“Is this even necessary prince Waron. The morning hasn’t even started properly and you are here to pester her.”
Waron was surprised at Leanor’s selection of words. It sounded as if Waron was trying to do some crime by asking her to show her skills to Rhizen soldiers.
“Come on Leanor. Why do you think this idea is bad? She is a talented warrior and I just want to make sure that our men have an idea about how good her fighting skills are so that when time comes they know that they can depend on their princess to lead them in war.”
“Even if I trust that you have good intentions in your heart regarding what you are doing I just can’t understand why you have to do everything in a hurry. Can’t she take her time in adjusting to this new place, know everyone and then go the training camp.”
Waron was sending warning signal to Leanor through his eyes but he was either too oblivious or used to this gesture.
“Time is something we don’t have my friend. I don’t want the citizens to feel defend-less if me and father are out fighting with enemies. The soldiers and commoners need to know that their princess is capable enough to protect them.”
No one can beat Waron’s logic anymore. For a second even Fate thought he was being thoughtful towards the kingdom’s welfare but when she saw his sly smile directed towards her she understood that he was making all these excuses just to get her into the field.
“Fine. Do whatever you want. It’s not like you will listen to me anyways. I will see you later my lady.” Bowing to both Waron and Fate, Leanor took his leave.
“You, get the princess ready to go into the training camp.” Waron told Caris and she hurried Fate towards her room.
“I will be waiting for you outside my lady.” Waron whispered into Fate’s ears as she passed by him.
Soon Caris got Fate ready. Instead of a lavish gown now she was wearing a black half sleeved top that touched till her waist and tight black slacks. Her hair was done in a high bun and she kept looking at her reflection in the mirror.
The last thing Caris did was put the top armor through Fate’s head and sealed its sides. So heavy. Fate felt her whole body being burdened by the armor’s weight. Now she doubted if she would be able to walk properly.
Out of the room every step she took towards the camp made her heart beat faster. She didn’t worry anymore about her fate but only regretted that it’s her fault whole Panalov will undergo a bad end.
When she reached at the training camp with Caris she couldn’t believe her eyes. Men and women held weapons like swords and spear and threw them at each other without a care of someone getting seriously hurt.
“I would like to have everybody’s attention here.” Waron’s voice boomed through the whole field. “I have someone here to introduce you all to.”
A whole lot of heads turned towards her and Fate felt her face burning up. She was getting attention of more than hundred people here which was definitely very new for her.
“I am sure all of you are well aware of what a fantastic fighter princess Valyne is. Today all of us will witness her in action.”
Loud, heavy cheers of interest covered Fate’s ears and her dizziness was back. No way! She cannot do this! She might just tell the truth now than suffer situations like this every day.
“Come on princess, show us what you have got.” A man with a sword in his hand came to the front and spoke.
“You understand that you represent Panalov here, right?” beside Fate Waron spoke in a low voice. “Think carefully before you try to avoid this. And yes, nobody will come to save you here.”
Merkha’s voice played in Fate’s head. ‘Deadly’. That’s the word she had described Waron as and she can see he really is very much so. Instead of using the strength to fight he has been using his brain very cunningly.
For the first time in her life Fate felt brave. She wanted to teach this brat a lesson and wipe that smile off his face.
She walked down the stairs to the field and took a fighting stance looking at Waron. Smiling at him, letting him know that she wasn’t afraid of his tricks anymore.
Waron’s eyes widened and Fate felt a surge of happiness run through her body. Little did she know Waron’s reaction changed because he had noticed the hefty woman wearing an armor charging towards her.
Bang! A fist connected to the armor around her chest and Fate’s body went flying about a meter above making an arc in the air and then fell on the ground and rolled on the ground for another five meter hitting the hard fence.
“Shit!” Waron ran towards her and turned Fate’s body to face up. He lifted her hand and when he let it go it fell on the ground making a cloud of dust float around.
“She isn’t dead, is she?”
“Were you trying to do that Rachael?” Waron sternly asked the woman reasonable for Fate’s condition, who was now hovering above Fate’s face.
“She has taken a bad hit. Go tell Tara to get a bed ready for her.”
Waron carried Fate in princess style and walked towards the hospital unit feeling really stupid about his decision to put her into a fight when she was clearly not ready for it.