At this moment in time Garrett is in the abandoned factory behind the bar, keeping an eye on the back exit, Matthew was acting like a homeless person in the alley watching the side door while we were watching the front exit. Jason sat in the car in case they left with her in a vehicle.
The pistol in my waistband was a heavy presence that I didn't like. "What do we do if we do manage to bring her home?" Cassidy asked. "We end this war as fast as possible." I replied before taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Our phones vibrated with a message from Jason telling us Matthew hadn't checked in yet. Cassidy and I got up and threw our drinks away. When we got outside we casually crossed the street and walked close to the ally. We heard grunts and flesh hitting flesh. We saw Matthew being held against his will and being beaten. Emily had her hands and ankles bound, a gag muffled her screams and tears trailed down her cheeks. Cassidy hid while she called Jason and Garrett. I pulled the pistol from my waistband, "Put him down."
Emily looked at me with widened eyes. "Look what the cat dragged in. Are you supposed to be his back up?" A guy smirked. "The rest are on their way." I replied. "To bad you two will be dead before they get here." Another tisked. He pulled out his pistol and fired the first shot before I registered it happened. Luckily he only grazed my right thigh, tearing my jeans. I pulled my trigger and hit one of them in the shin. We heard the squeal of tires before Jason turned to shine his head lights into the ally, blinding them. Matthew used that has his chance to disarm the one who shot at me and shoot the guy in the head. Two more dropped and I spotted Garrett above us. There was only one guy left and Jason killed him. I went to Emily and unbound her.
"What the hell Nicole?!" She yelled at me. "Not here." I told her. I helped her up and we got in the car. Jason peeled out of the ally and drove around town to make sure we weren't being tailed. "What the fuck is going on?" Emily asked. "I joined Laughing Coffin. Brimstone used you as a way to try and get me to do what they wanted but I refused. Luckily they suck at covering their tracks. Before you ask why I'm part of Laughing Coffin I'll go ahead and answer it. The night we lost each other at Pulse I left out the side door and saw Jason getting shot by one of Brimstone's members. Garrett threatened my life and I promised I could save him. After I did the leader gave me a choice, join or die. At that moment I wanted to live so I chose to join them. The reason I didn't tell you was because I didn't need you getting hurt, nor did I need you constantly worried about me."
Black dots began to dance in my vision and I rubbed my eyes to try and help focus. The adrenaline was wearing off and I was beginning to feel the pain in my thigh. I looked in my purse for my pocket knife then took off my seat shirt. I took off the tank top I was wearing and tore it into strips to tie tightly around my thigh above my wound.
"Why didn't you tell us you were shot?" Jason asked. "Because it's not life threatening." I said. I put on my sweatshirt abd leaned back in the passenger seat. "Where are we going now?" Emily asked. "To a hotel. I got some clothes for you and we won't be leaving for another couple of days." I informed her.
When we got to the hotel it was a little tough to get to the elevator without anyone noticing my blood soaked jeans. When we got to my room Jason picked me up and sat me on the counter of the kitchenette. "What are you doing?" I asked. "Taking care of this." He muttered. He cut off the leg of my jean and started cleaning the wound. Luckily it didn't need any stitches, just a big home-made bandaid.
After I changed into sweats I went and sat on the couch, waiting for Emily to get out of the shower. When she came out of the bedroom she looked at me with hollowed eyes, "Why would you join people like them? Haven't you learned anything?" "Don't you dare go there with me Emily. I did what I had to do." I said. She shook her head, "Was it not enough for you to lose your parents? They were killed Nicole, do you want the same?"
I clenched my fists and looked down as the tears filled my eyes. Before I could say anything Garrett of all people beat me to it. "I'd watch what you say next. I might not have known her for long but she was determined to save you. She was willing to kill to get you back, does that mean nothing to you?" Garrett growled. "She wouldn't have too if it weren't for you and your gang." She spat. "You ungrateful little bitch." Matthew snapped.
"Look Emily. These four came with me to make sure that we both came back home alive. My role in the gang is to be their doctor in a war the Brimstone gang started the night they shot Jason. I couldn't just stand there when someone else's life was on the line. I did what I felt was right." I told her softly. She sighed and ran a hand thru her hair, "You always did have a big heart. I'm sorry I snapped at you Nicole, it's just it hurts that you lied to me, that you're having to risk your life." My shoulders relaxed, "I'm sorry for lying to you, and I promise it won't happen again."
Then her gaze went to Jason's, "If anything happens to her, I'm hunting you down and giving you a fate worse than death." "If anything happens to her, I'll give myself up willingly." He swore. She then nodded, "Good now I'm starving."
After eating and everyone else going to bed Emily and I stayed up. "How are you doing?" I asked. "I don't know. It feels like a horrible nightmare, one minute I'm fighting for my life, the next I'm being held against my will, the next there you are pointing a gun to save me. How'd you find me?" She asked. "They sucked at covering their tracks and Jason was the one who did the investigating." I told her. "I bet that sucked. I'm guessing he kept you out of the loop?" She asked. "A little. I only found out because he needed stitches." I replied. She chuckled and shook her head. We fell into silence before she broke it, "I saw Jeremy." "Where?" I asked. "He's part of Brimstone." She answered. "Did he hurt you?" I asked straightening my back. She shook her head, "No but he was surprised to see me there just as I was, to see him."
"Did you guys talk to eachother?" I asked next. "No, I refused to talk to anyone." She answered. I nodded and we lapsed into silence again. "I think I'm going to go to bed." She spoke softly before getting up and going to her room. I went to my room and plopped down on the bed knowing we aren't out of the woods yet, we still have to get home first.