"I heard an annoying racket just now..."
Kuro flinched at the voice of a teacher. Not just any teacher, but the teacher. Him. Leviat-Levi-sensei.
Turning, the teacher was staring at him with that scary-looking stony face. But he didn't let that look get through him. Instead, he traded a glare back at him.
The teacher didn't look fazed, as he expected, and much to his disappointment. "It's... nothing to worry about, sensei."
He thought he did a pretty good job on wording "sensei". As if to say, "jerk-ass".
However, the teacher only turn his back on Kuro and walked away after cocking his head as if to say, "well then, I don't need to waste my time on you any longer".
Kuro's right eye twitched.
That caught the teacher's attention, stopping on his tracks and slightly turned. "Leviathan...?"
"Tell the truth, sensei..." He rudely pointed at the teacher who silently listened to him. "Do you have feelings for Inoue?"
A moment has passed, there was no response. The teacher was only looking at him with that dullish bluish sharp eyes of his.
Finally, he looked back at his front, not showing his face. His undercut hair facing Kuro.
And then, "Hmph."
Kuro's face turned poker-face. "...Hah?"
"I'll be blunt with you..." He fully turned around, looking at Kuro face-to-face. "Whether I like her or not doesn't really concern you."
It took about 1...2...3...5 seconds for Kuro to fully register Levi's sentence that soon enough, he was getting angry.
But before Kuro would make an outburst, the teacher continued speaking with a closing of his eyes and a frown of his brows. "But if I had to admit, Inoue.... is precious to me. I cherished her as my pupil. But you don't have to be jealous."
"Precious... Pupil... Jel-Jelly...?" Kuro stammered. "J..jealous? I am not jealous!"
Slowly, the teacher's narrowed eyes climbed down a millimeter. ".... Aren't you her....?"
"No! Oh my go—NO!"
".... What are you to her then? With what you're saying...."
"She's just my rival! Nothing more! Gosh...!"
"Rival..? So you're saying, you two get into regular fights?"
"Yes! Just that, my rival!"
Kuro didn't really knew exactly what happened, but maybe because he was too busy clearing out the sudden misunderstanding and that he was fairly busy getting rid of any other thoughts beside that. But somehow, to him, he thought only a few seconds has passed after expressive yelling when the teacher was standing just inches in front of him. Also that it seemed that his shoes couldn't feel the floor at the moment, as if he was currently floating.
But after a couple times of blinking do he realized he's been hoisted up by the collar of his shirt. And with his clever brain he also figured out that the one lifting him up with one hand was the teacher, Levi.
Compared to the looks he usually express, this was the most terrifying glare Kuro had seen from the teacher. Darkened face. Wild calm eyes.
"I know I don't have the right to be angry like this, since I was away for long... but if you hurt her next time, I'm going to-"
"Weit... you're wrong.." Kuro's voice was strained. Being hoisted up was awkward. "That's not the rival I'm talking... about...."
".... What?" Levi's eyebrows arched. "Are you sh*tting with me?"
"No..! We're love rivals...! Not the thing you're talking about!" He didn't know why he was kicking his legs, but somehow, it eased his awkward position a little. "Let go off me!" It's embarrassing!
He felt his back being pressed against something cool and hard and something lumpy that painfully scratch his skin from the uniform. He must've been shoved onto the lockers. "Hey! That's my sexy back you're hitting with!"
"I can keep this on for as long as I want. Now."
The teacher closed in the remaining personal space between them, his intimidating, stony face too near at Kuro's handsome face. It gave Kuro a great sense of discomfort. This is bisexual harassment!
The teacher's voice went down to the huskiest of the lowest husky. "How I would know you're not lying to me?"
Bullets of sweat shot him all over from palms to toes. It was serious. Even if Levi's a teacher and Kuro is his student, it was a deadly threat.
He felt like his pride has been sliced several times, but he values his aesthetic existence more than anything right now. Besides, he's got nothing to hide other than his usual bruises on his face and parts of his body with the magic of make-up and body cream.
"I-Inoue knows this! Every-b-body knows this! Just ask them and they'll tell you! Gah, get updated, man! Let me go!"
"Levi? What's going on?"
Another person coming in made Kuro's heart leaped in joy. He can just kiss his science teacher, if she doesn't mind.
Hanji's gaze went to Kuro. "Hm? Kuro?"
"Hanji," Levi started, without looking back at her. "Is it true that what this flame-head tot is saying? That Inoue and this flame-head tot are love rivals..?"
In annoyance, one of Kuro's eye twitched. Flame-head tot... the hell?
"Aah, that's what you're worried about. Yep, they are~ Just watching at them running around as early as 6-AM in the morning in the hallways make me excited!"
After the first sentence Kuro was dropped onto the floor. "Hey, I have a butt to use to poop out, y'know."
But once again, after knowing the truth, Levi ignored him as he walked forward to Hanji.
Hanji continued with a lazy wave of hand. "Don't worry about her~ She's already a grown-up~"
"Still." Levi's husky voice was clipped. "I don't want that to happen ever again."
From massaging his butt-cheeks, Kuro's attention perked up. "What not want to happen again?"
"Hanji, why are you here?"
Gah! This teach is frustrating!
"I was looking for you~ Remember we're visiting him this day, right?"
"You can go there by yourself. I'll catch up."
"I'm afraid you won't be able to make it alone." Hanji patted Levi's head, which was apparently easy. "With this sad height~"
"Kidding~! Come on, let's go!"
Hanji hooking Levi's neck, she dragged him along with her before anything can turn out ugly.
With that, Kuro was sitting alone in the area, leaning his back against the lockers.
"What's with him? I just said rivals and he suddenly lose his sh*t..."
He sighed loudly within the silence.
"What happened to Inoue before...?" He asked himself.
⚔ ⚔ ⚔ ⚔ ⚔ ⚔
Another school, and the last day for the week before their weekend. Six days in a row, Kuro has been walking to school like a normal student. Miraculously, he managed to keep his composure and thought it would be better to give her some space. For once, they never bicker. They never competed. They never talk at all.
Usually, he'll be racing with her and throw papers or pencils at each other at times. Remembering it made him chuckle for a bit, but clamped his mouth when people are looking at his way.
When nobody didn't pay attention to him after, he sighed. "Frustrating... I don't even see her anywhere. Is she late today? Or earlier today? Come to think of it, she wasn't anywhere around in my sight ever since..."
He continued walking. He was looking at the ground with listless eyes. Does she hate me now...?
It wasn't even that long when a fast movement came from his left side. He move his head in time and slid away.
"Guys... not now." Kuro informed the person who attacked him. Then, glanced behind other two people with fists clenched ready. "I'm not in the mood for this."
The person in his front spoke. "Oh yeah? That's even more like it~"
Someone who isn't Kuro's bully, and definitely came from a girl, suddenly spoke up. "So you guys are Kuro's bullies...?"
They all turned their attention towards the girl. To Kuro's surprise, it was none other than: "Inoue...?"
Arms crossed on her chest, she looked at Kuro's bullies with blunt disdain. "Really, just because he's handsome you guys have to waste your time and energy to ruin his pretty face."
"It's not just because of the pretty face, chick. Aren't you not comfy seeing this guy too? What kind of a sicko who would flirt with both chicks and dudes? I bet you don't have a bae because he kept on flirting with most of them."
"This is none of your business. Back off." Kuro said harshly, but he thought it could work to get her away from his mess.
But it seemed that she chose to ignore him. "Huh... is that so? Personally though, I do agree that homo is sexually abnormal under any circumstances—"
"Inoue you jerk brat—"
"But you don't have a right to shame all those being one. Honestly, you guys aren't any different from them. Degenerates!"
That stopped Kuro from firing an insult at her. In fact, he was just as surprise as the other guys.
Kuro isn't that stupid to not notice the bad vibes some people give to him. Everyone he met expresses a bit of discomfort whenever he's around. In truth, his classmates may not like him at all either.
He was aware of it all. But still. It hurt. Just a little bit.
But as their eyes met, ignoring the guys who were his bullies, she was smiling at him.
"Well, now that I've said my opinion, would you bullies leave Kuro now? I'd hate to make a forceful move on you all, y'know?"
♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
"How... hooooow did you doooo thaaaaat, Inoue?!" Kuro was asking her, after several minutes of "forceful moves".
In other words, several minutes of beating Kuro's bullies with expertise.
And she curtly answered, "From Levi-seishou."
Kuro paused on his tracks and give her a certain look. "Leviathan—"
She gave him the same look she give to Kuro's bullies. "Levi, Kuro. Levi."
"-Sensei... taught you all those cool karate moves?"
"It's not karate moves... but yeah, he did. He taught me because of that fateful day..."
"....Inoue, I'm sorry..."
Surprised, she shot a nonplussed, not-sure-who-this-gay-is look toward Kuro. "W-what?!"
"...I'm sorry for being, y'know... a jerk to you six days ago? I was a little insensitive back there. I don't really know exactly about what happened to you before, but I think I can guess..."
"...Well, I'm a little jerk to you too. So we're even."
"So, Inoue... what happened back then...? Fateful day, thing?"
"... It'll be a long story..." Inoue warned him.
Kuro beamed a smile. "I don't mind~"
"I don't know why you suddenly got interested in my past, but alright..."
And then, they continued to walk to their school in long but companionable silence.
"Kuro, Inoue, well aren't you two getting along for once!"
Walking forward, they waved at their teacher. "Hanji-sensei, good morning!"
"Mornin'~ Although... isn't already time for your English class? I saw Levi—"
They already disappeared out of sight from their spot. Somewhere, the teacher know for sure she's hearing booming of thuds and rapid trading of cusses along the distance.