Chapter 6: The welcoming smile
Integra Wingates walked with a martial step in the dungeon area of the Hellsing mansion, slammed one of the doors open and her face contracted into a mask of rage as she saw her target.
“Alucard! When your mistress requires your presence, you must come at once!”
“Can't you see I'm having an existential crisis right now? My mistress," said the vampire as he spiked his elbow and drank a quart of blood straight from the bottle, pretending to be an ordinary bottle of wine.
Integra took a few hasty steps and with a heavy blow from her thoroughbred horse riding crop, broke the glass bottle.
Alucard gave the woman a warning look but it only lasted a second, then as if she deserved no attention whatsoever, he just sat down again, leaned to one side and uncorked another bottle full of the vital fluid.
“You think you're having an existential crisis? I have just learned that the Hellsing Organisation, the United Kingdom, the royal family and the entire human civilisation will cease to exist as we know it.”
“But humans will still exist," said the vampire in a bored tone and then drank the blood straight from the bottle.
“Spread out, in towns and cities, attentive and always vigilant to the threat of vampires or worse, much worse things.”
“Surely they will come out well, aren't mankind God's cockroaches? Nothing can destroy them.”
“Perhaps, but with the little technology they will have in the future, from the early 19th century, the human race may have to return to the caves, to the darkness.”
“And aren't you mistress at this moment in the dark? The entire Hellsing organization belongs to the dark. The Vatican wants to exterminate us for remaining in the shadows.”
“You can stay in the shadows if you wish.”
“After Millennium, there are no more challenges for me.”
“For Hellsing, there always will be, our sacred duty is to protect the Protestant faith and the royal family.... I intend to recruit your son Alucard.”
“It is strange to see a son I have not yet begotten.”
“I'm sure in the future you were a lousy father.”
“True, I'm the kind of person who prefers to fuck a woman and then to ignore the consequences.”
“The same way you did with Seras Victoria, you turned her into a vampire, but now you're playing the lousy tutor, you're just reminding her to drink the blood that Hellsing gives her.”
“That's enough for her.”
“Not for me. I'll recruit your bastard, I'll ask D, too, to teach Seras everything he knows about vampires. I know he's a dhampir, but I'm sure he'll do a better job than you to date.”
Integra turned around martially and came out of the dungeon like a gale.
Elsewhere in the dungeons, Seras was showing D her "bedroom" while they set up his own.
“Hey, as you can see, it's not very fancy. I don't think Sir Integra would offer you anything better....”
“I'm used to spending the night in the open field.”
“For me, comfort is unnecessary, I don't require things like a bed.”
“I see... Well, my bed isn't just that, pressing this button can turn it into a huge coffin, it's something necessary to regain my strength. You D... do you need to sleep in a coffin too?”
“Very rarely, after all, am I not a pure vampire.”
“True, your eyes are not red.... they are dark...”
At first glance the dhampir's eyes seemed cold and hard, but it was the hallmark of them for having witnessed so many hellish battles, blood and death. Seen more closely, they showed the strength of the vampire hunter's character, in those orbs there was no hint of evil, rather one could be lost in them.
“Your eyes are blue Seras.”
“I didn't take my blood before I went on the mission, they're supposed to be red like Master Alucard's.”
Seras was ashamed of her weakness and lowered her gaze a little, but D gently grabbed her from her chin and made her look him straight in the eye.
“Those eyes of yours look very pure Seras, but you must drink blood.”
The man's touch and the fact that she was being examined by those manly eyes at such a short distance made the vampire very nervous and she stumbled backwards until her neck hit the edge of her bed-cattaway.
“Auch.... what a fool.”
“Let me," said D, who held her by the hip and made her sit on the bed as he sat beside her.
This time it was D who was paralyzed by the sight of Seras' blue eyes, which reminded him of Doris Lang, the daughter of the werewolf hunter who more than thirty years ago in his time would have saved from Count Magnus Lee.
There was no word, not even a change of position. Both of them remained fixed with their eyes fixed on each other.
The atmosphere seemed to be charged with static electricity or so it seemed to Seras as she noticed how the hair on the back of her neck stood up and the same could be said for D.
Both of them lost track of time and could not say whether only a couple of minutes or an hour had passed, both in the same position, when it seemed that both the vampire and the dhampir were moving a millimetre either to cut the immobility or to dare to do something foolish, someone was knocking on the door of the girl's room-cellar.
“I'm coming!”
Seras got up very quickly and was surprised that his body did not shake, but she also noticed that her limbs did not seem to belong to her as she felt that they moved automatically.
Behind the door a mansion manager informed her that D's "room" was ready.
“All right, I'll tell him.”
“Do you want me to....?”
“No need, I'll show him the place myself, give me the key.”
The manager handed the key to Seras and then went down the underground corridor. Seras saw the key, it was antique in design and had a number engraved on it. She sighed deeply as she closed her eyes to force herself to remove her frustration and calm down a bit.
“Well D, welcome to the Hellsing Organization," said Seras as she turned around as she closed her eyes and offered a big smile.
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