Growing up I managed to graduate by my sophmore year thanks to all the extra credit courses I took. So by fifteen I was a freshman in college. My parents would be proud of me, I told myself.
I got up off the couch and made my way to the shower. When I got out my phone was blown up with messages from my best friend, Emily, begging me to go to the club with her tonight. I looked at the time in the top corner of my phone, 6:23 pm. I texted her telling her to meet at my place around eight even though she be typical Emily and be here an hour early.
I tossed my phone down by my Himalayan cat Mushu. He looked up at me then laid his head back on his paws. I rolled my eyes at him before going to my closet. I didn't have much to go clubbing in but that was because I valued my education more than getting waisted and laid.
I grabbed my off the shoulder black dress. It was tight and showed off my large breasts nicely. I maybe skinny but my mother graced me with large assets. I got dressed then looked for the perfect shoes. I decided to go with my black strappy heels. I blow dried my hair and it fell into its natural curly fry rings. I did winged eyeliner and red lipstick.
Promptly at seven fifteen Emily walks in wearing her red dress strapless bondage dress. Her chocolate hair was straight as straw and her auburn eyes sparkled.
"Ready to go?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, "Always early. Lets grab a bite to eat first because you become stupid if you drink on an empty stomach." I said as I tucked my debit card into my bra. I grabbed my car keys and phone and we left.
We pulled up to our favorite diner amd walked in. Marcie, the owner, smiled at us. "Well don't you ladies look beautiful." She complimented. "Thank you. We decided to grab a bite before going to Pulse." Emily said as she sat at the front counters. "You girls be careful. Word is that's become the Laughing Coffin gang's new hang out." She adviced. "We'll be fine. Henry won't let anything happen to us." I reassured her.
Henry was the bouncer and Emily's cousin. He had muscles like The Rock but not the looks. She nodded, "So will it be your usual?" "You know it." Emily smiled.
After five minutes two large bacon swiss burgers with a side of fries and Cokes were put in front of us. We were silent as we ate our food. We each paid for our food before leaving.
Pulse was one of the most popular clubs here in town. It tended to have a line that goes around the building, but the only way to get in is if your name is on the list, unless it was ladies night then just men needed to be on the list. Henry smiled when he saw us, "Have fun and call me if you need anything." "Thanks Henry." We called in unison.
Hey Mama was playing through the speakers. We went to the bar and ordered a shot of patron before going to dance. As we danced Emily scopped out the crowd looking for someone who maybe looking for a night of fun. I just wanted to relax, because I wasn't interested with sex with strangers. When we took a break to drink we sat at a booth. I was sipping on a glass of water since I was the DD or at least driving myself home if Emily actually scores tonight.
"So I was thinking, on the night of your graduation, we should totally go all out." Emily suggested. "Meaning?" I asked. "We need to paint the town red that night." She clarified. I rolled my eyes, "You know I'm not a fan of getting black out drunk. Besides I'm only comfortable with drinking here because of Henry." She nodded, "It won't be just us, we could get the crew together."
Our crew consisted of five people total. Emily, Jasper, Marcus, Gabrielle, and I have been friends since kindergarten well until a couple years ago. Jasper once was drunk and tried to rape me at a party our sophomore year in highschool. At the time Gabrielle and him were dating so when I tried to tell her she told me I was lying. Marcus didn't believe me either, said I was looking for attention. Emily was the only one who believed me though. Two years after the incident Jasper confessed what he failed to do and they called me trying to apologize. We haven't been as close since.
I shook my head, "I don't think that is such a great idea. I may have forgiven them but I don't see them as my friends anymore." She huffed, "You need more friends." She repeated for the millionth time since we were kids. I shrugged, "I'm just not that much of a people person." "Understatement of the year." She scoffed playfully. I gave her a playful shove causing her to laugh.
Two guys soon approached us. They each had Brimstone Gang tattoos on their necks. It wasn't good to get involved with them. If Marcie was right about Pulse now being The Laughing Coffin gang's hang out then members from Brimstone were only asking for trouble by being here.
Emily and I each shared glances thinking the same thing. "Hello beautiful ladies." One purred disgustingly. "Can we help you?" Emily asked sassily. I looked down at my lap not really wanting to meet their eyes. "We were hoping you girls would join us." The other said. "Sorry boys but its a girl's night out tonight." Emily told them.
"Maybe we could convince you girls to change your minds." The first one suggested. I looked at the time, "I'm sorry but I've got an early morning and I'm her ride." I lied. We stood from our chairs and noticed they followed us. We tried to lose them in the crowd of dancers. Unfortunately I lost Emily too. I cursed in my head as I made my way to the back exit.
Just as I stepped out the door I saw something I knew I shouldn't.