I was born in Torquay in the State of Victoria in Australia, the daughter of an Australian scientist and a French biologist.
I was brought to America when my parents got offered a unique job offer to work at a very distinguished laboratory in Los Angeles.
By the age of four, I had learned to surf with my parents and friends and ended up getting really good at it, becoming my main hobby and my first passion.
I lost my parents in a car crash when they went out to celebrate their seventh marriage anniversary. I ended up getting adopted by the Villeneuve family who my mother knew. Mrs. Amelie Villeneuve being my mom's old college friend. My mom made her promise to take care of me if anything went wrong, perhaps she knew what was going to happen. I never understood what happened and it's still a mystery to me.
So now I had a new family but I didn't want to lose the surname Lee so I kept it, and together with my new family name Villeneuve I became Madison Lynn Villeneuve Lee, yeah I know sounds like a princess name.
I was still traumatized and hardly smiled for a long time. They just avoided talking about it in order to keep me smiling. It took months if not years until I recovered. I was still a kid at the time, but I knew something was wrong. I ended up isolating myself from the world, but my new sister Cammy tried to keep me happy and kept me company no matter what happen. We promised we would never split no matter what happens in the future. We made a promise that we would become sisters and that she would never leave me and would follow me everywhere I go. As I grew up in a noble French society I started getting used to their costumes, but I never liked being rich. Yes, I did enjoy the feeling and took advantage of it, buying dresses and shoes but I didn't like big society things. I didn't even like socializing with rich people. Unless I had no choice like at family reunions, I always refused to go. Besides Cammy and I had an older brother. Richard was 3 years older than Cammy and a successful student and later a businessman and entrepreneur. He wasn't directly a Villeneuve since Cammy's father was not his as well. We don't know much about the real father of Richard but my father treats him as his own. I liked him but sometimes he went too far picking on me like I was the little sister. Not everyone respected me (mostly on my father's side) as one of their ones as I was not worthy to be in the family since I had no noble Villeneuve blood. The Villeneuve was one of the richest families in France, so noble and powerful that was even descended from royalty. Meaning that if France ever become a monarchy my father had the right to become king and after that Cammy. Of course, Cammy as a queen would be a disaster.
I made some friends in school but I was bullied most of the time and ended being defended by Cammy. As Cammy grew up she became different towards other people, more selfish, and didn't like hanging around at common places or even interact with people with lower standards than her. It didn't bother me, but it bothered my friends. Only the most trustworthy remained in the end.
I got tired of that life and when I reached sixteen I asked to go back to Los Angeles so I could go to a normal high school. Of course, Cammy came with me. She had no intention of fall behind and leaving me to go alone and neither of my parents would let me.
When we returned to Los Angeles, we got a house near the beach, an impressive modern art apartment building in Malibu.
In high school, I met Victoria, a very mysterious Scottish exchange student that came to study in Los Angeles. I didn't know much about her and with time we started to get to know each other even intimately. So she was kind of my BFF and let's say maybe an intimate one too.
Although we were not committed I had many relationships but my first was Ryan
Jackson, captain of the football team. How we got along is still a mystery maybe it was that cheesy thing about love, at first sight.
It lasted for a bit although we started dating in our second year only. Until then it was only hooking up and sex. The relationship didn't last and we broke up because
I wasn't ready for a serious relationship and honestly, I didn't feel anything for him besides lust for his body. I wanted him, but I didn't love him. But I was wrong in the end and only when we broke up and went our separate ways I noticed how I missed him. I started suffering and didn't know why.
And that's how it started my lust for sex, I mean I wasn't a nymphomaniac but I did want to have sex a lot. My obsession turned me into a kind of a man magnet, I felt like Helen of Troy. The problem was I couldn't find a way to refuse. I mostly did it to forget Ryan to fill the whole left of my heart and soul. I did love him, after all. But after that, there was no turning back. But after some time I found out the sex wasn't enough. I ended up having affairs with teachers, therapists, doctors, and even total strangers. Whatever I tried nothing could make me lose the pain I felt.
Until one day, I was in the shower thinking of him and couldn't stop crying.
I looked at the scissors on the counter and slashed my wrist with the blade. The pain inside me went away and all I felt was the pain of the wound, my mind got clearer. I never expected to do that ever again, but things changed and we can't control our hearts. I ended getting another cut after leaving Jay, a surfer guy I met who I hooked up with a bit after my break up with Ryan. And after that there was Viki. She was almost my death. I wasn't just losing a friend, I felt like losing part of me.
But they say time heals and after high school, I stayed in LA for college. I wanted to finish this and follow my dream of working in a magazine. I started studying Communication and Public Relations and ended up getting good at that. I enjoyed it and got my chance to work at a famous magazine, I didn't want to try for who I was but what I could do. My one-night stands kept going, some secretly, others with the help of Cammy.
Then one night I met him and everything changed...