So, I am not going to sit and list every correspondence for every single utensil, pot or electric item you may have in your kitchen. If you know how to use the item (safely!), then you already will have an idea of what correspondences you can relate to each item.
A couple of examples, so you get the idea:
1 – Wooden spoons are used to stir your ingredients together. This could be seen as stirring in your intention if you stir clockwise or removing an intention or energy if you stir anti-clockwise.
2 – Slow cookers are convenient and can be extremely useful when you know you are going to have a long day and will need a nice, hot meal to relax with when you can finally sit down. For me, this conjures up correspondences of comfort, reward, slow processes, and transitions.
You get the idea!
Not every item in your kitchen needs a list of correspondences before you can use it magickally, although it is nice to have the odd one for things you use regularly. If you want to build up your own list of correspondences for those things you use regularly, go ahead and do it! It is your kitchen, your Path, and your choice!
The Favourite Utensil
If you don’t have a favourite utensil, you probably know someone who does. This can be a favourite saucepan to make food in, a favourite fork to eat with or even a favourite wooden spoon to stir your food with. This is pretty magickal on its own! Each time that you use this favourite utensil, you are using the connection between positivity and that item to mix some positivity in to your food. If you don’t have a favourite coffee mug, now might be the time to choose one to make your mornings even more magickal!