Beverages & Alcohol
I have included some fermented wines in this list, however they are not under “Wine” as a section, simply to make it easier to find. I have included as many non-alcoholic drinks as I could think of, which unfortunately are not many since they fall under umbrella brackets (such as apple juice would fall under fruit). Although we drink milk and kefir, I have included them in Dairy since that is what it is.
Absinthe – Dreams, divination, spiritual connection, spirituality, strength, courage
Amaretto – Good times, sweetening bitter truths, reassurance
Baileys – Relaxation, warmth, family, relationships, sharing, love, decadence
Beer/Ale/Lager (General) – Purification, growth, adaptation, rowdiness, sleep
Beer/Ale/Lager (Flavoured – Chocolate etc.) – Refer to the list of the main flavour (sweet stuff etc.)
Beer/Ale/Lager (Fruit) – Refer to “Fruit” to find the correspondence for the flavour used, i.e. Strawberry
Brandy – Patience, time, waiting, ageing
Chai – Warmth, love, balance, comfort, lifting spirits, grounding
Champagne – Lust, fertility, joy, celebration
Chocolate (Hot) – Warmth, love, caring, support, emotions, comforting, love
Cider (Apple) – Warmth, happiness, love, relaxation
Cider (General) – Relaxation, joy, pressing matters, sweetening situations
Cider (Flavoured) – Refer to “Fruit” to find the correspondence for the flavour used to create the cider
Cocktails – Use the main ingredient to find the correspondences
Coffee (Black/General) – Energy, fresh starts, awakening, boosting, power, grounding
Cognac – Time, patience, ageing, long processes
Cordial – Refer to “Fruit” for specific correspondences depending on flavours used
Fruit Juice – Refer to “Fruit” for specific correspondences depending on the fruit
Gin (General) – Emotions, Shadow Work, true self, releasing, banishing
Gin (Flavoured) – Flavour dependent, check fruit/sweet stuff
Gin (Pink) – Love, happiness, relationships, gentle care
Ginger Ale/Beer – Refreshment, balancing, cleansing, strong kick of power, confidence, strength
Grappa – Sweet things, leftovers, creating something from unwanted scraps, easing loneliness, rebirth
Kombucha – Time, patience, growth, adaptation, health
Limoncello – Cleansing, purifying, uplifting, love, happiness
Mead – Sweetness, love, happiness, patience, discovery, journeys, strength
Port – Strength, control, purpose
Rum (Dark) – Protection, strength, control
Rum (Flavoured) – Dependent on flavour, check fruit/sweet stuff
Rum (Spiced) – Protection, warmth, gatherings, sharing, family
Rum (White) – Relaxation, good times, fun, laughter
Saké – Protection, cleansing, balancing, releasing
*Sambuca (General) – Banishing, letting go, releasing, burdens
*I have used a “general” to cover all Sambuca rather than including things like Black Sambuca as this list could go on for pages and pages otherwise!
Schnaps (General) – Fun, laughter, joy, good times
Schnaps (Flavoured) – Dependent on flavour, check fruit/sweet stuff/herbs etc. for specifics
Sherry – Warmth, family, sharing, laughter, honouring memories, wisdom, teaching
Soda – Fun, joy, laughter, energy boosting
Tea (Black/General) – Energy, strength, spirituality, taking time, patience
Tea (Herbal) – See each individual listed herb, sometimes it is easier to choose the main flavour rather than working out the correspondences of the 8 different herbs in one cup of tea.
Tea (Iced) – Fun, energy, adaptation
Tea (Fruit) – Same as Herbal, choose the most noticeable scent/flavour and go with the correspondences for that.
Tequila – Lust, fun, laughter, lifting spirits
Water (Still) – Nourishment, energy, life and the living, staples, stability, health, healing
Water (Sparkling) – Adding fun, energy boosting, something “good-different”
Whiskey (General) – Grounding, patience, long processes/spell work
Whiskey (Bourbon) – Sweetness, relationships, lust, love
Whiskey (Moonshine) – Erratic behaviours, unknown strength, courage
Whiskey (Scotch) – Relaxation, peace, self-care
Wine (Red) – Blood Magick, celebration, joy, resurrection
Wine (Rosé) – Fun, peace, relaxation
Wine (Sparkling – not Champagne) – Celebration, fun, joy, laughter
Wine (White) – Love, relaxation, tranquillity, peace
Vermouth – Mellowing anger, calming, balancing
Vodka (General) – Aggression, warfare, purification
Vodka (Flavoured) – Refer to specific flavour in “Fruit” etc.