When I was younger, I used to have this one recurring dream. It started with three of my friends and I standing in my grandmother's kitchen. We then started to look around for something to eat. We were starting to lose hope, when all of a sudden a random door appeared by the stairs. This door had not been there a moment before, so we decided to check it out. upon opening it, we found a circular platform. We all stood on it and it started to move downwards. When it got to the bottom, we stepped off and walked around as the platform disappeared. When we stopped walking, we looked at the wall, where there was a shelf with what looked like four stuffed turtles. Then, the turtles seemed to come to life. It turned out that they were the ninja turtles. So, my friends and I started chatting with the ninja turtles. We had all been hanging out for a little while, when suddenly these rogue pirates started attacking us. My friends and I all ran and hid, while the ninja turtles were fighting he pirates. I was hiding behind a toilet with a huge vine growing out of the back of it when one of the pirates found me. I screamed and ran away, while one of the ninja turtles went and fought off the pirate that had found me. Finally, all the pirates had been chased away. My friends and I then saw that the platform had returned and we realized it was time to go. We said goodbye to the ninja turtles and stepped on the platform. It took us back up to the door, which we stepped back through into the kitchen The door then disappeared and that's when I woke up.