Chapter 10: Cats and the Cross
Sensations forgotten so long ago struck him so hard that he could not help but push Seras into the grass, as if she were just another delicate leaf that fell from the treetop.
The young woman looked at D in surprise, more hurt by what the man might say than by the man's sudden reaction.
She narrowed her eyes with sorrow and her lips unfolded in agonizing supplication.
“D, I'm... I'm sorry...”
“Forgive me," D interrupted without paying attention to the blonde's words, and was surprised to see for the first time how a human emotion came not only from the lips but was expressed in that mysterious and manly face.
D bowed and offered his hand to make his now pupil rise.
Seras saw this gesture with surprise, hesitated for a couple of seconds, but then hurriedly took the hand of beautiful long, thin fingers, with strength as if she were someone ready to drown and suddenly saw a life span.
“D, I'm... I'm sorry...”
When Seras noticed how strong her grip was and began to worry, D only helped her to get up without saying a word, but her eyes had not left that gesture of surprise so scarce in him.
“Forgive me, Seras, I didn't mean to push you.”
“Don't worry, I didn't want to...” Suddenly the young woman changed the color of her eyes again, it seemed that they didn't decide to be blue or red because they changed at lightning speed. “Yeah, yeah, I did mean to kiss you, D. You think this is a mistake?”
“We're like a teacher and a student right now, we shouldn't do this.”
“So when we get back to the Hellsing mansion, can we do it?”
D took the young woman's round face and stroked it with his right hand. Seras closed her eyes and enjoyed the contact.
“Please D, don't rub my head, I'm not a child.”
Seras' lips were suggestive and D could not help but bow to bring his own closer to the girl's.
“The moon is very beautiful tonight, police girl” it interrupted what could have been a kiss no less than Alucard.
Again Seras felt that inside her chest was a drum with a great profusion. She tried to take a not at all suspicious stance by begging that the crimson-clad vampire might not have realized what she was about to go through.
Like the time I turned you, cop girl, a beautiful moon that announced death. But now there are no newborn vampires and zombies sneaking around at night, it's more like cats running scared from place to place.
“Cats? What do you mean, master?”
Alucard did not respond to Seras, he just smiled maniacally as a reflection illuminated the vampire's tiny lenses.
“The cats are the guardians of the underworld, Seras" replied D instead of Alucard. We vampires are afraid of them.
“The vampires or any undead creature, corporeal or not, fear them," replied D.
“Police girl, you don't know much. The silver bullet or the cross thing is just human invention.”
“I don't know much, because you don't tell me anything! Master..." said Seras, adding the latter in a pained way as she realized her disrespectful way of speaking. She didn't really have much contact with Alucard, so she didn't know where the boundaries to cross were.
“The presence of the cats equals the crosses in the stupid vampire movies, police girl," replied Alucard, who did not seem to be upset with his newborn vampire's reaction. “Even other creatures like werewolves are afraid of them.”
“Police girl, for the cats to be so nervous, it implies that something very powerful supernatural is involved, something so evil, that It don't care about the cats' presence.”
Seras did not know whether or not to believe his master's words, after all he was sometimes so eccentric, but when she turned around and saw D's expression, she had no doubt that the father's words were true.
D frowned in a clear sign not of anger, but of concern and concentration.
“Let's go back to the mansion.” It was Alucard's order.
Seras was upset, the man did not ask if they had finished their training or not, and he ordered them back.
“Are these Lady Integra's orders?”
“Sir Integra has not ordered such a thing police girl.... I see that you are very... disturbed tonight, so you like to see the moon that you want to stay out? Or is it D, who's disturbing my protégée?”
D approached Alucard, who looked at him with a mocking smile.
Seras at first feared to witness a confrontation between father and son, but the dhampir only decided to retreat to the mansion.
“We'll continue your lessons another night, Seras.”
“As long as they are lessons and not "training”," mocked Alucard.
Seras this time opened her eyes like plates as she showed her teeth, sure there would be a fight this time.
D turned his face a couple of millimeters, but again he fixed his gaze on the front. So along with the vampire, the two of them and Seras returned to the Hellsing mansion.
The mansion guard let them in and again watched TV in his cabin.
"And the disappearance of several male and female models continues. Scotland Yard has not yet given any report on the matter."
"Moving on to other news: the disappearance of several domestic cats continues to intrigue the police. Many of them were "indoor cats" so they don't know for sure how they were stolen without violating the entrances of the houses..."
The three members of Hellsing entered the catacombs, and soon there would come a passage through which Alucard would disappear.
“Master, D, I just realized one thing.... you guys don't talk much. One can tell you' re father and son.”
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