I gasp as Camilo grabs my hand and pulls me out the door and into the sunshine.
"Come on, (Y/N)!"
We race over the brick path leading to their house and out to the town. I beat him by a mile. As we stop, gasping for air, I notice the small child I had seen this morning peeking out from the shadows. I wave, and she cautiously creeps towards me.
"Are you suuuuure you're not here to hurt me?" She asks once again.
Camilo smirks, just like he did earlier...NO!! Stop it, (Y/N)!
I regain my composure and inform her once again that I am not a threat.
"Bueno," she chirps, grabbing my hand. "Because there is a lot for you to see!!"
"WooooaoOooaooOOooaoAoa!" I yell as my arm is nearly yanked out of its socket by the six-year-old attached to it. Camilo decides to hang behind and let me suffer by child.
"HAY! CAMILO! Come back and help me!!" I holler as I'm dragged down the road at 20 miles per hour. He doesn't budge.
The market is in the middle of town, consisting of friendly little vendors lining each side of the street. From what I can see (and smell), they are selling brightly colored clothing, jewelry, and lots of food.
The little girl (I discovered her name is Cecilia) finally lets go of my hand and I catch sight of Camilo. Frowning, I stomp over to him to reprimand him for not helping me, but he grabs my arm and guides me towards the nearest stand. I open my mouth to protest, but immediately shut it as a delicious aroma fills my nose.
"Hola! I am Carmen. Would you like to buy an arepa con queso?" The woman smiles warmly at me.
Camilo grins and replies, "I'll take four."
She dips her hand into a basket near her feet and sets a steaming stack of arepas on the counter. "And for your girlfriend?"
"Uh-erm, we aren't--"
Camilo stifles a laugh and tells the lady to get me two arepas. After my face goes back to its normal shade, Camilo and I walk down the street. I try to smile at people as we pass them, but it gets hard when everyone you see is just staring at you with no facial expression. Camilo leans over to me.
"No one here has ever seen your shade of skin before, remember?" he whispers.
No wonder I was getting so many looks! I smile and wave when I see Cecilia. She giggles and runs over to me.
"Can I have one??" she squeals, reaching for an arepa. Camilo swats her hand away and gives her one of his.
"Ohh, you don't need to do that, Camilo..."
He smiles that cUtE smile of his. "You need to eat more. You're so skinny!"
"Oh, um-erm," I stammer, embarrassed beyond embarrassed.
He notices his blunder in a second. "Oh, hey...I didn't mean it like that! I--uh--actually think you look really nice." WAIT. Is he BLUSHING????????
I stuff the rest of the arepa in my mouth and turn away, cheeks ablaze. He likes how I look? Okay...????!!!!!!!!280Please respect copyright.PENANAVqLIUtmXXN
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Yo Yo Yo280Please respect copyright.PENANADwF8oYsKZn
so I know I haven't posted in for-frikin-ever!!!!! SO