It was early in the morning when the procession entered Rhize. The sun wasn’t out yet but the lively streets and welcoming music was a sure sign that the kingdom was awake and eagerly waiting for their future king and queen.
There were drums, fireworks, cheers of people who walked in unison with the procession towards the palace. The humongous palace supported by golden pillars showed the economic strength of the kingdom. The high walled fence around the borders of the kingdom that was guarded by more than thousands of soldiers depicted the men power and provided the feeling of immense safety to the citizens.
Jarred got down of the chariot as they reached at the palace and a dozen of maids and men-servants rushed to attend him.
“Milna, let me be. Go and help the new bride, go get her inside.”
Milna, the middle-aged lady dressed in a long peach and white colored gown that was the uniform for the servants inside the palace bowed and excused herself. She reached to the second chariot and lifted the curtains to see a lonely, nervous Fate sitting with her head down.
Waron had left the moment they reached the palace and was nowhere nearby. Milna knew now why Jarred hurried her to accompany the poor girl. She went inside the compartment and sat beside Fate.
“You have reached at the palace, shall we get down now?” She comforted Fate, patting her hands slowly.
Fate nodded slowly and both came out of the chariot gaining attention from the spectators. Fate’s eyes roamed around in curiousness from under the veil. Everything looked foggy to her and the only thing she could make out was that there were a lot of people around her.
She carefully walked inside the palace with help of Milna who took her to the centre of the hall where one chair of the two was already occupied by Waron. He was sitting expressionless but when he saw Fate coming in an amusing smile came across his face.
Jarred came and stood beside him, “where are your manners son?”
This brought Waron back to reality and he stood up straight waiting for his wife to arrive so he can go back to replaying his plan in his mind. He has been thinking about ways to make Fate feel insulted the whole way to Rhize and a great idea have stuck with him.
After the ritual of unveiling the bride is over everyone will go to enjoy the feast and that will be the time for his plan to spring into action.
“Now prince Waron will lift the veil of his bride” king Jarred addressed to the crowd and cheers followed.
Waron walked closer and lifted the white, smooth material off Fate’s face. His eyes widened and his hands froze on the spot. There were sudden gasps from the crowd followed by pin-drop silence.
Confused and nervous Fate lifted her head in a rush and her eyes shifted from side to side looking at people gaping at her.
“She is so pretty mama.” A little girl’s comment brought out a relieved sigh from Fate and she shyly smiled. The whole palace roared with loud sound of claps and a few wolf-whistles also emerged.
Waron abruptly turned his head to the audience and glared at them but no one cared at all. Even Martis and Leanor were standing among the crowd and enjoying the occasion.
Knowing that he can’t stop this in any way he turned his head back and did what others were doing, ogled at his wife. Her purple hair had a mix of silver streaks in them which glittered in the lights. They fell in long curls below her shoulders and a few strands on both sides from front were taken and braided till back with small white flowers fixated on them. It formed kind of a small flower tiara.
Her deep green eyes, shyly smiling pink, full lips reflected her inner happiness and innocence. She had a round fair face and… and pointed ears.
Waron blinked his eyes rapidly. Yes, she had pointed ears, she was an elf and that meant she was enemy. She didn’t deserve the appreciation of any Rhize born, these people are fools.
The ritual is over now and the crowd dispersed still talking about how beautiful the new bride was. This excitement of everyone will soon be over as Waron was hell bent on humiliating Fate as much as he can which will make her to leave Rhize and then there will be a war that will mark the end of Panalov.
Seeing not many people around he walked to Fate who was still standing with her head down waiting for someone to guide her. Perfect!
“Would you like to have something to eat? You must have been fasting since yesterday morning. Aren’t you hungry?” Waron had a fake smile plastered to his face, all for the show.
Fate’s face suddenly changed to a worried one and she moved a step back. “I am f-fine. I would like to rest a bit first.”
This was unexpected. Waron’s smile didn’t faltered though. “Okay then. Come with me, I will help you to your room.” He walked in the opposite direction and Fate followed behind him in careful strides. She didn’t want to trip and fall making a laughing stock of herself in front of the prince.
“On our way though, do you mind meeting a few of my friends? They have been really waiting eagerly to see you.”
Fate couldn’t bring herself to say ‘no’ to him when he was asking so gently to her. This was not an undoable request either and so she answered with a “sure.”
Waron walked straight into the trio’s meeting room where he knew Martis and Leanor would be waiting because he had asked them previously. They have been notified by Waron that he wants them to meet his wife personally because they have been friends for a long time.
Both were glad about this and waited in the room accordingly not having the slightest idea about what devilish plans were brewing in Waron’s mind.