Sleep was far away from Fate’s eyes. Her pillow was stained wet from the enormous amount of tears she had deposited on it. She wanted to go home. Panalov has given her nothing but unlike here she felt safe there. The most her people have ever done was give her pitiful looks and she was used to that but not this.
In the palace as long as Waron was around the fear of exploitation will never leave her. Merkha had warned her to stay alert but no one could prepare her for this. When it’s her husband who is her enemy where will she go to ask for help?
The early morning orange light seeped through the curtains slowly lighting the whole room up. The two hours crying have made her fully exhausted and she had no will to get out of the bed.
“My lady, are you up?” A gentle knock followed Caris’s sweet voice.
“Yes Caris. Come in.”
Caris walked in with a plate in her hands. A cup of chamomile tea and small pieces of fruits were assorted on the plate. The warm scent of chamomile was a refreshing start for the morning.
Fate uncurled herself and sat on the bed dangling her legs down. She closed her eyes while the taste of the tea woke her nerves up, she felt energized. The thought that she could actually go through this first day in Rhize after her marriage made its way into her head.
All she has to do is try as much as possible to stay away from Waron’s eyes, at least in the day time. With so many people around he can’t do anything inappropriate with her even if he gets his hands on her.
After her bath Fate sat in front of the mirror and Caris helped doing her make-up and hair. Fate was surprised to see that the dressing table drawers were filled with variety of accessories for a girl to get ready and Caris made sure she uses a majority of it.
Thirty minutes of choosing and wearing a dress and forty minutes of dolling up have left Fate looking absolutely gorgeous. She got out of the room with Caris tailing behind her.
Two bodyguards who stood in both sides of the room bowed to Fate and got ready to walk behind her. Their bulky body along with the spear they carried and their faces with no hint of a smile intimidated Fate and she avoided eye contact with them.
“Caris, is there a library in the palace?”
“Yes, my lady. Would you like to go there?” Caris came closer and stood beside Fate.
“Yes. Could you please lead the way?”
Caris gladly walked a feet forward Fate the whole way to the library. Both the guard stayed outside and both ladies made way into the huge white room.
Fate glided her fingers over the books neatly arranged on the golden racks and a familiar feeling came over her. In Panalov, the public library was her second home. Other than coming home at night she kept herself engulfed in the magical world of books.
She would start with one but then get carried away and complete at least three by the time she has to leave. This was her way to live in her little fantasy world by imagining herself as the heroine of the story, conquering the world, finding the love of her life, being always happy despite the situations.
Like a child with a bag of sweets she walked from here to there looking at the books with a permanent smile planted on her lips. She could definitely spend all her time here and forget all about the rest of the world.
“My lady?”
Fate turned to see a surprised but smiling young man with glasses and green hair. It didn’t take her much time to remember him as one of the person present in the room with her husband yesterday.
The thought of running out of the library stroke her but instead an uncomfortable cold sensation came over her and her whole body felt numb.
“My lady, are you alright?” Leanor’s voice had concern in them after seeing Fate’s expression. The poor girl was scared of him. He could understand that it was a given after what she has to go through yesterday.
“My lady, my apologies to have startled you and I am also sorry for what you have to go through yesterday.”
Fate didn’t know if his apology was sincere but she did remember him taking stand for her when her husband made things hard for her. Was that enough to put her trust in him though? She had no idea but what other choice did she have right now?
“Would you want some recommendations?” Fate could see Leanor was trying to start a conversation and make her feel relaxed but it’s as if none of his words were audible to her. She could only see him smile and moving his lips but she didn’t catch anything he was saying.
“Ah I remember. I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself to you yesterday. My name is Leanor and I am prince Waron’s advisor.”
“Nice to meet you.” Fate must give it to him; Leanor was really persistent and kept on at it till he made her talk.
Just at the moment when both finally exchanged a smile a rough cough was heard from the entry door of the library. It was Waron. His eyes held fire in them which was intended to burn Fate and to some extent it did work.
The comfortableness that Fate had just achieved faded along with the colors from her face. Under the hard gaze of her husband she slowly felt herself getting timid and that urge of running off kicked in again.
“Well. Seeing you moving around the palace and making friends makes me sure that all your tiredness is gone after a good rest.” Waron gave her a look that said she is in trouble, again.
Fate nodded and Waron’s face broke into a wide grin. “I thought as much. Come out to the ground. It’s time our soldiers see you in action and learn how good fighter their new princess is.”
That’s it. After hearing Waron Fate was sure this will be her last day in the palace. Surely her identity will be out when Waron sees she can’t even lift the sword and then that will be the end of her.