The reasoning behind this is simply because there have been so many times that I have been cooking up a magickal meal, without access to my Book of Shadows, and have had to spend far too long trawling the internet to find a correspondence of the best ingredients to use for my intention of the meal. It is time-consuming and ultimately, a bit of a waste of time when you must read through pages and pages before you get to the correspondences. It made me think, why don't I just put all the correspondences for everything in my kitchen in one place, which is what I have done and now, I am sharing it with you lovely people!
I have organised this book with only a few little pages of basic information and "quick fixes" at the front, followed by all the correspondences I can think of for what might be in your kitchen. Each section is organised by what the item is, such as fruit, baking ingredients or drinks. This is just to make it nice and easy for you to find what you want quickly, without having to get through my life story before you reach the information. This means that you will find things where you would expect to find them, you don't need to research what is a "true nut" or a "legume" (looking at you, peanuts), so if you want to look up almonds, they will be in the "Nut" section rather than the "Fruit" section. I also wanted to organise it this way rather than by where it lives in the kitchen as we all have that one thing that we keep in a different place to someone else, something that I like to call "The Ketchup Fiasco".
I also want to add a quick note here too. I have included correspondences for meat within this book, simply because the Kitchen Witchery books I have read in the past have always put an emphasis that "a Kitchen Witch should be vegetarian or vegan!" which, in my opinion, should be a personal choice rather than a standard. I am not here to judge your lifestyle, only to provide you with information that you can choose to use or choose not to use. The correspondences are here if you want them! I have found that correspondences for meat are often overlooked online and in books, so it just made sense to include them since I use them regularly.
Happy Cooking!
~ Yalasia