Persona in #338
I woke up with no memory of who I am and where I am… but I feel nothing.
The camera hanging on my neck does not recall any situation in my life – on where I got it but it felt essential to me… for it is the only thing I’ve got in this lonely place.
The grasses were always short and yellowish, some are green; it was as if death was near yet nobody’s giving up… Why won’t they continue wilting and die? What are they looking for? Seeking for? Why am I so concerned with these infestations? Is it because I have nothing else to think about except the grasses, the endless dusk and the unnamed planets above me?
I walk tirelessly on the rocky terrain and every time I can’t remember a certain spot, I take a picture of it so that I would know if something is repetitive in these silent meadows. I took countless of pictures but it doesn’t seem to end and my mind again asked… why do I know this mechanism? Why do I know its functions? Is it natural or learnt? I don’t know… I know nothing as if I was just born yesterday.
Besides the camera, I own a pair of thick books that was clearly meant for long hiking adventures and an orange checkered long sleeves under a gray jacket paired with blue skinny jeans. My outfit felt comfortable and proper for the location but it is still a mystery to me why they never get old… am I immortal? Or time does not exist in this soundless expansion.
I found a flower yesterday. I took pictures of it in all angles for it is one of a kind; and from that day I realized I knew of things but I can’t force myself to recall anything. I don’t know what kind of flower it was but it looked familiar as well as its faint scent is trying to catch a memory from my head. But the moment something was coming up there, I go into a blackout and wake up somewhere far from the thing that caused it… as if I was meant to be alone and empty.
“Resource number 012897 has detached from its point-conscience successfully.” The system informed the guardian.
“Analyze situation of the invasive stimulus.” She commanded.
“Undergoing synthesis and analysis on data; please wait for the process to finish.” The intelligence followed.
“A connection again? Jezel, this is weird, you should report that to the Third Headquarters before it becomes a bigger problem in the structure of his Labyrinth.” Her collogue advised.
“I will in the next attempt. For now, I’ll just investigate this invasive behavior by myself… I might gain a credit for this extended effort.” She said while locating the other possibilities of the excessively repetitive problem.
“Suit yourself.” Cleit shrugged before continuing his business.
3 weeks after abduction, 2 months before becoming a resource to the Wisdom of Bethlehem;
The new resources are being delivered and stored to the vaults and some Primary Headquarters officials were there to inspect the aliens they caught – to see if someone is a candidate for vault numbered zero.
“Why won’t they let the Second Headquarters do the job? There much closer and we’re busier.” Commander Titus was rhetorically asking but he truly wants this concern to be discussed by the Highest Court.
“The Third observes, analyzes and fix most problems; the Second segregates, emphasizes essential data as well as update the systems; while the First does nothing but sit around, drink coffee and tell if the resource is becoming trash or not but sometimes we do something unwasteful such as choosing the right vaults to get the best out of these resources.” The lieutenant summarized the use and importance of each division and why her co-worker should be thankful.
The higher official from the legion of Moses did not respond to the other’s comment instead, he chooses another topic to discuss “Look, someone forgot to clean a resource.” He pointed a cased human like being with lilac hair. He was about to discipline the irresponsible abductors when Beitt of the legion of John grabbed his arm showed him the data of resource number 012897 on a tablet “Is it truly a soldier from Milkomeda?... I thought all of them are dead.”
“They have checked the body not less than three times and more than one DNA was always the result.” She informed and continued looking at the statistics. “Wow, he’s quite a hybrid. He has the blood of all the potent beasts in the universe… and an unidentifiable organ.”
“Let me see.” He took the device from the woman but the lieutenant won’t budge.
“This.. is.. mine..” she declared with a stern look “But I’ll show you..” she showed the percentage of each DNA on a body chart “The unknown part is located where the heart suppose to be and I guess it is his new heart now… a black and unresponsive object.” Beitt concluded.
“Should we extract and examine it?” The commander suggested while looking at the young features of the resource.
“He.. she.. whatever! This dual gender is such a problem in speech!” She murmured before replying confidently “He could die in the process. It’s best if we ask the Courts first before doing anything that may be regrettable.”
“I heard their combined galaxies where invaded by the unknown dark entity. He could have been in an expedition while everything was happening but isn’t it strange, he’s the only one left of his kind?” Titus asked rhetorically again before heading back to the First Headquarters.
Lieutenant Beitt transferred the data of the being from Milkomeda to the Higher Courts for inspection and tests before deciding to put him in vault zero. “You might be a mixture of everything else but we are the master of confusion and complexity…” she told the pale sleeping body of the resource “It won’t take long to know why you have a singularity inside of you.”
Persona in #257
The chalk boxes have infinite supply of chalk so I wrote everything I know on each board in this inescapable institution. Most of the time, I just describe the permanent weather “It’s about to rain. I can hear thunder and lightning but nothing came down since forever.” Then what’s around me “The chalk is as endless as everything else while some classrooms have forty five chairs as most have forty. There is an invisible, disturbing person in this school that keeps on deleting my public diary. Everything is rotten and creaky here yet nothing is dusty and destructible.” And lastly a confession “I never flush the toilet because of lols and the invisible person is nice enough to do the job for me.”
I always check each classroom table my eyes lands to; as if I knew something rare is there to find. Because of this activity, I manage to collect some objects and I placed it all in the science lab: a letter sized paper, an inkless pen, a screwdriver, a glowing red marble and a girly handkerchief. One time I used the screw driver to write something on one of the chairs, I scratched “You’re not alone… someone is with you… which you can’t see.” It wasn’t important but it is a good reminder for me to feel less sad throughout the stormy eternity.
Today I folded a paper plane with the only foldable object I’ve got. Actually, I didn’t know where I learned to do it but I didn’t care much as always. I opened a window and flew it away from the cage I was built to die with… it is now free above the expansive dry ground surrounding the building… until it got struck and incinerated by lightning and all hope was lost.