Forty minutes later, I arrived at my friendly and elegant apartment located near the beach of Malibu, a nice beach flat in a modern architecture style. Yes, the one Cammy wanted in pink.
Cammy and I decided to rent a beach house and we were lucky to find this one for sale. It was nice, huge, and comfortable and with one of the best views to the beach of Malibu in Los Angeles. Of course, we have been helped by our father, after all, living here it's not for everyone. You might think of it as a marvel of architecture from outside, sitting on the top of a small hill leading to a private closed beach on its back.
It was white and full of glass windows from every floor. It had a round shape on the entrance building extending through a set of different apartments.
It had close to four floors, being the fourth mine and Cammy, you could see glassed windows everywhere, displaying great views of the city and the nearby beaches. On the back, it had a swimming pool and access to a private beach, which I loved to use to use for refreshing during the summer or even any hot day of the year. Not to mention surfing in the mornings.
The windows of my apartment building were dark, all the curtains were drawn over the glass, but the moonlight reflected off casting light onto the sand and sidewalks. There weren't many people living there and also there weren't many people who could live to pay the rent of a building like that. Yeah, I think you understood that I was rich but that's not all.
The white walls of the building seemed to glow in the light and the rails of the balconies looked like silver fences keeping the residents from the water. The smell of the ocean was everywhere, and the soft crash of the waves against the beach echoed off the sides of the building. It was relaxing, the soft moonlight and the sounds and smells of the ocean. My apartment had been built perfectly for this exact spot, large windows on the upper three floors gave way to million-dollar views at sunrise and sunset. As you noticed being rich wasn't enough to live there.
There was a light from the lobby, most likely the doorman reading or doing a word puzzle to keep himself awake. I noticed the doorman was sleeping on the job but I walk past him heading to the stairs. The poor man was on his fifty-something and knew everyone from the building. We have never been robbed but I doubt that would happen then. The security was so tight that the doorman was only needed to kick undesirable guests.
Without making too much noise I walked up the stairs to my floor yawning and feeling tired and opened the door, the lights were turned on by surprise.
My stepsister and best friend Camille Villeneuve was across the room looking like it was a scene from a movie. Damn it looked like we were a couple!
Cammy was about 5'8'' feet tall about an inch shorter than me. She had blonde hair and blue eyes, an interesting characteristic of the Villeneuve family. Yup you heard I said Villeneuve, Cammy was the heir of one of the most richest and powerful families of France. Almost like royal blood even. I know what you think how come someone from an important family can walk through the street and go to college without having to deal with the fame drama. Well for start Cammy didn't like to go out much, as for school let's just say we asked to keep anonymity. Cammy was a Lee not Villeneuve in Los Angeles.
Her body was rather elegant she always was careful with her body (weirdly she ate a lot of cheese so I wonder how) she was wearing a pink cotton nightgown. It was sleeveless revealing part of her right shoulder and exposing her pink rose tattoo. She was leaning against the marble wall, making a serious look at me. I looked at her laughing making fun of the way she was looking at me.
"Let me guess you want details of what happened?"
She laughed looking at me in an inquiring tone and analyzing me as she approached me. I could not tell what had happened to my dress because it was all marked up and pulled the straps had been pulled not to mention maybe a little ripped.
"You were worried about me or that he could kidnap me, Cammy?"
"He left you out in good condition, well technically the new dress I bought you it's a goner, but after all, it was for a good cause"
She laughed as if she enjoyed the moment; I started blushing without knowing what to say. Although she was nice and was one of the people I trusted most in this world I couldn't say anything about the date.
"We'll talk tomorrow need to take a refreshing shower and a good night's sleep; tomorrow you have your romantic-erotic story. But I warn you it's the last time I go alone to those places."
I looked at her noticing its ironic face. Not that I regret but like I said we were inseparable in these things.
"S'il Vous plait Cammy; you know that strong drinks more irony gives me a headache."
"Who the hell told you to drink so much? I went crazy when you told me what you had been drinking. But after that, you let him in the bar? "
I sigh without giving her an answer. I had four drinks she sounded like I was going on an alcoholic coma.
"Tomorrow? D' accord? (Ok?)"
I said in a severe tone as I walked toward my bathroom through the cold wooden floor, it wasn't a good idea to take my shoes. But we have a habit of not liking dirty floors, especially in the lobby.
I could smell all my soaps when I opened my bathroom door. The walls were painted a deep blue, a reminder of the ocean I loved. The reflection of the lights on the walls looked like moving water, and the bottom of the wall tiling had seashells scattered around. In the corner of the large Jacuzzi tub, I often used to relax many times with the company. With girls, not guys he had the code of leaving our conquests outside. The glass shower cabin next to it was big enough for two people, but I'd never gotten the chance to test that.
As I started to undress, I took the wrapped napkin he gave me and place it on the counter next to me. I haven't asked his name, I didn't know anything about him so far, but did I want to know? A guy like that was not easy to find even more with those eyes and that... ass!
It was a total humiliation with all the things I did and I feel bad about that, he deserved a proper explanation, but he had kissed me and wanted more not to mention that he invited me to go somewhere quiet, the question was did I want to? Not that it was a bad idea, after all the night was still a child.
As I got inside the shower cabin, everything came to my mind like a flashback, I tried to clear my mind by relaxing a bit as I turned on the water taps. The hot water from the shower felt good on my skin, but I need another distraction.
I looked at the LED radio panel and checked the time. It was over two and half of the morning. I turned it on only to find romantic and love songs playing on the radio, which took me back to my "date" with this mysterious man. Which could be his name?
Why haven't I asked in the first place? He seemed out of this world, different from every man I met although there weren't that many none was like him either. Maybe... no I was not going to call at those hours, I wondered if he got worried, he went certainly straight home but what if he went after me?
No... wake up, Mady! He wanted to have sex with you and you almost let him in the conversation from your sister! Do you want to go that low?
My conscience had not left me no matter what but the heat I felt inside me made me want to do something dangerous, something pleasurable, even more... I thought the hot water was doing that but it wasn't... That heat was coming from my body which made me tempted to something that could fulfill that void inside of me.
I couldn't forget the soft touch on his hair and skin. I slid my hands across my body and I heard Touch My Body by Mariah Carey thinking about my date with that man, no, sexy god.
I left the shower and wrapped myself in a towel and wrapping another one on my long brown hair, put on my dark blue satin bathrobe, and grabbed the paper napkin before leaving.
I entered my room, sitting on my bed, and kept gazing at the numbers on the card thinking of what I could do. My room was decorated in every place, the walls were blue and red while the floor was white and it had posters of my favorite hotties including a big one of Aiden Hale, one of my celebrity crushes.
It was mostly decorated with Australian and surfing symbols. Not to mention the surfboards hanged on the wall, and a huge Australian longboard, I got a long time ago. Yes, I took surf very seriously.
The shelves were made of bamboo and were full of books mostly paranormal genre, among pictures of college and from parties with friends. At my left near the mp3 alarm clock, which waked me every day on school time. There was also a picture of me and Cammy when we met, and on the other side of the bed, there was an old picture of an old friend, which I missed so much, Victoria Knight.
She was one of my best friends from high school who mysteriously disappeared. On the top the ceiling was full are stars that shined when I was in the dark somehow reminded me of home. The stars contained the constellations that were visible in Australia, the place I was born.
My bed was a queen size big enough for me and someone else who could join me although he had a big spare room for guests and an office with a black leather sofa bed.
I look at my brown wooden ancient tiki clock noticing it was after three of the morning, it was a bit late. I turned off the light and laid in bed, looking at the ceiling where I could gaze at the stars made of paper that adorned the top walls.
I closed my eyes try to find sleep but all I could think of was him and it didn't let me sleep in any way, not until I could get those things off my head, which meant I needed to call him at that moment.
Forget him, Mady, tomorrow is a new day just clear your mind and let you be taken in the arms of Morpheus. But nothing, I couldn't stop thinking about him, I looked at the napkin in the weak light created by the reflection of the moonlight on the windows. I couldn't take my eyes off the paper like it was a part of him and that was something I wanted more than ever at that moment.
I got up again grabbing my cellphone, turned on the lamp, and keep looking at the screen and the paper without knowing what to do. If I called it would sound desperate and that was the last thing I wanted, I looked up straight to think, on the wall in front of me there was a picture of Tao, the oriental symbol of balance, something that I needed at that moment.
I walked to the window and opened it moving outside to the small balcony of my bedroom barefoot with only my bathrobe and sat on a wooden chair that I used for my sunny afternoons for sunbathing, which was great to be in a bikini or sometimes without any clothes on. It was daring but sometimes fun, at least I never got caught doing it.
I have always been a person who liked to take chances, but nothing to the point of humiliating myself as it happened at the bar, which was spontaneous.
It felt good no doubt about that but I kept wondering what he must have been thinking after. I thought that day has surpassed that but now I was about to call someone who probably was sleeping, I didn't know anything about him, not even his name or age although he looked young.
The night was calm even a bit cold for a summer night at the beginning of August, a soft fresh breeze surrounded me making me breathe the marine essence coming from the beach. I sat on the beach chair and started dialing his number I didn't want to interrupt his sleep but I had to try at least cause I couldn't sleep like this I had to take a chance, maybe the night could even bring me some luck.
I started getting nervous waiting for him to pick up the phone I didn't know what to say only that I wanted to hear him, settle things and say sorry for leaving like that. He picks up a few seconds later.
"Hello?" His voice didn't sound from someone who has been sleeping, ok it wasn't that bad now at least I didn't wake him. I wondered what he was thinking. Oh look the crazy chick called me after all but look at the time couldn't she wait?
"Hi...we...ahh...met in the bar a few hours before I don't know if you... still remembers me..." I said nervously hoping for a calm reaction from him. C'mon Mady he can't see you now. I closed my eyes trying to calm down. It only made it worse because I was remembering him then.
"It's hard to forget someone that did what you did, miss, it's something unusual"
I got embarrassed by his answer. Ok, now I was getting more nervous.
"Well... yeah... I think I had drunk too much... still you, sir, tried to take advantage of the situation too" I replied messing with him, feeling more relaxed. Let's try to catch his wave, using a more personal you. I was trying to feel like I was talking to a new surfer on the beach. Who knew? He could be one too right?
"It was hard not to resist your temptation, only the place was not too much appropriate for that. Besides, I didn't get your name so it got more interesting" I seemed interested in the conversation and I wanted to know where he was at that moment, it could be an interesting adventure if he was alone.
"Well, we can continue the meeting some other day how about tomorrow or something?"
I thought about what to do and decided to take my chance on it.
"How about today? I can't sleep thinking about this so why don't we finish what we started?" Oh my God, what was I saying? Bad idea Mady!
His voice tone got nervous, I could sense that he was deciding on what he was going to do, but I heard a babble of words before his answer.
"Well...ok why not? Maybe as well take our chances on something like that... I guess"
What? Did he say yes? What now?
"You guess or are you sure?" – I replied giggling as I asked. It was better to be certain it sounded crazy.
"I am sure and I'll send you my address by SMS and await you, I got nothing to lose... Or I can meet you somewhere else or something"
I was dreaming that was it, did he said yes for me to go right at that moment?
Well thinking about it could be a great idea. I wanted an adventure and something extreme, besides I wanted this differently, an isolated place could be even more sensual. Judging by his look what awaited me? A mansion? A closed condo? A palace? God that was going too far.
"That is not necessary, I prefer to have a little adventure since that today I'm up for it, you can send your address and I'll get there," Something told me, I was going to regret this. Let's go on an adventure Mady, let's party today!
"Very well, then I'll see you later, I'll be waiting" he responded. He was either insane or something didn't seem right. Did he want me that much?
"Later stud" I answered smiling and turning off the call, I was getting excited waiting for his message.
I didn't know what was going wrong with me at that moment, only that I wanted him even more after hearing his voice again, I felt turned on just by hearing him on the phone.
I got back inside the room, trying to not make a noise so I didn't wake Cammy up. Mainly because I didn't want to hear from her after all of this. I wanted to sleep but what had I got to lose in having a new little adventure?
At the moment I received the SMS I got surprised. My mind wanted to know more but my heart didn't want to raise hopes on it. Beverly Hills, I was getting more thrilled by the second but forced my head not to want to know more about him.
Although living in Beverly Hills meant something either he was someone famous that I have never seen before, his family was famous or he was simply rich enough to live there. Which meant a closed condo or maybe... penthouse! Oh my God, I loved penthouses.
I opened the closet silently and took a short black dress to go out at night, then I looked at my lingerie and chosen something sexy for him, after all, I had nothing to lose. I took off my robe and started dressing, I wasn't taking anything too subtle but I didn't want to impress too much, needed something for a first date, but something told me it was more like a third.