As the trees danced with the wind, fairies twirled around in symphonies. The snow fell down slowly, covering every inch of the ground with its white beauty. A white horse walked slowly towards a frozen apple down on the floor.
" Hercules, don't eat that." A voice echoed through the trees.
A girl emerged from behind the trunk of a whistling tree.
Her long white hair danced with the wind, making it slowly blow behind her pale face. Her crimson eyes, made her skin and hair seem paler. Her red lips smiled softly as she looked at the horse.
" I knew you would come to this tree." She smiled softly patting the horseback.
" But you know it's winter and the trees all go to sleep." She continued.
The horse's breath made the girl chuckle.
" Let's go home."
While the girl was walking near the river, she looked at her reflection.
Her two swords hanged low, they were attached to her skirt. The corset blurry in the reflection and so were her boots. The only clear things were her sword, reflecting her duty, her mission to safeguard her realm.
Suddenly she felt a tremor coming from deep down the earth.
" Someone entered the realm." She whispered.
She jumped on Hercules back.
" Let's go Herc."
The horse responded to his master and road off.
" Mum, I'm going for a walk."
A boy called to his mother as he opened the door.
" Don't take too long." She responded.
" I won't." The boy responded.
As the boy closed the door behind him, he jogged down the stairs and pulled the bag strips.
" I have an Oreo packet if I get hungry." He whispered to himself.
As the boy started to climb the long hill to the forest, he noticed some of his classmates running around each other with a stick. He thought about how he could be playing with them, but he can't find the strength to go and talk to them, so he continued walking up the hill.
As he finally reached the forest, a soft wind hit his face. The wind had an icy feeling to it and it made him shiver. Suddenly he heard a whistle.
When he looked around, he saw no one so he ventured into the forest as he usually does.
He followed the sound of the whistle until he came in front of a tree, he touches it slowly and the whistling stopped. He stroked the trunk and smiled softly.
" This tree seems old." He whispered.
Suddenly a gulf of wind makes him take a step back. His black hair was pulled back and he couldn't open his golden eyes.
As the wind subdued he could finally open his eyes, as he did, he noticed that somehow the scenery changed. But he couldn't really understand how.
When he took a step forward, his feet sank into the ground. When he looked down he saw that snow covered the whole ground.
" How in th-"
Suddenly he felt something on his neck. He looked down and saw what looked like a sword too near to his neck.
" Who are you?"
He heard a voice behind him. It was a girl's voice. Her voice was beautiful the boy thought.
" Jason, do you know where am I ?" He asked.
" You don't know?"
Jason shook his head slowly, taking care not to touch the blade.
" There was a strong wind and I had to close my eyes, when I opened them again I was here."
" You mean you are human?"
" Of course, aren't you?"
The sword slowly retracted from near his neck. When Jason turned around he almost couldn't breathe.
A girl with white hair as long as the floor and eyes that looked on fire was watching his every move.
" How did you come here?" She asked him.
Jason kept staring at her, he couldn't look away from her eyes.
" I don't know." He said.
The girl took a step forward and reached for the tree behind Jason.
Jason moved away from her and she put her ear to the trunk and she stroked it.
" Did you bring him here?" She whispered.
Suddenly there was a soft whistle.
" I can't let him stay. Please take him back."
Another whistle resounded.
The girl sighed and stepped away from the tree.
" I'm sorry for putting a sword to your neck, but we don't like outsiders."
Jason nodded.
" Please don't speak of this to anyone. No one would believe you anyway and they would think you were mad."
When she was about to turn, Jason grabbed her hand. She looked bigger than him, he was told that he was tall for a 10-year-old boy but she looked older at the same time she didn't.
" Can you at least tell me your name please?"
The girl smiled. " Maeve."
Jason never heard of such a name but he liked her name.
The girl put a hand on his head.
" Close your eyes."
He didn't really want to but he obeyed.
When he opened his eyes, the girl was gone and so was the snow.
He sank to the floor, his back to the tree.
" I never saw a girl so beautiful." He whispered.
Then he remembered a picture of a woman that he saw in his class today, the teacher was giving lessons of Greek mythology for a play that will be given at the end of the year. A beautiful lady was featured in this lesson.
" Aphrodite." He whispered to himself as he imagined the girl again.