a brown crew cut. He was really skinny too. He probably got the smallest uniform they had here, Kyra thought.
Vincent had a black fauxhawk haircut. He looked a bit Asian too. Tan skin and amazingly white teeth as he grinned. His dark brown eyes looked right at her, as if trying to pierce her soul.
Hiro's voice broke her thoughts. "Technically, I'm supposed to show you around, but the other guys just wanted to watch the show."
At this point, Kyra was still shocked, but she managed to recover. "Yeah, ok, thanks."
Hiro and the group were already walking. Kyra jogged to catch up. "So.. What's first?" She asked.
"Well, first we're going to show you the sleeping quarters. For the girls, of course." Hiro sighed. "I dunno why they didn't choose a girl to show you around.."
After a few minutes, they stopped at a dusty tent. "This is one of the girls' quarters." Hiro announced. "Of course, we aren't allowed to go in unless of an emergency, but you can. You'll find rows of beds and boxes beside them. Find a bed that doesn't have junk and clothing and you can claim that."
Kyra walked in slowly, eyes adjusting to the dim lights in there. True to what Hiro said, rows of bed and boxes filled with clothing, blankets, and small toiletries. She walked to the end of the giant tent to find a few small beds for claim. She plopped on one, surprised to find her clothing and other stuff already in a box beside it. She rifled through it, finding her hairbrush, mini shampoo, other toiletries, and at the very bottom, a picture of her mom, dad, and brother.
"How?" She mumbled. How can this be? She had no memory of packing up or even thinking of going.
Just then, she heard Hiro's voice outside. "Hey, you good in there?"
"Yeah, just putting my stuff away." She called back.
"Well, you can do that later. We got to finish the tour, and I'm on a schedule."
Kyra hurried out to join Hiro, and the other boys. "Ready."
"Good." Hiro turned to leave again.
She walked as quickly as she could, trying not to show her short of breath. Next up, they went to some kind of rec-room with a bunch of picnic tables everywhere. A few people were in there, eating some sandwiches.
They stopped in front of the first table. "This is the lunch room." Hiro spoke. "You'll find our cook here most of the time. He's pretty good, making egg salad sandwiches, salads, and a chocolate cake once in a blue moon. He's very friendly too."
The smell of the foods wafted up Kyra's nose. She felt hungry once more, and her stomach growled loudly. Several of the boys laughed and even Hiro cracked a smile. "Don't worry, you'll eat tonight. Cook's making meatballs topped with marinara sauce. For now, let's go to the next stop."
The next stop looked like a bunch of cabins in rows. "Now, these are the shower rooms. Any magic that you do, has to be over here." Hiro said. Arrow and others snickered at his words. Hiro ignored them. "Also, your locker is 135 and the lock is opened by fingerprint recognition. All your toiletries go in there. Now, let's go."
Hiro showed Kyra a bunch of more places like the garden, medical cabin, and the ammo safe; which stores the bullets, guns, and hoverboard technology. A few hover-tanks were parked next to the safe.
They walked to their final destination. Hiro stopped and turned around at a large, closed off area. "Now this is the most important part of Fort Combat. The training area. It's where we learn to fight, hide, and dodge bombs. It has stun guns, very harmless, multiple obstacle courses, and fake bombs."
They walked in the fenced off area to show a huge arena filled with soldiers, men and women, training, jumping, and climbing. A few were running after a man, with guns in their hands. They aimed and shot the man while still running. The man tumbled down right in front of Kyra and Hiro. He looked dead.
Kyra gasped and backed away. Hiro grabbed her arm and held her from running or fainting.
"It's fine, it's fine!" He reassured her. "He's only stunned, look."
Kyra forced herself to look. After a few moments, the man got up again with the help of his friends. They reloaded the stun guns and dashed off again.
Hiro spoke again. "Like I said, they're only stun guns. Perfectly harmless, just immobilizes you."
Kyra let out a sigh. The stun guns looked cool. She kinda wanted to try one out. Maybe on Arrow, she stifled a laugh. The group walked away again. After a minute, Hiro started talking.
"The tour is now over. We're assigned to bring you to the main cabin, to meet the General. There, he'll ask you some things and maybe have you fill out a questionnaire. They won't be too hard. Basic information what you learned today." They stopped in front of a bigger cabin. "After that, he'll give you instructions on what to do next. Good luck."
Hiro gestured to the cabin and Kyra started to walk to the door. As she was at the door handle she thanked the group. Or just Hiro. "Thanks. See you later."
Hiro sent back a reply. "Remember, new choices means new paths in life." He smiled.
Kyra blinked. That sounded familiar. She shook her head and walked into the cabin. A man was sitting down in a chair and desk. He seemed busy.
She cleared her throat. "Sir?"
The man looked up. He wore a slightly different uniform than the soldiers and it was covered in metals. He had a brown buzz-cut which was turning slightly grey. His steely eyes raked over Kyra.
He spoke. "Private Kyra Saint?"
"That's me."
"Get ready for the questionnaire. Sit." He motioned to a chair near his desk. Kyra quickly went and sat. She felt a bit nervous.
"My name is General Michael Grande. Welcome to Fort Combat. And thanks for joining us. Here is the questionnaire." He slid some papers and a pencil over to Kyra. "When you are done. I will talk about the rules, regulations, and schedule. Begin."
Kyra mumbled. "Yes, sir." She took the pencil and started filling the papers.
Half an hour later, she was finally done. The questions weren't too hard; just stuff about family, history, and others. She put her pencil down and slid her papers over to General Michael. "Done."
He checked them over, then put them on a tray on his desk. "Good. Now I'll go over some main rules. One, you must always call me sir with every sentence. Two, since your new here, you're on clean up duty with the other Privates tomorrow. You will be cleaning up breakfast and dinner for at least a week; until I say so. Understood?"
"Ah, ah, ah. Yes sir."
Kyra sighed inwardly. "Yes, sir."
"Three, always keep your bed and locker clean. If you lose something, we don't care enough to replace it. Every morning, the leader of your tent will check to see if you have made your bed and put your stuff away. If you didn't, you have to run twenty times around camp. And finally, you have to read this pamphlet. And keep it. It's the rest of the rules and codes. You'll have a test tomorrow here again, same time. Now go."
Kyra tried a salute. "Thank you, sir." She walked out, carrying the pamphlet when she heard a loud boom.
A loud alarm started sounding and soldiers were running. Hiro ran past the cabin with his group, but stopped in front of Kyra.
"Bombs!" He yelled, eyes wild. "Come on!"
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