Hewoooo~! I know I'm annoying but uhm, yeah...How are you? I'm bored and I'm writing part 7 of my Taehyung FF while also writing about the most depressing I've done so far.
I feel like I should introduce myself....I am weird but still;
--Wait...I'm listening to Jungkook's 'My Time' and I might be fangorling...Welp, anyways, meet me~!
Hi, I'm ugly as fuck. Nah, I'm playing. I mean I think I'm ugly but so many people have told me I'm not. I think their eyes are decieving them because my guy...I'm ugly!
Anyways, I'm Alex. The title of this thingy is my name in Korean but it's Allegseu because Korean doesn't have an X in it's alphabet...I don't think it has a F or a Z...I need to go somewhere like, I am slow. I go by Alex because I'm gender fluid and I know, I said I am bisexual, but I'm not. Only when it comes to Asians. Some other people make the cut but I'm mostly in love with women. Uhm, but for me, it's if you treat me like the crazy, tiny baby that I am and lub me, then you're good, my friend :]
As you can see, I am caotic...wait, how do you spell this word....? I'm confuison. Brb, I'm going to go look it up.
*looks up how to spell that stupid word while trying to sound it out*
OKAY! It's chaotic ! Well, that was fun. Anyways, I'm literally crazy but, let's be friends. Not best friends but still. I'm married to my best friend. Even if her boyfriend thinks he can still her, she is my best friend and that's final. Oh, I forgot I was introducing myself.
I like to read and write and listen to music. Uhmmmmmm! I am somewhat funny, I guess. People think I'm funny. I think I am just weird as hell. Uhm, I am a nice person so, like, can you be nice? Thanks. Rooaaarr~! That was off topic. Well, anyways. What else? My favourite colours are purple, black, blue, and yellow. Yes, I'm all over the place. Me knows that. Lemme alone. Uhm, I can sing sometimes in Korean.
Uhm, I think I'm done. Lemme just end this with pictures of my future wife and my future husband's.
Hot, hot, hot, hot, hot~! She's BEAUTIFULLLLL! *fangorling*
I don't care if he is a drawing! Seojun~! MARRY MEEEEE! Please?
I WANT TO BE BETTY SO BAD BROOO! I should've been casted in Riverdale, bro. One of the few who will be accepted.
Anyways~! I'm lonely, be my friend :] Talk to me, like, what's upppp? Okay, I'm crazy. Goodbye.
- 💛🥺 A L E X 🥺💛