As Silence stares at the door,222Please respect copyright.PENANAjHEiQkFVPc
another memory echoes in the long hallway. Before they can annotate it, they222Please respect copyright.PENANAbF8jVnqMxp
are distracted by the dolls that stand alongside the walls. There are nine222Please respect copyright.PENANAvWqVit6hqk
dolls, impressive in size and moulded in milk.
The dolls are red of hair that falls down gaunt necks, and on their hands,222Please respect copyright.PENANAlIdLVwAfgn
Silence sees elongated fingers. Silence does not yearn to see the finger where222Please respect copyright.PENANAneDOBRx1nh
the ring sits. They do not wish to comprehend the dolls further, and so Silence222Please respect copyright.PENANAwfUQ9pB93t
turns away.
In the recollection, Silence is perhaps a child of seven. They stand before222Please respect copyright.PENANAk7fwa6AKlf
a door, too slight to reach the white doorbell with the black button. There are222Please respect copyright.PENANAlk65AulIvo
two other people with Silence. The boy has black hair, and it is messy; he took222Please respect copyright.PENANAOXcW4jfJlF
a nap in the car that had not seemed very restful to Silence. The boy has 222Please respect copyright.PENANA5uMe4zVpAx
green eyes that glittered with something that Silence would soon learn222Please respect copyright.PENANAziNDtlFULD
to hate.
The other is an old man. Silence decided he was old when they first met him222Please respect copyright.PENANAzpwZKSUI0X
because the man has to walk with a stick. And he was very slow. The man has one222Please respect copyright.PENANAOtFNFl3xcd
hand on the suitcase with faded butterfly stickers and the other stretching out222Please respect copyright.PENANAIGy7AkKyLt
for the bell that Silence is too slight to reach.
Nothing happens inside the redbrick house for a moment, and then the door is222Please respect copyright.PENANAZRMaW8FSJC
pulled open. Silence and the boy stare at the woman with milk-like skin, red222Please respect copyright.PENANAe1C97d8Ei0
hair and gaunt fingers. They take in the gold ring and large diamond.
Silence cannot recall if the woman spoke to the boy, but it seems that when222Please respect copyright.PENANAR40khnC6QK
she spoke to Silence, she did not like children of their so-called gender very222Please respect copyright.PENANAE7TnOvsJz6
The old man says a few words to the woman and turns, leaving Silence behind222Please respect copyright.PENANAMgPjxZ1RP4
him to be ushered inside by the woman with milk skin.
Apprehension, then foreign to little Silence, fills Silence like222Please respect copyright.PENANABmmDzsPAN2
butterflies, and leap around like butterflies do when caught in a net. The222Please respect copyright.PENANAwGtRXx9rcG
butterflies leap ever frantically as sharp vocal urgings, push Silence into a222Please respect copyright.PENANAioZsjGxSqs
room with a mirror with gold trim and two nightstands of mahogany, and a bed222Please respect copyright.PENANASPNSlZRTPp
with a soft green blanket.
There were no toys. It does not seem to be a room for children.
Silence allows time to roll forward just slightly. To a place in the222Please respect copyright.PENANA9H34tnEjhv
recollection where they felt hungry. There was someone else in the house with222Please respect copyright.PENANAsfOOoTNfRU
the old woman; another person bigger than Silence. She was milk of skin, but with blonde hair that222Please respect copyright.PENANA3ICRtcnvyh
bounced about in curly springs.
Before the old man had left Silence behind, he had given both the boy and222Please respect copyright.PENANAHvlERa26Cd
Silence a snack of popcorn and orange slice, to eat in the car. The boy did not222Please respect copyright.PENANAGBfdaCMyQU
like oranges and had thrown the four pieces of orange from the window. Silence222Please respect copyright.PENANANpamfFdWft
did not throw their orange pieces out of222Please respect copyright.PENANAziQSYpjIKh
the window, and the old man told Silence 222Please respect copyright.PENANAkPDXDiBQQ1
they were very good and the boy was very bad.
Silence walks into the great room where the old woman and the other woman222Please respect copyright.PENANA4cZDaNOGgW
sit in arm chairs and watch the television. The women are watching Shrek.222Please respect copyright.PENANAunGGZdOtOh
Silence knows they are watching Shrek because there is a green man, a donkey222Please respect copyright.PENANAywQfmP1Fit
and a pink dragon.
Silence was not hungry in the car, but now the feel their stomach gurgle.222Please respect copyright.PENANAMu8KzJ7MwF
They sit on the floor in a space without carpet, and begin to eat.
The woman with the blonde hair that bounced like springs looks over at222Please respect copyright.PENANAlhThgPdy3E
Silence, she sees the food, becomes very angry and starts to yell.
The old woman also starts to yell. It all seems very peculiar to Silence. The222Please respect copyright.PENANArab9JW9UMC
woman with red hair is on her feet now and stands over Silence, before reaching222Please respect copyright.PENANAERUDlny3yX
down to snatch at the snack.
Silence blinks four times as they watch the old woman lumber toward the bin222Please respect copyright.PENANAu96i5BfzHG
and throw away the food. The one older than Silence, snaps that good children222Please respect copyright.PENANA4Hv6Rjhkbu
should always ask for things, and that their mum, who, must be the old woman,222Please respect copyright.PENANAnVpSay1UNa
does not believe that children need to have snacks.
The memory begins to roll away. Silence returns To their222Please respect copyright.PENANAF1PYN0APhQ
room where they sit stripped of clothing and pride, and remembers how the old222Please respect copyright.PENANAycT7Oa1PMS
man did222Please respect copyright.PENANAWAmSI5TWVJ
not take anything from Silence, when the boy threw his snack out of the car222Please respect copyright.PENANABXdWtWVWZg
window. The old man had told Silence they were very good. Then, the think about222Please respect copyright.PENANAOAt5ahGrH0
how the old woman snatched away the orange slices, and threw them in the bin.222Please respect copyright.PENANAmDbXl1tAje
Silence realises that really, they must be very bad.
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