Kuro and Inoue raced. It happens quite often that students and neighboring strangers walking by knew what to expect. The said pedestrians dodged from their strides almost as quick as thunder, as though it's as normal as there's a bloody civil war going on. Note the art of exaggeration. The metaphorical expression here is as accurate as the race between the two.
Whoever goes in their classroom first wins. And the winner will be the one to make an absolute decision.
Electrifying sensation surging through their veins they ran like no other, since nobody really runs early in the morning just to go to school.
Snatching their prepared hand-made ammunition, they threw already-used crumpled ball of papers-- with something fairly heavy on the inside for better aim-- at each other, hoping to slow their speed to get a lead. So far, none of them out-stands the other, as they were impressively withstood one another.
Changing their tactics, the two changed directions. Inoue, having already mapped the entire possible routes to school like the back of her hand, she turn left, right, and nearby corners to which she calculated as the displacement from home to school that she learned in physics. Even though the battle isn't over or that she even won, her lips tugged into a mischievous triumphant smile.
On the other hand, Kuro was quite illegally creative, if not logically efficient. Being very tall, he ran on ledges that served as a protective line for the houses without fear, barging through the houses just to get up to the rooftop and start leaping to another one. But in the eagle's eye view from above, one could tell that Kuro seems to be walking down on a humongous staircase leading directly to the school grounds.
Both are in the lead. Both are closing in.
As their path intersected, Kuro and Inoue both turned to their left with expert twist of the heels. Lunging forward, they cut through air toward the check point, the school's gates.
But in the last minute, Inoue got through closing of the gates by manipulating Kuro's boundaries. Without Kuro knowing, his side of path led to the parking side of the school, whereas Inoue led to the spines of students that made a beeline for yours truly, Inoue and make a physical barrier-- namely the walking students-- to avoid Kuro from through it. Kuro was few meters far differed from Inoue's few meters ahead.
Another difference was their stamina. Inoue's more limited than Kuro does.
Relentlessly, Kuro quicken his pace to the level of lightning. He jumped onto the bench, lifting himself upwards, and catapulted himself from the strong branch of the tree, giving him a boost over the ledge of the school grounds.
In mid-air, he threw his bag at Inoue's direction. This caused Inoue to hear the faint rippling of the air behind her, slowing down to take a look behind the source. In instinct, she ducked. A shadowy figure caught Inoue's eye near her, and she knew full well it was Kuro, probably snatching his bag ahead.
Without any moment to lose, she expertly slung a piece of paper folded into smaller thick strips as the bullet, her thumb and forefinger as the strap with a rubber band readied on each end. It didn't hit on the target's head but it caused enough distraction to made him flinch. She made a run for it while getting another paper bullet from her wristband and slung again at her target.
Though using the trick for the second time loosens the effects, for Kuro maneuvered himself and caught up with Inoue. He rolled to block Inoue's path dominating the lead to the second checkpoint; the school's entrance.
Their racing tracks were narrower now as they raced through the hallways, breezing through the by-standing teachers and students smoothly as cat is flexible. They're almost halfway through their classroom.
Again, Inoue created another manipulation, shooing Kuro closer to the opposite side that led more obstacles-- bystanders and passers-by-- than hers. Yet with physical flexibility, Kuro ran passed or over them while running on the walls, his speed unchanged.
Inoue felt a slight begrudging respect for her gay rival.
He's not just all-looks and all-flirting, huh.
But more importantly, she knew she's almost at her limit.
Her last ammunition remaining, she used her trump card. The weapon she used just yesterday attempting on penetrating Kuro straight at his pretty face.
But this time, it will be more than just one.
With amazing speed she hurled forth her retractable knife-- that looked like a clicking pen at first glance-- like she was some ninja. Like kunai and shuriken alike, they punctured on the wall in a steady line and rhythm. Kuro stumbled from his tracks.
Laughing like a maniac, Inoue used her remaining energy to head through the opening door. She boosted like there's no tomorrow.
The moment her distance closed in the gap, she felt something light clutching on her shoulders. The next thing she felt was her back slamming hard on a surface, knocking her breathless.
What the heck happened?
It took her few seconds to realize, after frozen in place panting for breath, that Kuro supported himself up using Inoue's shoulders in its hunched state as he pushed through inside before her in the last second. This caused her to be pushed behind, stumbling backwards against the walls of the hallways.
She could hear a thrashing yell of triumph coming from the winner. The gay being gay.
At this point, he huffed happily. Mixed emotions surging through him. His voice hitching and gasping. Also out of breath.
"ARCADE... FOR THE WIN! FOR the..... the...WIN..!"
Inoue straightened herself, entering the room with an exhausted look in her face. Too tired to express that she was fuming.
Gundam that last move! It was too cool for Kuro!
Truth be told, her respect toward the homo transfer student shone in a new light. She felt a faint twitch from her face, but she doesn't know which part. She's too tired to recognize it.
As expected of my rival, he's not to be underestimated.
"I... admit my lost. Just this... one time." Inoue said through her breaths. She crossed her arms, feeling her sweat running like bullets.
"I'll beat you down to a pulp... next time that you'll feel sorry for pushing me off like that..."
Kuro grinned, in a mocking way, true. But not in his usual obnoxious get-up. It was just right in his face, possibly because weary of pulling a wider one. Though, it was a fine contortion on his fine-looking face. It felt more natural. More real.
"...Not happening~!"
The good moment came to an abrupt halt. They swirled their gazes toward the person who coughed for attention. And they knew well who just did that.
Standing before them was Rikkun, his frosty eyes calmly fixed on them. "You guys done rivaling, right?"
Grabbing two pieces of paper from his hoodie-pocket he handed each to the two. It wrote a place named, Abattoir von Riese, and its location and the meeting time. The two stared back at Rikkun with very blank questioning eyes.
"I said I'm joining in for the cookie, and I didn't say anything about joining in to your planned occasion."
Then Rikkun cocked his head innocently yet in a mocking gesture. A transition from his cold look to ghostly amusement on his face.
"So I get to choose the third option, right?"
Still in their very blank questioning eyes, Rikkun yawned as he walked pass them. "...Nature calls, tell the homeroom instructor I'll be out for a bit, will you?"
They followed his figure outside the room with blank eyes.
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