Chapter 14
~Anne's point of view~
I was woken from a peaceful slumber when Jack knocked on my door.
"Anne, we need to talk." Talk? That was the whole reason I had gone to bed early, to avoid talking. I was still mad at him for making that remark about his brother. I merely grunted, rolled over, and went back to sleep. More knocking.
"Anne open up!" With a sigh i rolled out of bed and walked over to the door, massaging the sleepiness out of my face. I unlocked it and looked out at him with an annoyed look on my face, at least until I saw his. He had a black eye and several bruises dotting around him, especially on his neck. His nose was red and swollen, with blood stains around his upper lip. I said the only thing that came to mind.
"What the bleeding hell happened to your face?!" My hands instantly flew up to my mouth, seeing as that came out more rude than I expected it to. I could already feel my face growing hot.
"I'll tell you down stairs." I quickly followed as he led the way down to the kitchen counter. He handed me a picture of himself and a letter to read, as well as scattering several things he pulled from a wallet.
"Someone just tried to assassinate me." He said.
"I told you when we first met, this could happen." I replied. He walked over to the fridge and pulled out a bag of ice, which he held to his nose.
"If you're hungry, I made some food. It's in the fridge." I said to him.
"Thanks." That was all I got as he pulled the plate out of the fridge.
"So, why did you need to get me out of bed and down here for this? I mean, I'm glad you're all right, but you could have waited until morning to tell me." I said as he put the plate in the microwave and set the time. When I said that he just walked over to me and pointed at the note.
"I need to know who N.W is. I can tell he's one of the chanced and he sees me as a threat, but other than that I don't know anything about him. I feel like he'll be trouble in the future." He told me.
"Again, couldn't we do this tomorrow? You have work in the morning and I'm tired."
"Fine, we'll figure it out tomorrow night, but you better be ready to figure it out."
"Yeah yeah, I know." I said with a yawn as I headed upstairs.
"Oh, and Anne?" He called from upstairs. I stop and turn around on the spot.
"Let's reschedule dinner for the night after tomorrow." He said. I turned around so he wouldn't see my cheeks heating up as I remembered when he asked me to go out on a date with him. 'Not a date,' I reminded myself, 'he just wants to go out to dinner.'
~The Next Morning~
Oddly enough, I wasn't woken by the familiar noise of large metal workout machines or the soft thump of the punching bag being hit. I got up, intrigued by this sudden lack of noise, and decided to investigate further downstairs. As I reach the bottom of the stairs I see Jack making breakfast.
"Morning." I hear from him.
"Why aren't you working out? You always work out in the morning." I asked.
"I'm too sore," he said,"I think I pulled a few muscles."
"Alright." I replied. I let out a deep sigh.
"So, about the assassin." I said.
"We'll figure it out later, don't worry now." He replied turning around to reveal a plate of eggs, bacon, and pancakes. I feel worry coming up in me as a take a deep breath in.
"Then let's talk about our dinner plans."