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Warning: Confusing Opening.
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A teacher. His student. A sinking lamp of the earth. Thousand fireflies fade in the darken skies. Creamy gradients of blue and orange smeared together before the naked eyes. All aesthetics of nature are framed in one windscreen. The two front seats occupied by a teacher and his student.
A while back they were car chased by their fearsome enemy. The ones who called themselves, "The Big Three".
It was all they could do to accelerate, swerve, and maneuver their way around in hopes to escape their tragic fate. All in the name of love. But now all hope were exhausted out, and they knew there's nothing left.
Just like Romeo and Juliet who wished to be together were played by the gods who teared their love into a distance of light-years, and forbidden and untouchable as the mighty sun.
That's why, they made a promise as fragile as a feather and as quiet as a whisper.
"Not even death will take us apart."
"Or so I've heard..."
The classroom sunk in deep and awkward silence as all the eyes of the students bored into one person with a circular-rimmed glasses and a permed hair. Piercing and deadly. But most of all, questioningly.
Jean raised a hand next to his face.
"Um... who the heck are you—"
"Oh. Weit— since when??"
"Did someone say Yakitori and Yakizakana!!?!"
"Your name is a tongue twister...!"
Historia who has been watching nervously at the ruckus, slowly raised her hand. "U-um... we are losing the topic, by the way..."
"Leave them be, Historia." Ymir shook her head and put her arm around Historia, smoothly directing themselves outside the booming room. "We have early lunch weiting for us."
Kuro stood up abruptly that his chair toppled behind him. He was gritting his teeth. "GUYS! REMEMBER ARMIN, ERWIN-SENSEI, PEOPLE! AR-MIN! SEN-SEI! NOT TAKEKATSU—"
Inoue turned her bored-look from the fussing crowd to Chael who has been writing down notes in calm silence. "Pres, is that guy really our classmate?"
"Oh, you know him??"
His working hand froze in place, tipping his head up slowly. "He's a fine student."
He has pride?!
Her eyes were wide open, burning at the back of the president's head in deep thought.
Weit, maybe I'm just overthinking this...
"Pres, you can admit it to me that you don't know him. It doesn't hurt at all, really."
There was another pause, but his head dipped lower to his notebook, somehow writing a little faster than his normal pacing.
A cold voice spoke up that came from the president. "I don't know what you're talking about."
He does have pride!
Suddenly, another classmate stepped in front of the middle. And also suddenly, the entire classroom came into a complete mute.
Only Jean managed to, asking the same question. "Uhh... now who the heck are you?"
They all take in the unfamiliar beautiful man before them, with silky hair the color of pure silver and sparkling eyes the color of pure gold. The man picked a marker on the teacher's desk and started scribbling on the whiteboard.
Aaand the fudanshi with a hippie look, Take-something vanished without a trace after this oh-so-gorgeous, doesn't-look-like-a-human guy appeared out of nowhere. Inoue concluded.
What the f—
Most of the class read aloud the monosyllables written on the board.
"..... san."
"Too ♡~"
The classroom grew heavy in silence once more, but Rikkun chose this moment to speak up.
"You're the Kokkuri-san, yes?"
Kokkuri-san nodded.
Oh. We have a yokai as our classmate. Inoue thought to herself as she yawned.
"Then you can answer everything we asked you, right??" Rikkun inquired, cynicism written on his face.
Smiling, Kokkuri-san nodded then scribbled something else in the whiteboard again. They read it aloud.
Eren burst up from his seat, knocking someone's desk from behind and its contents. "T-then!-"
"My erotica magazines—!"
"Connie. Come to the office later."
Eren raised a fist. "Is Armin okei?! Is Erwin okei?!"
Kokkuri-san scribbled two same answers next to each other. They read it aloud.
"Yes." "Yes."
"What a relief...!"
Um, guys, it's too early to believe in the yokai ...
"What happened to them?" Mikasa inquired next.
Kokkuri-san scribbled for his answer as they read it aloud each words he wrote separately.
This is not even the game....
Weit, weit, weit, Kokkuri-san is British?
"No." "It's" "Just" "My" "Favorite" "Word❣"
What the f—
"Okei, so Takumi isn't so far off the mark with his shounen-ai..."
"The Big Three, was it?" Marco recalled. "The fearsome gang."
"The name sounds familiar..."
"For what they did to Armin and Erwin-sensei.... I swear, I'll hunt them down and make them pay!" Eren swore between his teeth.
"I won't forgive them...." Mikasa muttered darkly.
"I second the motion!"
And their no-classes class ended with that occult-and-sacrifices uproar.
"Ymir? Historia? You guys are already done?" Inoue asked when she saw them leaving right after the rest of the class entered the cafeteria.
"Yep. We had lunch early." Ymir said with a big smile on her face. "T'was great hanging out with Historia without anybody around. Let's do it again sometime, ey, Historia??"
Historia's sky-blue eyes gleamed. "Yeah, sure."
"Haha, how cute. Well we don't have class anyway so you guys go on have a date or something." I don't even know why are we still in school... "See ya tomorrow, guys."
Leaving them alone with their extra quality time, Inoue found a vacant table at the nearest corner, settling herself and unpacking her mom's home-made bento and strawberry-milk carton. Sipping her drink first-hand she scanned the area around her, gazing from classmate to another then the next and so on.
So far even without Armin and Erwin-sensei they're still their usual chummy, sometimes violent, selves. Chael was chatting casually and friendly to his fan-girls and Kuro was laughing along with his newer circle of friends, which are also mostly a bunch of girls.
Lulu was her usual lunch-mate and they tend to make crazy lists of what to do when they're bored in case for emergencies.
Remembering those times made her feel lonely.
Unlike before, she doesn't have anyone to lunch with her. This time, she's alone.... And it's not the first time.
Not to create any awkward situation while she's here, she left the cafeteria and decided to eat lunch at the rooftop. The safer option than eating lunch in their classroom. Besides, even if she feels a little lonely, she prefers to be alone sometimes, especially this time. She has a lot to think about.
Nevermind, she'll think through things after-school. "Rikkun?"
To the very end of the wire fence, he sat on the floor with one propped knee as he nibbled his hamburger. Noticing her, he placed his headphones down to his neck.
"Inoue." He regarded her coolly.
Stepping forward, Inoue went closer while holding her lunchbox in both hands. "You're not sitting on the bench?"
"Nah." He said before taking a bite of his burger. "You can take the bench if you want to."
That will be awkward actually... with the distance and all.
"Do you mind if I sit with you?"
Finishing his burger right away, he washed it down with his bottle of water before responding. "I don't mind."
Inoue sat across him, putting her lunchbox on the ground and began eating. Rikkun proceeded to use his phone, typing something without a pause. Inoue took into account that he was not pulling up his headphones to continue listening to his music.
Well, it's better than being alone eating in the cafeteria— ugh, stupid me.
She had forgotten one tiny little thing. The cabbage. Her mom always add it to her bento, whether she likes it or not. And she doesn't like it.
It's not that she hates eating veggies, but cabbage.... cabbage is an exception. It has a weird spicy, pepper-minty flavour in them that makes her want to gag. It also doesn't go well with her strawberry milk.
She could sense that the cabbage was eyeing at her intimidatingly with an equally mutual feelings toward her as well. She glared back at it.
Then she looked up at Rikkun who is somewhat working at his phone based on how he narrowly looked at the device.
Well, it wouldn't hurt to ask.
Half-way taking up the cabbage with her chopstick, she stopped herself.
She realized almost too late, that he doesn't have any bento with him, meaning he doesn't have chopstick with him, meaning he'll have to use hers. MEANING I'LL HAVE TO... HAVE TO...!
"Something's wrong?"
Rikkun's voice broke her train of thought, yelping against her will.
He raised an eyebrow at her reaction.
She mentally slapped, cursed, and mortified herself, and mentally slapped herself again.
Dismissing her thoughts into the air as like the wind, she shook her head. "N-no, not at all. It's just..."
She lowered her gaze at the cabbage again, looking as if knowing it's going to win. And maybe, maybe the cabbage is winning this time around.
After all, I don't think Rikkun will like being fed. They say guys find it embarrassing....
Deciding to give in before even trying, she withdrew the cabbage back to the box.
When Rikkun's mouth went for it.
Her heart made a little flip.
In a gentle snatch, he bit the cabbage, savoring the bitter flavor.
Words almost fly off from her semi-malfunctioning mind. "Y-you... like cabbage...?"
"I don't hate it." He said between his chew, eyeing Inoue coolly.
"Haha, I see..." Three words, again. Weit, does "haha" counts as a word?
"Got some more?"
"Oh- um, y..yeah, um, uh, here!" Smooth, Inoue. Smooth.
He leaned forward to claim another leaves of cabbage with his mouth, so bent that a strand of his hair slid onto his face, so close that they could touch forehead to forehead if he dared tipping his head up. Please. Don't you dare tip your head up, or I might get a heart attack!
She breathed out a sigh of relief when he only pulled himself, setting their usual distance between them as he chewed the remaining cabbage like they're some bubblegum.
"T-that's all.... Thanks."
Swallowing, Rikkun replied with light shake of his head. "It's backwards. I thank you for the free snack."
"You're the second person to, um, not un-like cabbage, out of our classmates..."
"Let me guess, Chael is the first."
The answer surprised Inoue so much her head jolted. "WOAH— Howdidyouknow!?"
"I think I heard your neck snapping.... But anyway, to humor you, we know each other since we were babies."
His answer struck Inoue like a thunderbolt thrown by Zeus. Godly news it was for her that they're childhood-- babyhood friends.
I've never see them being close! Not even a meter close to each other!
Rikkun must've read her through the face because he said, "Let's just say... there's a history between us."
"You guys don't get along?" Inoue offered.
Rikkun chuckled at this, but not in a chummy way of chuckling. It was purely cold.
"Wrong." He said, in his icy voice of smoke. "We will never get along."
Suddenly, she had an inkling that Rikkun's point of view of the world may as well be the coldest version of hell. Before she had a say in the subject though, a sound of the door opening in a loud creak can be heard. Turning their heads toward the source, their eyes met Kuro's dazzling honey drops.
Of course, they don't really feel so dazzling at all when they saw the one and only gay-harem incubus.
A very rude finger was pointed directly at Inoue. "What the— Inoue! You're cheating!"
"What?" That was all she could say to Kuro. His presence is like black magic; whenever he appears near her, her IQ drops dramatically.
"You're having your own secret quality time with Rikkun-kun when I'm usually the one having my own secret quality time with Rikkun-kun!"
Rikkun flinched twice at the honorific, as if it can hurt. "I said don't call me that!"
"....You.... you always spend with Rikkun here?!" Anger boiled up within her very quickly. Whether from his statement or just simply him being here, she's not sure. "You're the blatant cheater here, Kuro!"
"No, it's not! I'm just a guy hanging out with another guy, while YOU are a girl alone with a guy! There's a difference!"
Finally, Rikkun decided to put his headphones on and let it stay there with a loud volume. Their voice were less annoying that way, muffling their insulting bickering that are strictly PG-13.