I have to run to catch up with the girl. As we walk together, I turn to look at my surroundings. I hadn't even realized how truly beautiful this place is! Suddenly, I remember that I'm walking and wonder where Mirabel is leading me.
"HAY! Where are you taking me? Where-" I cut myself off when we round a corner and stand face-to-face with a large house.
"(Y/N), welcome to - our casita!"
I stare in awe at the brightly colored house. "It is - muy bonito," I exclaim, testing my beginner's Spanish.
"Si! Mi familia y yo vivo en La Casa Madrigal, cual tiene nuestros poderes mágicos - "
"Wait, wait, wait, slow down!! I can hardly speak Espanol!" I laugh. I look past her and my eyes widen as the door and shutters of the house flutter, as if to greet me. "Is there like, a weird draft of air, or something?"
MIrabel laughs and grabs my arm. "Come and see!"
She pulls me inside the house and we stand together in an open roofed room. I notice a grande staircase at the end of the room, and start to ask, "Where does that lead - " but Mirabel has already dragged me up the first few steps.
When me get to the top, I gasp in surprise as a hallway of glowing gold doors comes into view. "What the - " Mirabel shushes me and opens the closest door. I was definitely not prepared for the onslaught of exotic animals.
"AAAAHHH!!" I scream, jerking backwards and falling on my butt. "Where did all these birds come from, and these monkeys, and these - uh, these things?" I manage, holding up a creature dangling from my arm.
"Those - are mine."
I look up to the open door and - see nothing?
"Down here!"
I divert my eyes slowly down the length of the door until - I see a little boy!
"I'm Antonio. My gift is talking to animals. Almo says your arm is very comfortable," the boy declared, pointing at the creature on my arm.
"Wait, WHAT????? You can TALK TO ANIMALSSSSSS????????" I look at Mirabel in awe and she shrugs with a smile.
After saying goodbye to Antonio, Mirabel shows me all of her magical relatives, and we end up in her small room sitting on her bed.
"So you're the only one without a gift?"
Mirabel is giving off mixed emotions. "Well, I did save Casita, soooo.."
"So you pretty much are the most important of everyone!"
"Aye, I certainly wouldn't say 'the most important." Mirabel blushes.
"OOKAY, fine. Changing topics, I have a question for you. Have you ever seen a super cute guy around...?"
Mirabel leans in. "OoOoOoo! It's only your first day and you already have a man? Is he caliente?"
I laugh. "Muy caliente."
"Ooh, I must have myself a look at your hombre." We burst out laughing and she tells me to continue describing him. "I mean, he only thing you have told me about him is he's cute!"
"Okay, okay, will do. Well, to start, he has the cutest curly brown hair - oh! and he has the prettiest green eyes!"
"That's it? That's all I have to go off of?"
I playfully push her off the bed and we start giggling. "Well I did only see him for a brief second!"
Mirabel sits up to look at me. "So you're telling me you're in love with this guy you saw out of the corner of your eye?"
"NO!" I yell. "Wait, actually yes, but not in love!"
I roll my eyes. "Yeaaa!"
We hear a door slam loudly downstairs and I jump.
"You get jump-scared super easily! That's not gonna be good if my cousin, Camilo finds that out! He can shapeshift into anything!" Mirabel laughs.
"Wow, that is super cool! When do I get to meet him?" I ask excitedly.
Mirabel looks out of her door. "Hey, Camilo!"
My eyes widen as boy about our age walks in, a boy with curly brown hair and green eyes...
Hey guys! Please like and comment!! It really means a lot to me. (plus I will post the next issue at 5 likes<3)