Chapter 5: The Son
D's expression did not change in the least when he saw the Hellsing mansion, but he was surprised to see such a large structure. In their own time, the landowners did not have at their disposal a house that could well be described as a mansion.
“It's this way, D. Follow me. I'm sure Lady Integra is already waiting for us.”
Seras had to take the vampire hunter to Integra's big office, a feeling of pity struck her as she walked up the steps of the mansion, remembering that the old butler of Hellsing's mansion was no longer with them, before he would have gladly offered to serve as a guide to his mistress Integra's office.
“Come in” it was a brief command from Integra as she heard Seras knock on the door asking for permission to enter.
Seras entered first and after giving her a summary of her mission in Scotland, she brought in D.
Integra had met many men of value in her life, from soldiers to mercenaries, to realize that D was not an ordinary man, she raised both eyebrows a millimeter, the only display of emotion she could afford to show.
“D, this is Lady Integra...”
Seras was interrupted by the look of hatred in the woman's eyes. She did not gaze upon her with her eyes, she looked attentively at D, but it was obvious that she was criticizing the noble title she had just given.
“Sir, Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing, leader of the Hellsing organization.”
Integra did not see fit to scold Seras for her mistake in referring to her as Lady, she now had more important things to deal with.
“You say your name is D? That's all?”
D nodded a couple of millimeters without saying anything else about it.
Integra opened her box of Cuban cigars, cut one and then lit it up with parsimony, as she began to smoke while taking her time to say something or order her subordinate to explain something to her.
“You're the silent type, aren't you?” said Integra as she looked at the man with a cold, aggressive smile.
“Seras told me that you would explain where I am," said D in a monotone voice, he wasn't demanding anything, but you could see the authority in his tone of voice.
“Where do you think you are, D?” Integra asked him as she closed her eyes slightly, making her thin face resemble that of a wolf watching a possible prey.
“Seras told me that this place is London, that means I'm in the past.”
“The past?” Integra said, closing her eyes even more.
“Where I come from, London is a city that disappeared more than ten thousand years ago.”
Seras' face was very surprised by the latter, even Integra was surprised by D's words, but calmed down immediately.
“London, the royal family... I suppose it was to be expected, in fact I am surprised that the human race still exists after so long.”
“D, do you know what happened to the human race?” Seras asked, making Integra interested, but she hid it very well.
“Much of the knowledge of what in my time is known as the "ancient world", this world, is unknown. Just a few lines, like the name of this city... and the name Hellsing.”
“Really?” Seras said as she looked at Integra, but she didn't look back at him, but she took another deep puff at her cigar, put it out and got up to go to one of the windows to look at the huge garden of the mansion.
“D, what do you know about the name Hellsing?” That was the question Seras asked instead of her mistress.
“An old surname, its most famous member was Dr. van Hellsing, who defeated Dracula.”
“If the information of our world is lost, how do you know this particular fact?”
“I am a vampire hunter, and the name Hellsing interests me a lot, because my father was Dracula.”
This time Integra put aside all hieratic posture and turned around immediately, her face this time looked as surprised as Seras' and she could no longer control the expression on her face.
“You are the son of Dracula! No way, explain yourself better!”
“Ma'am, you're asking pears from the elm tree. This fool is not a man of many words," said the face in the left palm of D. Integra was confused.
“Mr. Face, could you tell us more?” ask Seras, who leaned a little to the man's left hand, which seemed very strange to Integra.
D calmly took off his black gauntlet and showed the leader of the Hellsing organization to the strange entity who speak up earlier.
Integra was surprised, but she kept a severe face unlike Seras when she first saw D's left palm.
“A pleasure Sir Integra Hellsing," said the strange aged face, but with a sardonic accent when he said Sir, something that was not overlooked by Integra, who frowned again. Seras swallowed spit.
“Can I have the pleasure of knowing who my interlocutor is?” said Integra in a cool tone of voice.
“Oh, I apologize, sometimes I'm very rude, of course you can know that, but it wouldn't really do much good since I don't have a name, D knows me only as a left hand.”
“No name," said Integra.
“Something like me doesn't need one the truth.”
“Yeah, I think you're right. Now, about D being Dracula's son.”
“D is not really a vampire, he's just a dhampir.”
“Dhampir?” said Seras, who looked at D strangely.
“A Romanian term that indicates a hybrid between a vampire and a human," explained Integra without looking at her or worrying about sounding rude.
Seras was dying of shame but could not show her displeasure with her mistress.
In the dungeons of the Hellsing mansion, Alucard, who was listening to the conversation, released his blood cup, which crashed into the dusty floor, breaking the fine glass and spreading the expensive liquid on the floor, which in the end was lost through the joints of the cobblestones.
“Damn it, this can only mean trouble.”
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