I arrived in Hell and kicked down the doors to Lucifer's castle and stepped through. "LUCIFER GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE!" I yelled. He came out of the shadows a smirk on his face. "What now?" "Let her out of what ever you put her in!" I demanded. He gritted his teeth and sighed." Now, why would I do that?"Don't taunt me..."Let. Her. Out!" "No." "Fine we do this my way." I went over and punched him right in the jaw as hard as I could. The sound echoed through out the castle. "Ow you ass!" He snarled. "If you don't want your petty ass beat fucking let her out." I spat as I leaned over him. "No." He said again. I kicked him in the ribs again and again. "LET HER OUT!" He shook his head again. I began beating his ass some more. Not planning to stop till he did what I wanted.
An hour later he finally gave in and let her go. I blinked back to leah. She was about to say something but I didn't give her a chance to. I pulled her in and kisses her like the world was ending. As if Azreal wasn't enough Lucifer had to dig his nails into her too...I worked my ass off getting her away from him I'm not letting him take her too. She kissed me back wrapping her arms around my neck. Felt good to hold her again. I pulled away reluctantly. "I missed you...so much." She smiled. "I missed you too Micheal..I'm sorry I didn't tell you I was back sooner." I held her cheek. "It's ok...it's been hell without you...I killed everyone that day. Got into some bad stuff..I'm trying to get off it." "You better..you know I hate the stuff.." I frowned feeling her disappointment. "Hey, smile. We have each other again that's all that matters." She said as she kissed me again.
I kissed her back pulling onto my lap as my hands started to wander. She sighed softly burying her hands in my hair. A while later I lay there with her on the barn floor holding her. "Te amo." She smiled up at me. "I love you too." She replied as she rested her head on my chest. "Don't ever leave me again..." "I'm sorry..." I sat up and kissed her before getting dressed. Leah got dressed as well and stood up. I was about to ask what she came back as before my eyes went static. Good ok angel radio. "Shit.." "what's wrong love?" "War calling." She pouted begging me not to go but sadly I have no choice. I give her my black leather jacket and kissed her before blinking out. I see her putting it on as she left. I didn't want to go.
A whole year I was gone. I hated it but it had to be done. I grabbed my stuff and packed it ready to blink home when a familiar voice called my name. "Fuck off Azreal." He laughed. Fuck you..you will not touch her again. "Don't be like that. You got what you wanted. She's all yours now." "Then what do you want?" I snarled as I continued packing. "To tell you I'm leaving for good." "Don't need to tell me just go." "Mm so hostile." "You used her like a fucking pet asshole! Locked her in a cage! Yeah I don't like you and never will no go fuck off somewhere that isn't here." I said as I picked up my stuff. "Very well...." He trailed as he blinked out. I sigh in frustration as I blinked back to leah.
"Love I'm home." She looks up from her spot on the couch and got up and practically tackled me. "Miss me?" She nodded and hugged me more. I smiled as it tilted her head up and kissed her. "Mm still so soft." She blushes. "Hehe. That's cute." "Nooooo." She protested. "Yes. It's cute because you are cute and I love you." He hands her a bouquet of red roses. "mikeyyyyyyyy." "What? I brought you a gift." "Mm nooooo." "Love I love you and this is one of the ways I show it." "Mmmm" She pouts as she smells them and smiles. "I missed you please don't go away again..." "I missed you too love. But it's my job I have too. I'm the angel of war the protector. " "I know...." I hug her some more before picking her up and laying down on the couch with her watching a movie long into the night. "Leah?" "Yes?" "You die I die. You are literally my lifeline." She kisses my cheek. "And you're mine." She said back nuzzling into me. I smiled as I watched the movie with her eventually we both fall asleep in each other's arms.