Everything started on a quiet night at the beginning of summer in the city of Santa Monica. I was walking through the beach area, a full moon illuminated the tiny salt crystals in the sand washed in by the crystal clear sea.
As I looked a far close to the left I looked for something to satisfy my thirst. I found a beach bar near the zone I was in. The bar looked new like it had opened recently. It was decorated with objects related to the beach or the sea, it even smelled like the sea itself mixed with the scents of fruits used for cocktails and mixed drinks. I could see people of all ages here, bodyboarders and surfers made a stop to enjoy the little snacks, college students partying with others, and couples on dates. (Something I wanted to avoid seeing) At least it was my kind of bar, I felt good there with all those people. But unfortunately, I didn't want to socialize with anyone. Not that they looked bad but I wasn't in the mood for it.
The male employees were wearing beach shorts while the girls were wearing bikinis, all with matching patterns to match, more like a theme. Sitting on the benches at the bar table there was a group of young guys that stared at me when I walked by. Who was I for that? It sounded like I was sexy. I didn't bother with them, I didn't feel like talking back.
Avoiding their look I sat down in the corner next to a window so I could see what was going on, but wanted to remain hidden so I wouldn't be disturbed or noticed. I took a better look around and noticed many types of surfboards hanging on the walls and from the ceiling. The walls looked and felt like sand, they were different shades of yellow.
The chairs and barstools were blue like the open sea, and everything was decorated with a beach theme making it feel like home. I asked for a bloody Mary to start the night, I could see it was late and close to 1 AM according to the fish-shaped clock. Although the place was crowded the service was actually great. The smooth environment and the relaxing music along with the fresh air that made me relax even more made that place perfect.
I was enjoying the strong flavor of my drink which was perfect for a hot summer night. I looked through the window watching the bright lunar light shine against the giant skyscrapers that could be seen far from there.
Finally, I had some time for myself after a hard month of long exams from the university and I was looking for some fun.
I watched the crowded people that were filling up in the bar from young college student girls with their boyfriends having their romantic dates to groups of friends doing their night outs. I hadn't dated someone for a long time since I wasn't much of a fan, but that was about to change.
I was waiting for my Long Island ice tea, looking around, and noticed that the small black speaker on the wall near me start playing Haven't Met You Yet by Michael Bublé when he came in. Call it coincidence or maybe destiny but for that moment it was a perfect bull's-eye.
I got my first look at him as he walked through the doors alone. I felt a chill down my spine, he was tall, young, and elegant. Wearing a white shirt with short sleeves and a military uniform jacket on his shoulder according to the symbols on it (or insignias or whatever it's called). He was maybe twenty-four or twenty-six, on the other hand, was about to be twenty-two in a few months.
I was staring at him, dreaming of the chance of having someone like him in my life. Yeah like that could happen. He's too much for you to handle, and even if wants you it will be for something other than your heart. But he didn't know that so what did I had to lose.
Not that an idea of a nightstand was out of hand with that hotness and at least my wish would be fulfilled. Wouldn't be the first after all.
I kept gazing at him discreetly while other girls took him like bees and honey. Some were probably better than me (or so they thought) but in the end, they were all the same. Exaggerated props among these fake tits and excessive makeup made them look like cheap prostitutes. He looked in my direction for a second and I blushed instantly, he was dreamy.
He had his black hair shaved in the traditional marine style and I noticed how he was well-muscled and had such an incredible smile. He could have any girl he wanted and it seemed like I wasn't an exception. His eyes fixed on me for some reason. He finally stared in my direction revealing his blue eyes, blue was my favorite color. The air conditioner from the bar didn't save me anymore, either that or I was heating up not outside but inside.
I noticed he wasn't wearing anything under his shirt as he came closer to the bar to order a drink and showing off his abs and chest as he moved. It was getting hotter around me, and not because of the environment but because my body craved for his.
Without looking (or possibly even care) at the girls that approached him he left the bar and moved in my direction walking in a military way but at the same time a heartthrob. What was he doing? Calm yourself Mady he's probably joining some friends at a table next to you.
I looked at him getting close to where I had just finished my drink and was starting on a new one. That's three! This is gonna be a show.
I could feel his strong familiar scent of Clive Christian C an expensive perfume for men that cost more than three hundred dollars. Hmm, this could be interesting. Well, at least he's not interested in my money or my parents. Shall we see what happens?
Is this seat taken?" He asked, his Irish accent made me feel aroused. He took the chair in front of me and I was expecting it to be the old trick of taking the chair for some friend or maybe in this case a girlfriend since it was too good to be true.
"No I'm alone, you can take the chair if you want," I said nervously to him, trying to be nice. There goes my chance. It was too good to be true.
"Great then I'll keep you company if you don't mind." He answered sitting in the chair unexpectedly making me blush. What? Ding! There's light at the end of the tunnel after all. My heart started beating faster.
"But I thought that..." I was stunned, but he just laughed. Don't feel hope Mady, let it go.
"That I would take your chair and give to one of those girls I was talking to before?" my eyes got wider with his words still stunned with the situation, I didn't know what to say or even what to do I just nodded in an extremely nervous way. He's hot, he's Irish, military, and now a fortune-teller! Ding-Ding Jackpot! I gotta start playing in the lottery.
I guess I was wrong, it was only the first impression on the guy, people say "Don't judge a book by its cover" but in this case, I really wanted to be in the interior of that book. Even more than that I wanted to rip off his shirt like it was a page of a book. Pass my hands over his muscles from his pecs to his abs and probably even lower than that. I was feeling a bit horny as I contemplated him in front of me without saying a single word although what I wanted to do was not to use my tongue to talk but to something else more intimate with him.
Many months had gone by since I last felt the warmth of a man's body and I was missing it. Not in a desperate way but he made me horny. But I wasn't like the other girls I wouldn't offer myself naked on a platter to him. The only thing crossing my mind at the time was to invite him home for a "hot coffee" but no, I wasn't capable of that. I wasn't that desperate. What about in his house?
"You seem quiet for a long time, I'm I disturbing you? I can leave if you want..."
I tried to lose my nerves and remain calm, looking uninterested, it would be the best way and by that, I wouldn't look like an easy target for him.
"You are not bothering me but don't think you will be getting anything with me because I know how your kind words, you're going to flirt with me, you will give me your number, I'll go out with you and in the end, we get laid and you disappear in the morning, this is if I stay until morning. Am I not right? "I answered shivering but filled with pride trying to do a serious look as I gaze at his eyes awaiting the answer to defend his big ego. Not that it was a bad idea I would just need a few more drinks. Honestly, I wasn't feeling so well at that time but still conscious.
He looked at me just smiling without saying a single word for a few seconds, but his eyes were answering my questions, that penetrating gaze on his beautiful blue eyes. It was like I could read his mind through them. Damn it why blue? Guys with blue eyes made me melt easily. Really, I couldn't say no to a guy with blue eyes. My first had blue eyes, the surfer dude had them too. And now I get this one and what do you know? Blue eyes! I'm so screwed.
He was rather different, he was a man like others but his look was different in some way. Like I could see the innocence of his soul, but was he innocent?
"Maybe I'm different, maybe I can even surprise you," He said showing a smirk. Incredibly it made me more tempted. Nope doesn't seem innocent to me.
Ok, Mady maybe you should take a break and solve this problem.
Was that a challenge? Whether or not, he made my body crave for him already. My mind was clearing of simple ideas and filled with possible answers that I could give him, if I offered myself to him I would be like those bar sluts, but if I refused he could leave and not coming back thinking he got dumped and ending up with some other whore that was around or someone else who hadn't come yet.
I couldn't decide what would be the right answer. I looked away to other places on the bar, I could make myself hard to get and see how far could he go with me if he respected me then I had nothing to lose.
"Maybe is not a No, dear..."
I looked at him smiling again and got enchanted by his look; my lips were babbling a yes without any sound. He looked at me showing a perfect smile.
"What? I didn't say anything" I looked at him nervously. I could feel the sweat running down my forehead. It was the heat it could only be the heat! What else could it be Mady? It's not like you wanted the rip his shirt of and find out. Oh no you're gonna be a good girl and stay quiet and silent. When I found myself I noticed I lost a minute of the conversation. Oh god dreaming awake already!
"Miss? Miss? Are you ok?" He asked worriedly. Damn that accent is so OMG that all I wanted to do was inappropriate things with him in that moment.
"Huh? Yes I'm ok, I'm great, yes I'm fine, I'm perfect" I let out a smile to calm myself and possibly him too. I blushed to feel my face turning pink and then red provoked by the jitters and embarrassment.
"Excuse me be right back can you order me another Long Island Ice Tea? Thanks" I ran to the bathroom before I could hear his answer, I just hoped I didn't run in the men's bathroom which would make the situation even worse.
I need to talk to somebody, perhaps there was somebody I could call, but would I be too desperate to do it?
I saw myself reflected in the mirror, and I took the chance to comb my long chestnut hair by taking my blue comb out of my purse. The dress fit me perfectly, it was a short shoulderless red dress that I had bought a few weeks before. I spun around and noticed how it highlighted my ass. Damn, I hated that! Oh well, what can I do now? I guess I found out why the boys were looking at me.
Full lips, big blue eyes as the sea itself although looked tired... But the makeup itself hid that. I had to thank Cammy for that it looked amazing... And who knew that being a surfer made my body stay fit?
I took my cellphone from my black purse and started dialing the number of my sister Cammy, who was on speed dial.
Cammy was like a sister to me. Well, technically we were sisters since her parents adopted me only not by blood. Then again she gave me blood many times, I wonder if it counts.
Since we met we became inseparable and even more when we became family. She was always protective and when I say that I meant that she screw those who screwed me. Our friendship was an unbreakable chain. Of course, we had our fights and discussions all the time, but in the end, everything got fixed. When one needed the other, both always supported each other. Even in personality, we were a bit opposite but deep down we were the same.
I just hoped that she was watching some movies or reading. I looked at the time when it starts dialing it was 1:30 a.m.
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