Some time had passed since all this. Some events I remember most I don't. I know at one point Leah and I split up. But we always come back to each other. I don't remember what happened. But I met a man named jin a bit after that. I still thought of her. So jin and I sat down and talked and we came to an agreement of a three way relationship. I had my wifey and my baby. As well as a few more kiddies. My army left. But I made a new one. They are indestructible. I missed Ishmael the most for reasons I never admitted till that one day he told me the real reason he left. He felt the same way. So now I have my wifey, my baby and my ishy. Hehe. Happy angel boy. At least I was until old god decided to hurt Lucifer. He had stabbed both him and myself with a blade meant for fallen angels. I'm one too but that's a story for another time.
It turned me into a demon. I hurt him...I hurt jin. And Ishmael...Leah shut down and in my mind it's my fault. It is..I should have fought it harder. Though I know I gave it all I got. Now I sit well more so stand leaning on a tree in angel shut down mode. It's like depression. I don't move, drink, eat or anything...I hear everything. But I don't speak. The longest I've ever been in angel shut down was two years. Ish died trying to help me. He hit his head.
I found out who our parents are. Who would have thought Amadeus was my dad? And mommy..she's really nice. I don't remember what Gabriel does about her I was just a baby. This is all I've ever wanted. Our real parents. That love us. Finally after so long...we have that. I snap back to reality as Leah had returned from visiting Hades. She has a smile on her face. I smiled back at her."welcome back love. You look like you had a good visit." She nodded and nuzzled me. "I did. Dad showed me the underworld." She said cheerfully. She calls Hades dad because he's been there for her. She choose him as her adopted father. I'm happy about it. She deserves to be happy. Our conversation was cut short as my phone rang. My ringtone for work. Go To War by Nothing More. Leah gave me a sad look as she knew it was a possibility of me having to go to war.
I paced as I spoke. "Uriel did what?...again? Who the fuck pissed him off this time?...alright I'll be right there." I sighed as I hung up. Leah came over with a worried look. "Raphael pissed off Uriel again and he blew up the archives." I explained. "Oh no." She said kissing my cheek. "I'll see you in a bit ok? I gotta help Gabriel clean it up then give Raph and Uriel shit. Give my babies a hug for me if I'm not back before they go to bed. I love you." I told her kissing her softly. She nodded kissing me back. I held her close almost getting lost in it before forcing myself to pull away. "I'll try not to be long ok?" She looked up and nodded. "It's ok love. I have to make dinner and check on the kids." She replied. "I checked on them not long ago. Easton is playing with some toys and the triplets are asleep." I told her. "Alright. Be safe." I smiled. "Always love." I promised before blinking away.
I returned about 5 hours later. The clock read 12am. I checked on my babies and Leah. They were all sound asleep. I decided to go out and chop wood for the stove since we were getting low in the shed. As I'm chopping the second log I herd a noise from the forest next to the house. I keep the axe in my hand as I go to check it out. To my surprise it was just a deer. No a fawn. Poor thing was injured. It must have sensed I wasn't going to hurt it as it stood there looking at me. I set the axe down and make my way closer to the poor thing. It was bloody. Someone must have shot it. I slowly put my hand out to the baby and it nuzzled my hand and whined in pain. "Shhhh hey, you're gonna be alright." I assured it as my hand glows. The baby's wounds healed. It looked at me and licked my hand as a thank you. I blinked in a carrot and fed it. Ever since then it always came back every day. I know have a pet deer. I wonder what Leah would think of it? She likes animals. I know the kids would love it. Jin might like him too. I decided to mane it Little Buck.