"I told you I refused to sit my butt on the sideline." Then she turned to Garrett, Cassidy, and Matthew, "And you three knew he what he was doing!" Matthew and Cassidy raised their hands in defense while Garrett just stood there looking boredly back at her. "We had no choice." Matthew pleaded. Nicole humphed then turned back to me and continued stitching up my right forearm, making sure not to be gentle. When she was done she to her gloves off and threw them in the trash, "I want to interrigate him."
She sounded determined now. She met my eye and I knew if she did it wasn't going to be pretty. My father had been trying for an hour now but the guy was stubborn. Maybe she might be able to do something, "Ok." I told her.
I got off the examination table gestured for her to follow me. I lead her to the basement where the guy was handcuffed to the chair. "Did you bring me someone to play with?" He asked. Blood dripped from his nose and his teeth were red but he still had an insufferable smile.
"Actually I'm here to play with you." She told him. I leaned against the wall and watched as she walked up to himvand pulled out this weird looking pistol. "Did you know the human body is a funny thing? The smallest parts of our bodies can hurt more than the parts that could kill us if injured. Take stubbing your toe for example. Something non life threatening but it hurts so bad you feel like you were shot in the foot." "If I wanted a lesson on the body I would've stayed in school." The man snapped. She then showed him them pistol thing. "This is little thing works similarly like a nail gun, but instead of nails its needles. It's not strong enough to kill you, but the things I can do with it are amazing. Now then tell me where you and your three other buddies took my friend Emily." She said emotionlessly. "I don't know what are talking about." He spat. "Maybe this will jog your memory." She said. No sound came from the weird pistol but a millisecond after she pulled the trigger he was screaming in pain. "You bitch!" He yelled. "You won't be able to move your foot until that needle is removed. The pain won't stop until tgat happens either." She told him.
It went on for another twelve minutes before he was singing dixie. Before leaving she took out the needles she fired into him. Once the door to the basement was shut she dropped to her knees and cried. She stared at her hands as if she couldn't believe what she did.
"I'm a monster." She whispered. I crouched down next to her, "No your not. You want your friend back and your doing whatever it takes. If you were a monster you would've left the needles in him, instead he took his pain away. If you were a monster you wouldn't be crying right now." She wiped her eyes with shaking hands, "I don't regret what I did to him." "And you shouldn't." I told her.
We stayed there for a few minutes before she got herself together. "Time to follow our new lead." She declared strongly. I nodded and we went up the stairs to go talk to my father.
In his office we sat in the chairs in front of his desk. "We learned that they took her to a house in Gainesville and in three days from now they'll be moving her but he didn't know where." She told him. "Gainesville isn't our territory." My father told her. "True but they come into our territory whenever they feel like it." She pointed out. "You have a point, but I'm not going to risk my men." He told her. She nodded, "Perfectly understandable, and I'm not saying you have too. The more who come with me are put at risk." "You're not going to risk your life." I told her while crossing my arms. She gave out a small laugh and shook her head, "Every day we risk our lives when we live our simple lives. Most of that we're doing something selfish, so why not risk my life by saving someone else's?"
"You're not going alone, it's suicide." I snapped. "What you did today was suicide." She snapped back. "I'm coming with you." I declared. "Don't make me laugh. You're to badly injured. One arm has stitches, the other is supposed to be a sling, you have bruised ribs, if you go you'll be nothing but a burden." She listed off.
"Neither of you are going to Gainesville." My father declared sternly, shuttung us both up. Nicole stood up, "I'm going after her." My father stood up and slammed his hands down on his desk, "You will not be going to Gainesville, that is an order." Nicole crossed her arms and met his gaze unflinchingly. I was too scared to even move, I even think I stopped breathing. I watched in horror as she stepped closer to the desk then stood her ground, "Just try to stop me, I dare you."
Time seemed to stop while they had a stare down. Then my father closed his eyes and sighed before sitting down in his chair, "Garrett, Matthew, Cassidy, and Jason are to go with you. Come back alive." She nodded, "Yes sir."
We left the office and I waited till we were outside of the warehouse, "What the fuck were you thinking standing up to him like that?! Wait I don't answer that because the thing is, you weren't thinking. For someone who graduated at the age of fifteen and become the state's youngest female doctor you surely are a dumbass." She raised an eyebrow at me, "You done yet?" I sighed defeated, "Yeah." "Good, you and the others will meet me at my place by nine then we'll leave. Gainesville is two hours away then we'll get a hotel for the night. Tomorrow night we will scope out the supposed hideout before making any brash decisions." She informed me. "You lead and I'll follow." I told her. She nodded, "Good."
Nicole's POV
When I got home I immediately got on the computer and booked two rooms at a fancy five star hotel in Gainesville on the otherside away from our lead. Hotel's have security and give us a chance to sleep without looking over our shoulders. Plus more people will be around so incase we get discovered they won't start anything.
I then went to one of my neighbor's to see if they'll take care of Mushu until I get back because I had no clue when we would be back.
After that I packed two suitcases and changed into skinny jeans, Converse, a black tank top, and my red leather jacket. I needed to look like I just didn't get a tattoo today or that I'm on a suicide mission. There was a knock on my door and I opened the door.
When I opened the door they all were waiting with bags. "Lets do this." Matthew declared.